Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Suicide Drive
(* Read Warning below)
We took a trip to the dog park this weekend. Since the weather was very cool (perfect pug weather) we decided to venture out to somewhere where we do not go that often. We had a nice time (and that will be a follow up post) but the drive on the way to there was a hot mess.
The dogs barked the whole way there! Whenever they get like that in the car it is extremely hard for me to retain my focus on the true mission of driving. My ears were bleeding from the decibel level and my blood pressure must have been through the roof because there was a point where I could have pulled a Thelma & Louise if I lived near a cliff! It was really unbearable.
I can understand when they get excited and they feel the need to let out a gleeful yip here and there but just incessant barking the whole ride there? Really? This time it was like the boys were just arguing between themselves in the back seat. It's like Henry told Ben that they were going to the dog park and Ben said it wasn't true that they were going on an errand instead. So they just bickered about who was right. It was the dog rendition of Grumpy Old Men. (Ok, so I guess it is time that I see a current movie, huh?)
* Anyway, when you watch this video short, if you dare, be sure that you are prepared for at least one of the following to happen:
- Your boss will supply you with a written counseling since you are not completing your work (and are disrupting your co-workers)
- Your own dogs will bark relentlessly
- You will lose you hearing
- You will go insane
OBP cannot take responsibility for any of this, as you were sufficiently warned.
pug mama
And poor little Luna in between them both, she’s like “OH Puhleeze Shut the heck up brothers, you’re hurting my princess ears!!!!”
This video got Lily’s attention, she hasn’t paid much attention to the TV or videos on the laptop so far, but hearing pugs in distress sure got her worried-LOL!!!!