Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sweet 16?


As you may remember, Luna was at the vet for surgery to remove some cancer spots on her arm and ear. Well, the ear flap had growths both on the inside and outside. Once the growths were removed, Luna was left with quite a sizable scab. As the scab began to fall off, we noticed that we could begin to see light through her ear. We became suspicious that when the whole scab fell off that she would have a "pierced" ear.

Well, one morning, Luna woke up and did her morning stretch which included a head shake and wouldn’t you know, that ear scab flew across the room! We’re all lucky everyone else was on the other side of the room from the crusty projectile because if struck by that thing it could have put an eye out!

When the dust settled, we noticed that indeed, Luna had a pierced ear. It is only about the size of shoelace hole. It’s not huge but definitely noticeable (especially when you can see daylight coming right through it). Luna is no worse for the wear. She is probably more used to having scars than we are, actually. I guess that is why we are taking it a little harder than she is. We have tried to keep her as "perfect" as she could be which would include not contributing to the many scars all over her body.

The "perfect" though is that she is cancer free. And the reality is that it doesn’t take away any of her spunk, feistiness, beauty, spirit or sweet nature. She is perfect just the way she is. As we just prefer to tell our friends & family, we are simply liberal minded parents and opted to allow her to get her ear pierced before turning sweet 16! Some people allow their baby girls to get their ears pierced at a younger age these days, right? We are amongst the "in crowd". She won’t be wearing any dangling earrings though. She is still too young for that.grin


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Looney Baby, I just want to smooch you all over.  You are one resilient girl and I admire your grace.  You are beautiful inside and out.  I do think you should talk to mom about a nice diamond stud though wink

Corrine, I can imagine how hard it is to see and that it will take a while to get used to, but you are right to focus on the perfectness of Luna being cancer free and frolicking with her brothers in health and happiness.  The OBP home is the best thing that ever happened to the Miss.

Love you Luna!!!!



You could start gauging!!!! You know that weird thing kids do these days to make the earring hole bigger and bigger!!! Then she, and you, would be right with the “IN” crowd!!!! lol Love you luna no matter what!!!



I was thinking the same thing Heather.. a diamond stud… is after all a girls’ best friend!!
Miss Luna this little “piercing” shows you are a rebel diva lol
Is that a mischeivous smile I see??
pug hugs and kisses



Love it Pat…I do think that is a sly grin…Rebel Diva she is…Fierce!



You ARE perfect Luna, just the way you are.  You have a beautiful spirt and that makes you beautiful inside and out.  And with that beautiful spirit, your pierced ear just adds to your character.

Corrine, while I can see that is bothersome, Luna girl is still lovely as ever.



Luna, you are absolutley a doll!  You are unique and beautiful.  Your little sweet puggy spirit puts a smile on a lot of faces.



Looney I agree, you need a diamond stud! smile But you are perfect dear b/c you are cancer free! In the picture showing your pierced ear, I would love to smooch you over and over! smile What a sweetheart. Smooch your brothers and Cupid for me. smile

Pug Hugs to all from Gina & Pip



That is just too funny! She’s pretty proud, too!



Oh my goodness. What a COOL pug you are, Luna! All of your friends are going to be so jealous. smile



Awwwwwwwwwww, Mama’s totally needs an earring in that hole.

Glad that she is doing well after that scary time.

Karen B.


Luna IS perfect, no matter what…We all love her to pieces and admire her strength and grace!



I was thinking several things while I was reading this post about Luna.  First, I am always awestruck by the resiliancy she has shown.  I aspire to be like Luna, and take what life throws at me!
And second, as always, Corrine is the best pug-mama in the world!



Luna you may have a hole in your ear but you are perfect inside and out it does look like she is smiling maybe she is thinking of the diamond stud



Awwwwwwwww!!!!!!! so cute already 16 hard to belive!!
she looks like a sweet pug.Just a reminder puapoolza is coming on april 9



Luna and her pierced ear!  Quite the hip and happening pug!  And, on that same note, those are not “scars” but “tats” on her body!  See, piercings and tats, Luna is one wild chick!

We love you Miss Luna.



Hmmmm…Sleighbelle may be on to something…I think Luna may need a leather vest to accompany her edgy persona!!!  Classy, not trashy though!!!



mmm. I have been thinking…lol   it needs to be a double sided diamond stud, that way no matter which way her ear is flipped..up or down, one would always see that little bit of bling!!
Too precious for words…pug love and all!!

mr harry pug uk


Whew!! I’m just glad no one ate the scab including you C you might have been eating cornflakes and not known!

pug mama


just your battle scar luna baby, what’s one more, right?  Quite nice, and I think mom should buy you a diamond stud, you have earned it sweet girl smile



How about a nice diamond stud?  Corrine, you crack me up with your descriptions.

Here’s an awe factor…Abby was in a loving mood this am. She isn’t always.  She takes her responsibilities (keeping Cooper and the other Swamp Pugs in line (ex. chasing Cooper out of the living room) seriously and can’t let down her guard.  This a.m. she got up on my lap as usual, then leaned her head snuggled against my chest, her gaze focused up and on me with pure love.  It doesn’t get any better than this.  I did catch her surreptitiously looking down to Georgie and Gracie to make sure they saw the extra loving the “bestest baby in the whole wide world” was getting.

On yesterday’s comments, I explained my worrying all you.  It’s been a rough time because I have lost two very good friends (one just a few weeks ago) so dying has been utmost in my mind. Sorry.

Karen B.


Huckle, maybe Abby sensed that you just needed an extra “hug”...so sorry to hear about your losses…try not to dwell on the sadness and focus on the good things in life, there are sooo many, like puggies and sweet but resistant boxers that try our patience…

Here’s an extra hug from me, C.J. and Toeby and a smile too, cuz everyone can use one of those…



Hugs to you Huckle. So sorry for your loss.


Marlene's Mom


Scars or no scars, she’s still beautiful!

Julie L.


Luna IS perfect, and she has great parents!  Congrats, too, on the new job, Corinne.  Sorry it will be pug-free, tho.  It reminds me a little of sending kids to kindergarten for the first time.  Only this time the mom is leaving (not your first time/job either, I’m sure) and the pug kids stay home.  It’s an adjustment, but you’ll still have lots of great family time together!  smile



oh luna you are my little sweetie girl and their all correct you are just perfect we send a very big warm hug to you as you are so loved here.

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