Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Strong Like Bull


Last week's post about Luna's dry eye, sparked some comments about how everyone's pugs handle eye drops. I can totally relate to everyone who struggles to give their pug drops. Until Benjamin needed eye drops I never really appreciated how cooperative Luna is when it comes to eye drops.

When it is time to give Luna an eye drop she doesn't budge. You can walk right up to her and plop the drop right in her eye. You are done in less than 5 seconds.

Benny, on the other hand, is exhausting. When he first started needing eye drops, he thought he could avoid them by running away. However, he always just seemed to walk to a corner of a room and face the wall. So, he wasn't really hard to catch. Where Benny excels at thwarting eye drops is in the strength of his eye lids. When you try to give him drops, he will close his eyes. And he doesn't just close his eyes, he holds them closed with all his might - which is a lot surprisingly. Prying open his eyelids are no easy task and once you get them open you have to be fast with the drops because you only have a small window to sneak in the drop.

Lucky for us, he has gotten a bit better with taking his eye meds, but he is still no where near as good as Luna. What a difference a pug makes!

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Picturing Benny running and then just facing a wall made me laugh out loud. Oh Baby Benny. It’s as if he knows he can’t win. But sounds like he is going to make it as difficult as possible anyway. Handsome boy.

Pug hugs to ya’ll from Bella & me.

Christie Sachde


I feel your pain…my Vito has to have drops in his eyes twice a day because of his pigmentary keratitis…I lure him over with a treat…get my knees down on the floor…snatch him up and put him between my legs and hold him there. His little pug butt is between my legs at this point and I can hold him in place this way! I then hold his one eye open and pop the drops in and then do the other. It seems like it’s harder for Vito to close his eye if I come at him from this angle!!!



I was nervous when I had to start putting eye drops in Cuddles eyes so I worked with him so now he will sit and let me do it cause he knows he gets a cookie when he is done of course it dosen’t always go smooth many times he shakes his head while I am trying to get the drops in

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Benny, you are too funny…closing your eyes really tight.  I am glad you are getting better though, because that will help Mama. 

Thankfully, this is not a frequent event, but mine jerk their heads about, so much so it is very difficult to hold them, even after I tried to papoose them.



Hilarious!  I feel your pain, Corrine, twice a day, two eyedrops each time.  And here I was always so envious of Luna’s cooperation.  Oops!



We adopted a new pug a few weeks ago. “M” (her name came from Bond movies) is 4 1/2 and was a breeder’s dog who had to get out of the business. She is much smaller than Bugsy and strong for her size. We discovered she has dry eye and struggles with all her might to avoid the drops!!



It’s lucky Benny’s “strategy” of getting away from you by running into a corner actually helps you ; )  Sweet little guy!  I wonder what Luna thinks when she watches him.  She probably is just shaking her head…

crazy pug lady


Ha!  Martha, I’ll bet Luna is like, “Dang, Benny!  Man up!”  LOL



I never had to do eye drops for Sleighbelle, but when she had to take a pill, holy cow!  Those jaws clampped shut like no one’s business and I could not pry them open!!  Nuts!  But I love pugs even with all their “issues and ‘tudes!”



Our Puggers…too smart for their own good.

Benny, even if you’re a little stinker, we all still love you. Handsome boy!

Hellen Norton


I have never had to use eye drops on my pugs….does seem to be a hard job!!!

At least you can get them in!



What we do for eye drops (and sometimes nose fold cleaning) is wait until my pugs are asleep, about to fall asleep, or just waking up. You gotta act fast though, otherwise the smell of the medications will alert them.

Steve Lindhurst


This works with me, so it should/could work with a puggy too.  I hate eye drops, so on the occasion that I have to give myself eye drops, I plop the drop in the inside corner of my closed eye and then simply open it and the med runs into my eye.  In the case of the unruly pug or other breed you might have to hold ‘em on their back ‘till they open their eye.  Seems like it ought to work.



If they only knew we weren’t going to hurt them…
silly puggers indeed!!!!

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