Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Tails from the Treat Jar #1

An Empty Treat Jar

Benjamin, Henry & Luna are all treat connoisseurs and since great connoisseurs need to hone their craft by frequent treat tastings, we keep a treat jar on the counter for easy treat access.  The boys and Luna’s treat jar sits right next to the cat’s treat jar and despite what Benjamin might try to tell you, only one of the containers has dog treats in it.  We weren’t sure how the treat jar would go over with Baby Benny at first.  I knew we would have to get something pretty air tight or else Benny would just sit and whine at the counter all day.  Our current treat jar seems to fit the bill because, for the most part, Benny doesn’t whine or scratch at it.  The treat jar is also a place where the pugs can express their inner feelings.  It has a little chalk area on it and Benjamin, Henry and Luna are frequently leaving us notes on it.

The other day the treat jar was undergoing a little bit of Spring Cleaning and I took a lot of the older treats out of the jar.  I hadn’t gotten around to filling back up the jar when I noticed that the pugs were up in arms.  It seems they saw the empty treat jar and assumed the worst.

An empty treat jar

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Your posts always brighten my days!  Thank you for sharing the adventures of the boys and Luna!  Heather, Pug Momma to two boys

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