Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, August 4, 2010



The weather is so lovely that when I go from the nice conditioned air in the house outside to take pictures my camera lens fogs up. As far as I'm concerned, October can't get her soon enough.

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Poor babies hope you get cooler temps soon we are thinking of you.



I think this is a pretty cool pic!!  Stay cool Henry…a dip in the pool, perhaps??



I am with you.  I have to get Toby out before 6:30am for his walk.  Lately, it has been so hot here in Winter Haven, that I have to make him go out his doggy door to the back yard. It has been too hot for our puggys.



Hang in there Puggies… hope cooler temps are on their way!!
It is a cool pic!



OBP, I totally agree!  We are in the midst of some “lovely” 100+ temps here in North Texas…who knew Texas would be hot?? HA!  Anyway, I feel your fog, when I get out of my car, my glasses fog up!!
Yes, Come On October!!!!



Sleighbelle, I’ve had the same experience with my glasses in Kansas City.  I definitely hate winter more than summer, but oh my, these dangerous temps are no fun.

Puggies hang in there sweethearts

mary castagnoli


Nothing’s more refreshing than looking out your windows that are smeared with condensation running down the glass as a result of the hot, humid night air meeting the indoor AC.  I KNOW that’s what makes Iowa corn grow so big and tall - but c’mon!!!  Who wants to LIVE here (Iowa) in the summer?  We don’t even have a beach.  I’m actually looking forward to winter’s chill - but minus major footage of snow, please.  That’s no fun for pugs & people either.



Love the picture. But I hate the heat and humidity too! Fall is my favorite time of year…Pip’s too! Too hot for walks!

Mary C.-I’m in Nebraska and I’m sure thats what makes the corn and soy beans grow so tall here too! smile

Stay cool everyone!

Patty B


Do you think our pugs blame us for the hot weather and not being able to stay outside for any length of time?  Sometimes I think Rocky, Adrian and Gulliver are thinking, “Mom, what did you do????  Make it go away!”



Very cool picture of a very hot pug!

And as for me, just “ditto” to what Sleighbelle said!  I’m in North Texas too!



when I am at work they keep the air so cold so when I go outside my glasses fog up I have had enough of this heat also summer is my favorite time of year but these temps are to much I am also looking foward to cooler temps love the pic

pug mama


Stay cool, Florida puggies.  What would you do without a/c???

My Abby is definitely on the mend now:-)!!!!  Getting her on the antibiotic to treat her pneumonia seems to have been the thing she needs.  So glad I kept pushing the vets to not just say it was just all her collapsing trachea stuff, her cough is sounding more “normal” if there is such a thing, no more of the scary coughing.  Yeah!!!!!!!  Prolly also helps that we are staying nice and cool at mom’s house in her central a/c.  Virtual Party:  ABBY IS GETTING BETTER!!!!!!!!



Pug Mama, great news…yay for Abby. It pays to be persistent.  I know you are feeling a lot better too.  Thank you St. Francis.



Pug momma so happy to hear Abby is on the mend yahoo give her a big hug from me

Darci and Abbey the Pug


That’s what happens to me here in Nebraska too!  It sure makes it hard to catch those snapshot moments when the lens is clouded over! 

Mary C. and Gina - small world!  I’m from NE, too!  Funny how we all follow the same blog about the wonderful FL pug life!  I know I’m living vicariously.  I love NE, but I’d really love to live by the ocean somewhere! 

OBP - You made me laugh outloud with the title of your posting today!  wink

mary castagnoli


GINA/DARCY & ABBY and all related puggers:  Good to hear the Great Midwest represented.  I always get a big chuckle from reading about the antics of Corrine & her small herd of mouth-breathers.  When I first pulled up today’s blog (STEAMY), however - I was expecting to see steam rising up from their pool.  I bought my Bella a kiddy pool for the backyard - but she doesn’t enjoy it unless I’m in it also and the grass just kicks off her allergies anyway.

Also - wanted to post “out here” that I’m about to try cranberry pills for Bella to see if it decreases the number of UTI’s she gets.  My vet said to give it a try - but hasn’t used it himself.  Anyone have any experience with doggy bladder infections and cranberry pills?



Pug Mama - YAY YAY YAY Abby!!!!  YOU ROCK for being persistent and listening to your Mama Instinct!!!!  Lucky Abby to have such a great mama…I am celebrating over here and will keep her in my prayers for complete recovery very soon!  This is great news!  Please give her a big smooch from me!



