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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Stuck in the Middle

Benjamin, Luna and Henry

Henry to the left of me, Benny to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Having brothers is fun isn't it? I don't think Luna minds too much, though. She runs a tight ship and does a good job keeping them in line.

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They are so cute!
Puggy Love, Muffles + Lala

Minnie and Mack


Brotherly love…sometimes it gets to Minnie and she lashes out!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario



AAWW   looks like they want to give her smooches of love!!



they are just so sweet.

Jenna Moulton


I love that she is so small and feisty!  She looks like an old lady, but acts like a puppy!  Your smooshy kids are so fantastic!

Amy *Mushu's mom*


I just knew this post was about Luna.  too sweet



Luna might be singing the Beatles song, ” Stuck in the Middle With You.”
What a great picture.



I’m with Mushu’s Mom ~ I just knew this was about Luna too! So cute to see the boys lovin’ her! Looks like her face is being squished. Smooches on all your lovely wrinkles.

Pug hugs to all from Bella & me.



Hey Henry I think I smell bacon on Luna did mom give her some while we weren’t looking
very cute picture of all three with sweet Luna in the middle
Huckle how is Georgie this mourning is the meds kicking in?



Soooo cute!



Luna is certainly in control isn’t she…the damsel in distress.  Smmmoooooooooch, smmmooooooooch.  Luna was probably doing the tear thing just so she could get into a picture.

Sue, Georgie is not the most willing of patients.  He rejects his pills no matter what I try to hid them in and happily lets one of his sisters has them.  At this rate, those two girls (opps three - forgot Taco Breath) will NEVER have a leg problem no matter how long they live.  Last night Georgie had a little more life to him and started playing with a stuffed teddy bear on his own.  Thanks for your concern.

mary castagnoli


HUCKLE:  I use the chicken-flavored pill pockets for Bella’s allergy and bladder infection pills.  Then I tip her head up, open her little mouth and stick the pill to the back of her throat and hold her mouth shut with one hand while stroking her throat with the other and telling her “how much I love her” and “don’t chew, just swallow” and “you’ll get a chewie treat after”.  THIS I can manage . . . . toenails are another matter altogether.  Good luck with Master G!

La Luna definitely looks like she’s holding court with her goofy brothers in attendance.  Sort of like:  Chairpug of the Board!

Sue VDB and Annie


Adoration by her two loyal subjects…Queen of the house.



Thanks Mary.  problem is, I can’t get a hold of his head long enuf to get a pill in.  I’ve tried giving it on the flappy part of his mouth on the side, and boy can he clamp tight.  A crow bar is needed.  Even with two of us holding him.  What to do, what to do?  Suggestions?




Sue VDB and Annie


Huckle, how big are the pills, and how many?  Does Georgie not take pill pockets on his own when offered to him? 

One trick I taught a friend who was at wits end because she could not get her baby to take her heart meds, is to crush the pill, fill a syringe almost full of beef or chicken broth, or whatever Georgie might like, put the crushed pill in the syringe and squirt it in his mouth.

Hellen Norton


Luna…the leader of the PACK! Great things come in little packages! Way to cute.

She really looks cute as the center of the pack!

We are having a new roof put on the garage. The onlu problem is all the dogs, (including Dakato) Dakato insist on going outside ALOT. To get to the fenced area she goes through the kitchen down the steps into the garage AND out into the fenced area! She loses to go for walks and the way people always stop and talk to her. (Did I say Pug? I meant HAM).



Huckle~ have you tried cheese? I like Sue VDB’s idea of the crushed pill in beef or chicken broth. I put Bella’s pills in cheese and she eats them. Luckily, she hasn’t had to be on any ‘official’ meds but every once in awhile, I will give her a benedryl. Good Luck honey!

sue states


I immediately thought of the Paul McCartney song “Stuck in the middle with you”-how sweet your gang is-sure wish Proto’s brothers were nice to him-poor little guy ets picked on ROUGHLY and my daughter is trying to find him a forever home-suggested looking for a pug rescue group in her area. Keep little proto puggers in pray please. Pug hugs from the Colorado 3

Sue VDB and Annie


I hope little Proto is able to find a good home SOON.  I will pray to St. Francis.

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