Owned by Pugs

Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer Evening

Henry and Luna

Henry and Luna enjoying a nice summer evening under the tentacles of Mimo.

It's been a little too hot to take the pugs out for walks, but we have made it out to the yard every evening and it is absolutely my favorite part of the day. Gorgeous weather and 3 little pugs moseying about with little bursts of play. That's my idea of a good time.

How is summer shaping up in your neck of the woods? Or for our friends a little further away, how's winter going?

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Sue VDB and Annie


I love the contented looks on those adorable faces, especially Henry who seems to be taking in everything. 

There are no such looks here in Kansas City.  Last night the weatherman said we have had 19 days of temps 100 plus.  Nebraska beat us by one.  Grass is all brown and crunchy.  My back yard looks like fall with all the tree leaves on the ground.

Wishing everyone a contented weekend.



aw they are just the sweetest.It’s been chilly here although yesterday it got warm now it’s chilly again,especially with these breezes.Give the babes a hug for me.



I L.O.V.E these pugs smile
Have a great weekend!

mary castagnoli


What a peaceful, pleasant summer evening scene.  I can almost feel a light breeze blowing across Henry’s nose.

No such happy, summer enjoyment in Iowa, either, I’m afraid.  Every nite the local news drones on about our record-breaking heat and near-drought conditions.  Our grass is so stiff and brown that Bella poked her foot on a blade that then became infected and required lancing and antibiotics!!!

I have to bribe her with a (small) treat every day/night to go outside to potty. I find myself sitting on the front steps at around 3 a.m. many a’ morning under the porch light - waiting for her to do her business - and even when I run home at noon to try and coax her outside - she cleaves to her kennel,  balks at the leash and stonewalls the whole maneuver - just doesn’t want the heat & HUMIDITY (as, even with the lack of rain, it’s just not IOWA without STEAM heat!!)  GAAAA!!!  If I could afford to move somewhere more temperate, I would.  As it is - B and I are hoping for an early Fall and looking forward to Winter’s chill.  Sad, isn’t it?!

So it’s with much pleasure (and a certain amount of envy) that I look at the pictures of H,B & L soaking up the sun while taking dips in the pool, or enjoying an evening outside without the need to pant to the point of strangulation!!!

Have a good weekend, everyone.  Sorry if I sounded bitter - I’m not - but this continuous heat can be worrisome and exhausting - especially for those poor souls w/out air conditioning and who have to work outside in it.  I’m not one of them - but still I worry.



Henry and Luna look so content enjoying the evening I also live in Florida but work nights so my gang don’t get to enjoy the evenings except on the weekend and it is so hot during the day I will only let them out for a few minutes to do there thing
Sue VDB so glad to hear Annie is feeling better
Mary hope Bellas paw heals quick
Hope every one has a great weekend



It looks like Henry and Luna are sizing up the bench for new cushions!
Here in South Carolia we are having a hot summer. The lawn sprinklers come on at 5am, but because it has been so hot I turn on the sprinklers again in the evening. Ruby Claire and Poppy Lorraine think they have their own waterpark in the yard. If I wouldn’t look foolish I would be running under the sprinklers too.
Have a good weekend everyone.



Looks like Henry has caught the scent of something. And I love how they sit like that. So casual!

I’m with Sue VDB and Mary! It is so hot outside it’s unbearable! We haven’t had rain in over a month. Grass is like dried up hay. Mary I hope Bella’s paw is better. I’ve been watering our backyard so it’s ok but there are patches that aren’t in the shade and they are hard and stiff.

No end in sight either. Temps will hit 99 degrees today. Really, there isn’t a difference between 103 and 99! It’s still hot.

Julie, where do you live if you don’t mind me asking? The thought of being chilly is a welcome one.

Thank goodness for a/c though. Phew. My Bella is silly. She goes out and lays down in the sun and then starts panting as she is laying there. Silly pug.

Have a great weekend everyone. Sue VDB, let us know how sweet Annie is doing. smile

Stay cool or warm! Pug hugs to all from Bella & me.



This is such a sweet picture!  I believe Luna is thinking about how fabulous she looked in that leopard dress Huckle gave her.  And Henry is smelling something so intriguing in the air…maybe a neighbor is grilling something.

Here in north Texas it is H.O.T.  Our high yesterday was 107, and last night at 11:00 it was still 94.  Bennie somehow still hopes for walks, and he looks at me so disappointed when I shake my head no.

Mary, that’s awful that Bella hurt her foot like that!  I hope it’s much improved!

And Sue VDB, continued love and kisses for Princess Annie Fannie Monkey Doodles!



They look so content and I agree that Hank’s caught the scent of something intriguing!  Here in RI we’re having a pleasant summer and the boys have lucked out with lots of extra time with momma. We had to move and lost our yard :(, but the required potty walks seem to be helping keep them spry.

Mary so sorry about Bella’s paw, poor lil girl. Prayers for quick healing! 

Happy weekend to all!

