Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sweet Spot
These knucklebones must be pretty yummy for Henry to give up part of his bed so that the bone may rest comfortably. This particular bone is one of the rejects. Meaning, on the night the knucklebones were given out, this was not the one bone chosen by the pugs that they all wanted to chew. So, it will sit, untouched for days until someone starts chewing on it and makes it interesting enough for all the pugs. In the meantime, Henry is being a hospitable host. Yesterday, when I walked by the bone was in the center of the pillow and Henry was sleeping between the wall and the pillow! Which of course made me shake my head because Henry will give up his bed for a bone, but won’t budge for me when I need him to scoot over a bit so I can get my whole body on the bed at night. The boy obviously doesn’t know where his pumpkin bread is buttered.
What a funny scenario about the rejected bone (for the time being). I can just picture Henry between the wall and the pillow so the bone has a place of honor.
Oh, Henry knows quite well where his pumpkin bread is buttered. He simply knows his mom is a soft touch and doesn’t worry about such things. Pugs are smart little buggers and they know they are cute, adorable and can get away with lots of things.