Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Surgery Tomorrow

Luna in her dress

Tomorrow, Luna goes in for surgery on her eye.  Needless to say, everyone here is a bit anxious.  We have been keeping busy so that has been a good distraction, but as we get closer and closer to the actual day we are growing more and more anxious.

Much of our anxiety comes from not really knowing what is the cause of the growth on Luna’s eye.  It could be something as simple as a bad fungal infection or it could be something as serious as cancer.  The doctors may be able to save Luna’s eye but depending on how bad the growth is she may have to have her eye removed.  There are so many lingering questions and unfortunately we won’t have the answers for another week or so.  Not knowing is the part that drives us crazy.

The other thing that is a little troublesome to us is that other dogs keep smelling Luna’s eye.  When we took her to the ophthalmologist there was a Black Lab in the waiting room and he immediately went to her eye and kept smelling it.  I found this odd because when dogs meet the first thing they smell isn’t the eye.  They usually concentrate on the other end! Benjamin and Henry are constantly smelling Luna’s eye and two other pugs in the neighborhood have shown an unusual interest in Luna’s eye.  This concerns me because I recently heard that studies show that dogs can smell cancer.  Now I know this is all a stretch, but this is what the non-stop worrying has driven us too.

We’ll just be glad when tomorrow is over and little Luna is back home safe and recovering.  I think Luna will be happy to get things over as well.  Since her visit to the ophthalmologist last Tuesday, Luna has been on extra drops to help prepare her eye for surgery.  The little girl now gets 13 drops of 5 different medicines in her right eye now!  It is crazy!  We had to make a chart to keep it all straight.  But luckily, after the surgery, she will go back to her normal drop schedule and the number of drops she will get per day will decrease significantly.

We’ll keep you updated.


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Luna and you guys will be in our thoughts and prayers tomarrow!  I heard about dogs smelling cancer too, but I have to tell you I noticed when one of my girls has an ear infection thing going on the other two smell the ears constantly…and of course don’t forget how much Pugs smell each others BUTTS!!!!!  Luna is a trooper!  She teaches all of us the wonderful spirit of a dog.  I know she appreciates EVERYTHING you do for her!



Get well soon Luna - we’ll be thinking of you!



Bo and I will be thinking of you and Luna tomorrow! Hope all is well.

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