Sue VDB and Annie


Talk about spoiled.  For a little pug who lived outside 24/7 in Texas, and who got into who-knows-what, she is now truly a princess.  For the last two weeks, every morning when I put fresh water in the dog bowl, Annie rushes to it and drinks like she hasn’t had water forever (the water bowl is never empty).  I have begun to pay very close attention and have discovered that with two other dogs and a cat drinking water, Annie has become very picky and will only drink very fresh water, which means throughout the day I have a bowl just for her and put fresh water in it and let her drink, then pour out whatever is left and give her fresh throughout the day.

Geez Annie Fannie Monkey Doodle, how many more lessons do you have to teach me?

Sue VDB and Annie


Mary, I just read your post about little Bella.  I am so sorry and hope she heals quickly.

I never thought of that and I will start paying more attention.

mary castagnoli


Sue VDB:  Maybe little Miss Annie would enjoy sitting in the sink and lapping water directly from the tap like my old tom-cat used to!  (a pug named NOODLE has a blog and “he” had some videos of his cat-mate, SUNSHINE who was sitting on a counter and pulling treats out of a treat cup with her paw and eating them.  Cats are much more industrious, on the whole, than are our sweet little pug-babies, I think.

Et al:  Bella’s foot is totally recovered - but the changing of those sticky wrap bandages was a real trip w/her.  The stuff didn’t pull the fur or antything - she’s just become a terror about having anyone do a THING with regards to her feet.  She absolutely screeched when I attempted to cut through some of the tape.  I finally put her in the bathtub since I was going to soak her foot anyway - and the water loosened everything so I was able to pull the little bandage-sock off her foot. (She had her toenails trimmed while she was under anesthesia for her foot “surgery” this time and the vet managed to get them trimmed really short this time - so hopefully we can make it 6 weeks this time instead of 4.)  I truly don’t know how anyone manages to take of more than 1 pug at a time.  But then I was an “only child” also - so maybe that’s just how Bella and I are supposed to roll.

mary castagnoli


Oh!  I forgot to mention that during her period of being “laid up” with her back leg injury (toenail caught in carpet when jumping onto ottoman) and then her foot - I started bringing her water in bed (on top of a towel) so she wouldn’t jump down by herself.  Well, so now when she’s thirsty, she looks over the edge of the bed or chair or whatever she happens to be up on and barks - just one short little bark.  That’s her way of telling me she needs a drink.  I continue to indulge her as, at first, I found it cute - but now it’s either bring it to her or have her barking soft barks in my ear in bed when I’m trying to sleep.  Ergo:  it don’t take long for thems smushed-face, puddle-wugs to figure out that Life can be their total cup o’tea with just the right head-tilt or curly-tail wag.  And I admit:  I AM besotted with those puggers!!



Oh Mary! I love your stories. When I do something like that with my Bella, you know ‘serve’ her in anyway, my husband always says, “You know, dogs don’t come strange.” As if to say it’s my fault she is such a princess! Guess I can’t argue with that one! smile



I’m so loving all the pampered pugger stories today. Life ain’t worth living without our babies that is for sure!  They are the source of all my joy and I love knowing all the special idiosyncrasies of our OBP family!!



Hello all!!  It’s been awhile since I have been able to comment, but will do so when I can!
I have been a home, Mr. Skittles loves it.  We have had warm days too, not a warm as some of you are experiencing… hot horrendous heat for some of you.  It was nice to read all about your pug babies.
Prayers for Bella, hope she is feeling better.
Happy Weekend to all…  enjoy xo

mary castagnoli


GINA/HEATHER:  I have to say, it’s probably a good thing my son no longer lives at home.  (at 34, I would hope not - but he lives in Utah - so I don’t get to see him as often as I’d like . . . he’s an only child, just like Bella and me . . . But he’s loved telling what to do and how to go about things since he turned 11.  He calls Bella “Meatball” as she is rather pudgy - but she’s not insulted in the least - she thinks he’s a funny dude anytime he’s around.
I look at pets the way I do babies, I guess.  They are so reliant on us for food, affection and . . . ENTERTAINMENT.  She keeps my life full - I just want to return the favor.



This is a marvelous picture.  I think Luna is telling Henry to cool it.

Sue VDB, so Annie is back to normal?  Great news.

Mary, I can hear the “screech” from here.  Funny.  I’ve been doing the water in bed also as Georgie is not to climb even the doggy stairs.  If I forget to give him water, he stares at me and sorta whimpers.

Pat, good to hear from you.  I picture Nova Scotia as being way more cooler, guess not.  NW Ohio is in the 90s today, however, we did have 2-3 days over 100.  Nothing like the midlands or Texas.

In spite of all this heat, mine also go outside and lay in the sun.  Then I have to scoot them in.  Didn’t they read the pug manual about overheating?



It is very cold here all the way in Canberra,Australia! -4 degrees at night. And now with the carbon tax we cant even keep the heaters on at night *sigh* thats when I wish i had a couple of puggies to snuggle up to smile

sue states


The gang looks so relaxed. The heat here in Colorado has been bad and little or no rain. Our Governor has asked to have Colorado declared a drought emergency state as the crops dry up. The grass is still green but there’s plenty of brown,too. Talk of “dust bowl days” is not uncommon. Let’s all pray for rain and less heat. Have a great week-end! Pug hugs from Pastor Sue & the Colorado



I wish I was allowed more than one Pug. Best dogs ever!

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