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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Swim Season Has Begun


Swim season is here and Henry has a new float for this year. It isn't the pug tug, but I think he likes it.

So far, Henry has had one fetch session where Henry fetched his pool tool a whopping 3 times. The rest of the time he opted for floating. I think he is easing into summer this year. Building his endurance up again.

Luna, begrudgingly, did a little swimming as well. She is the best swimmer of the group, yet she really doesn't like to be in the water.

Benny successfully hid from us and managed to avoid any pool time.

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Woot!  Woot!!  Pool time!!
What an awesome new floaty for Henry. 
You go Miss Luna, keep at it!!!
heehee Baby Benny managed to avoid pool time, such a sweetie!!
Looking forward to more pics and updates!  Enjoy!!

Sue VDB and Annie


Henry your hew float is gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as you.  You look perfectly content in it as well.

As for Luna and Benny, let’s hope they will eventually acclimate as the weather gets warmer to at least cool off in the pool.

Minnie and Mack


Henry, you look like you are in heaven!  How about a video sometime?
Maybe Benny will come out of hiding one day, he he he. 

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



oh how nice and i love your floaty to you look great.

mary castagnoli


HENRY:  You look like:  “I Am the Captain of My Ship”.  But sounds like your swabbie-mates have opted for extended shore-leave!



All of the photos make my day. Henry is the captain of his ship! He’s looking for his mates, Benny and Luna. All Aboard.



Mary I couldn’t have said it better I love this picture had to save it Henry looks like he is really enjoying himself

Huckle how is Georgie doing?



I love, love, love this picture. Henry, you are ready for summa’ time! Have a good time in your pool buddy! Sweet Looney needs to learn that exercise is good for her. And Baby Benny~what a sweetie.

I’m with Minnie and Mack~we need a video of the gang! Swim Camp 2012 anyone? smile

Pug hugs to all from Bella & me



Henry is ready to practice for the 2012 Pug-lymics!  He might have to be a swim team of one though. Considering how his siblings feel about it!



I love it when they go swimming!  They’re so darn cute!

It may not be fun for them, but it is for us when we get to hear about it!  It sure is good for the pugs, tho.



Hi everyone~ Huckle is having technical difficulties again so she asked me to post this for her!

“Mary, I think you nailed it!  What an absolutely adorable picture.  Did he just float in that?  Aw Looney, just jump in without a second thought.  And as for you, Benny ~ where in the devil are you?

Corrine, have you heard any thing about how Monroe is coming along.  I reread her story again last night and just marveled over it.

Thanks for asking sue.  Georgie is okay sort of.  He still has to plan ahead when he wants to sit down.  He’ll see the spot he wants (something where he can be backed up and no sliding).  He aims, sits and the rest of him follows.  It’s a process with him and that isn’t even this latest medical snafu.  Last pill of this series and then we’ll see how well he does or be or whether he needs put on another pill.

I’ve found an acupuncturist, this in lower Mich. and will call him after the pills are gone.  I called every veterinarian in Toledo.  Some were awfully nice and they checked to find as well with no luck.  Eventually one vet did suggest a name and it was the right one!”

mary castagnoli


I wonder if some “aqua-therapy” would help Georgie any - or a jetted tub.  Poor guy!  Hope something is found to make him feel better soon.

sue states


Oh Henry-you look so happy in your float. I wonder why Luna & Benny haven’t realized how much fun your having. Love your comment Mary-LOL, and hope Georgie gets better soon. Pug hugs from the Colorado 3



Mary, you are right on with the aqua-therapy. The vet even said it would be the best thing for Georgie.  If I had a hot tub, that would be perfect.  I’ve thought of filling the bathtub but not sure that would be deep enough.  Wonder if Medicare would pay for hot tub therapy? wink

Thanks sue states for your wishes.



A different day and I can post again.  Go figure.

mary castagnoli


HUCKLE:  I don’t know how they work - but you can get those bath jets that perch alongside the tub - as opposed to installing a new,jetted tub.  Otherwise, I’ve tried warm baths with Epson Salts for Bella to ease some occasional kinks for her, but she hasn’t been hurting like Master Geo.
Hope you’re able to find some relief for him.



How could they say no to such a wonderful pool set-up?

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