Owned by Pugs

Monday, January 21, 2013


Luna, Benjamin and Henry

It was a super busy weekend, but the pugs managed to get out on a few adventures. Since the weather was pug friendly we walked the trails at a local park. On the trail we came across a bunch of tree stumps. The pugs were happy to pose with the massive stumps, but even more happy to claim them as their own.

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

On a side note, this is going to be a crazy week at case de OBP. I will do my best to make sure the Daily Pug pictures get sent out but there might not be a blog post every day this week. If you don't see anything new from us don't worry. We will be back to normal next week.

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Nothing like scoping our the area, amarking the territory!!!
Have a good week.. Busy at Casa de OBP….  Hope all is well!



Great pics again. Love how they all pose together. They know the routine!

Hope all is well at Casa de OBP!

Pug Hugs to ya’ll from Bella & me.

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Soooo many stump roots, so little pee!

Corinne, thanks for letting us know so we won’t be worried about you and the gang. Hope you have a great week!

Mary M.


What great pics of the gang!!  Benny, you are the macho man, aren’t you??  So funny!



Is that one tree stump or 15?  If 15, Benny’s going to run a little dry by the time he gets to the 15th!

Hellen Norton


WOW!!!! What a great adventure….something really new to the pug gang….a tree they can get in!



Love adventures o’OBP!!

Thanks for letting us know, Corrine, because you know we’d be fretting!!!

The boys are sending me on the way to my new adventure tomorrow…after completion of the Masters while working in corp America…tomorrow I officially become a first grade teacher!

Kinda think on the couch with snoring and snorting puggas is safer!!!

Mary M.


Heather, congratulations, that’s great news!!



Heather, congratulations! How exciting! My oldest is in first grade and I volunteer in her classroom and those kids crack me up! You are gonna have so much fun!!! I wish you the best!



looks like they had fun on the trails
congrats Heather

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


I bet Luna always wonders what the big fuss is all about that the boys always have to hike to pee and pee.

Heather, all your hard work and sacrfices have paid off.  Congratulations, and please let us know how you and your first graders are doing.  Kindergarten and first grade on fabulous ages.

Steve Lindhurst


Heather, Congratulations and the very best of luck to you.



Wow!  Benjamin and Henry sure have a big job to take care of that big stump!

Corrine, thanks for letting us know!

Heather, big contratulations are in order!  I hope you have a wonderful first day with your new students!

Perfect shot! Thanks for your post!

Wham bam thank you, ma’am, my questions are answered!

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