Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Surgery Cancelled

First, thank you everyone for all the well wishes.

So, where do I even start. Well, when I dropped Sol off for her surgery this morning, I had a sneaking suspicion that it would not be happening today. Sol, had a little cough last Thursday when we took her to the vet. At that point, I didn't really think much of it because she has been prone to coughing / hacking since she we got her.

I mentioned it to the vet and he wasn't overly alarmed. He said it could be acid reflux and gave me instructions on how to proceed.

Well, over the weekend, Sol's cough kept getting worse and worse. So bad that I started to have doubts that she would be ready for surgery today. I even recorded one of her coughing fits to show the vet, just incase she wasn't coughing when I dropped her off this morning.

But, the video proved unnecessary because Sol was coughing at the vet's office this morning. When I dropped her, the vet was not in the office yet, so we proceeded as normal knowing that she would get fully checked out before surgery.

Finally around noon, I talked to the vet and he told me he wanted to hold off on surgery for now and treat Sol's cough.

Why is Sol coughing? Well at this point we aren't sure. There could be a whole slew of reasons why and they run the gamut from easily treatable to very serious.

So we are starting with the easiest, least invasive treatment. Sol was prescribed some meds to help reduce inflammation that is hopefully causing her cough. She has another surgery appointment for next Wednesday. At that time, if her cough is gone, she will have her mammory tumors removed. If the cough still has not gone away, she will be sedated so they can do a scope of her throat & trachea area to see if there are any abnormalities.

Thank you all for going on this roller coaster ride with us. Your support means the world to us. And don't worry, we have bottled up all your well wishes and are saving them for next Wednesday.

Update: Also, I forgot to mention it, but Sol is back home and snoring away at my feet. The first thing she wanted to do when she got home was eat. The second was sleep grin

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Poor little Sol.  I get tears in my eyes everytime I think of all she has been through. YOu all will remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Puggy kisses Sol.



Here’s to a “cough” free tomarrow and safe surgery next week!



Gosh, I am so sorry.  I know that you had geared yourself up for Sol to have the surgery and that is a let down.  Little Miss Sol, take your medicine like a good girl and get rid of that summer cough and then be ready for next Wednesday.



i’ll be thinking about sol and praying that everything works out.



Oh I’m tearing up too…but so happy to hear Sol is home, had a nice lil’ meal, and is snoozing all cozy by momma.  Corrine, we are most definitely riding the roller coaster with you.  I think I can speak for us all when I say that we love Sol (and the rest of the OBP gang) as if she was (they were) our own.  I can’t tell you how much I wish we were neighbors so we could have one big pug pile of lovin’ in person to get you all through these times.

The prayers are still coming and the thoughts are constant.  Miss Sol, rest that lil’ throat of yours.  I am praying the meds clear it up so there is no need for anything more invasive and that next Wednesday we will be celebrating your surgery success.

All of our love and kisses, Heather, Baxter and Riley



Oh such agony and what a roller coaster ride.  My prayers are ever more intense for you and sweet, sweet Sol.  I pray to the Lord and St. Francis that her cough is cleared up with the meds and that next Wednesday is a good day.  Hugs.



I am so sorry please give sol a hug from me,as i love sol she is so precious.We will be holding you both in our thoughts and prayers,we love you sol.



Well, I’m so sorry that you all have to cope with another worry and a delay!  I hope the cough goes away fast.  And we’ll keep on with our prayers and good wishes for next Wednesday!



Heather, you said it perfectly smile

Oh Miss Sol, I hope your cough clears up quickly and is just that, a little cough. We’ll be again sending our prayers and good thoughts! 

Lots of love to Precious Sol and the whole OBP family.



Our prayers are still with you and I will be thinking about Sol (and the rest of the family) for the next week.. praying and hoping for her cough to stop and for the surgery to go well!!
KEep her smiling!!
Bethany, Bentley and Sofie



All my best!! Love your doggies as much as I do mine. Your “boys” are so much like mine it’s not even funny.
Sol will be with you always, remember that.
I have tears in my eyes as I write this, as I know my day will come with my boys, Beau and Ramses…
Much Luck to Solsies!!!!!

Sharon & Penny


My heart goes out to you.  Do hope that the cough clears and the agony of waiting will soon be over.  We are thinking of you so much and sending all our love and licks.  Keep your chin up!



Will keep you (the whole gang) in our prayers & thoughts, as we all ride this coaster together.  I mentioned to Mr. Skittles to keep Sol in his thoughts since she is a sick lil pugger.
sniff, snort, snarf…  Mr.Skittles
hugs & kisses Pat

sue s


Sweet Sol, it seems the older we get the more issues we have! As an older lady, I can so relate. We here in COlorado will keep you and your loving family in our prayers! Peace & Blessings from the COlorado 3-Beauty, Daisey & me



I have been thinking of sol a lot and praying for her I hope she gets rid of her couch and her surgery goes well this has to be hard on you as I know she is your baby I will keep you in my thoughts

Patty B.


Let’s pray that the cough is just that…a cough and Sol will be well and ready for anything that comes her way next week.  We’re still wishing, hoping, dreaming and praying for you, little Sol.  We love you with all our hearts and paws.

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