Owned by Pugs

Monday, June 3, 2013

Swim Season


Things are hot enough here in FL that we have been jumping in the pool to cool down the last few weeks. We got new rafts this season as our old rafts had about as much sun and pug fun as they could handle. The pugs designated Henry to be the official raft tester and I think he is giving a thumbs up for this one. He looks as if he is about to fall asleep, so I would say this one is pretty comfy.

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I like the raft and it looks like Henry does also



Tis the season to be oh so jealous of the OBP household!  We want to take some dips in the pool!!!

Hank looks splendid on this raft…I’d love to float with him!

Kisses to you handsome boy!



What a way to start a Monday.  I had to laugh out loud and since only the pugs were home, U=I shared the picture with them.  A smile was all I could get out of Abby but the other two gave belly laughs.  Does this mean we will get treated to another Swim Camp this summer?

Just finished Gma’s (Sheryl Pascal Gormley) book, “Almost Scared to Death,” and it is well worth a read.  She’s great on the descriptions as she moves through the story.

Another thing…Gina has started a blog on Facebook, Get Your Shoes Off Your Face, and it promises to be a hoot.  Doesn’t the title just suck you in?  You “young-in’s” will probably have some great snippets to add.  Sorry Gina, I had to tell them!

And finally, the vet called Sat. a.m. about Cooper’s biopsy. It is negative!!!  He can’t account for the swelling, which is still there, but thinks possibly it is a reaction to some injury (cause unknown) he had on his leg.  Sounds strange but there seems to be no explanation otherwise.  Thank you so much for your good thoughts for him.  It really helped.



Henry, you look simply divine on that raft. Red is your color! I would love to float with you. Move over! smile

Huckle~you are sneaky. If anyone is interested, it’s things I never thought I would say once I become Mom… like ‘get your shoes off your face!’ hence the name. smile

Also, so glad to hear Cooper is cancer free! Hooray!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Weather here is not even close to jumping in a pool. As of 10:20 a.m. CDT, it is 61F.  It was cool yesterday as well.  But Henry, did you lay down and take a nap on the water?  The weatherman says the month of June will be like April weather.  So, the really good news is we won’t burn up this summer.

Huckle, so glad to hear about Cooper2, as I know you are.

Annie Fannie takes her last antibiotic this evening.  She finished her prescription diet last night.  All that’s left is the remaining probiotic.



Huckle…THANKS for your comment about my book..I ‘m glad you enjoyed it!
I am Grammy, though, not G’ma….there’s a difference ...(
(I did the painting of Sol a couple of years ago)



Huckle, yay for Cooper!!  Give him a celebratory smooch from me.

Sue, sounds like Annie is doing well too, super!

Grammy, you sure are Multi-talented! I can still picture Solsey’s pretty face in your painting.

Gina, I’m not on Facebook, but I know you’ll be spreading the laughs!


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