Pug Mama,
  What great news about Abbey.  All our prayers have been answered. Please give her a big hug and kiss from Toby.



Same thing happens to my glasses and yet, I somehow thought it funny when G-ma’s glasses fogged up when she’d reach in the oven to get dinner out.  Funny?  Not so much any more.

Pug mama - if my replaced knees would let me, I would leap for joy with your news.  That is awesome…how good you must feel.  We OBPers, I think it safe to say, couldn’t be happier.  Good for following your gut.  Abby surely has a special mom!

sue s -  Any puppy updates?  By now they should be about ready to start college!  You could do what has been done by the Flat Puglet “human” and send the puppies out to us all for a week at a time, before we ship them on, to promote a greener individual “footprint” that each of us has the ability to raise awareness and act upon our individual responsibilities we for a greener, cleaner earth home.  Actually, The Daily Puglet (from which the Flat Puglet was born is an awfully cute blog and has this amazing video of a Pug (Puglet) carrying out his campaign to be a greener member of society through his cleanup actions and awareness.  Frankly, I would never have believed a Pug could be so well taught so the first several times I’ve seen it, I was literally watching it open-mouthed.  Now I have Abby watching it once a day. (Green Pug Recycles, Green Pug Turns Blue…by The Daily Puglet)

Pug Hugs,
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs

Darci and Abbey the Pug


Mary C. - Abbey has had numerous UTIs, but we’ve never tried cranberry pills.  We have switched to Rx food by Royal Canin.  It is the Urinary SO type.  She hasn’t had ANY UTIs since we began the food about a year and a half ago and quit giving her treats.  The dr. said there could be bacteria in her treats that were causing the issue.  Abbey still gets treats (milk bones, chewy bones, a small piece of steak, fruit) every once in a while, but not like before, not daily.  We put some food in her old treat jar, so she still gets those “treats” and she’s so much better off for it!  This is the website of the food.  We do have to get it from the vet, though.  Maybe ask your vet about the food, just to see what he/she thinks. 




Pug Mama, I’m so happy about Abby!  Thanks for sharing your good news about her!

pug mama


Abby and pug mama represent the great Midwest as well, in lovely, ‘ol, (sticky and hot) Wisconsin. 

Thank you for all your lovely comments, pug peeps!!!  We’ll keep celebrating, hoping this heat wave breaks pretty soon, though….

mary castagnoli


DARCI & ABBEY (sorry for prior misspell - I HATE when I do that!)  Thnx for the info on Royal Canin Diet.  I printed off some info to take to my vet.  Bella has currently been on a Science Diet for helping to prevent UTI’s and stones - but it’s known to add weight which she REALLY doesn’t need.  I am also taking to heart what you said about bacteria in treat foods and will be cutting back and cutting out her current “goodies” more religiously.  Thnx again for the good advice.  I am also adding the AZO cranberry pill to her morning fare.  Have done some reading and seems like a positive thing as long as it doesn’t interfere w/other meds that may be taken.  If you’re interested - I’ll report back in a few months.  Summer seems to be the worst for her - again, probably because of bacteria growth.  I make special trips home from work for her potty breaks and BRING her water bowl to her if I don’t think she’s drinking enough on her own.  I’m beginning to think I’m better suited to being a cat parent.  My Tomas’y-cat was such an easy fellow to co-habitate with!  I DO love my little black Bella, however.  It’s good to have this community of Pug-Lovers to read about and share with, though.  Hope all your Dog Days of Summer are Pug-filled.



Mary, sounds like you got some very good information for your Bella.  Best wishes to you and Bella.

I know about the high calorie Science Diet prescription foods.  My cat, Frankie, whom my son calls Francine because of his surgery to cure his urethra infections, is on a prescription diet, and he is way too fat even though I am very careful about the amount he gets each day.

sue s


Hi All, Been away for a few days so just catcing up. huckle I just love “the Daily Puglet”! Will search for it! What a title!! As for the little darlings-they are mobile now and full of fun and mischief. Brother Proto is a sweet little guy, calm and mellow. Solsey the little sister-well she is the miscief maker! She will scrap with who ever-but still cute as a button. We just learned we have a 3 dog limit here in town, so either Solsey or Proto may become designated as a kitty. The crew will be back with us from New Mexico the week of August 15th. I will work on sending pictures to share-REALLY I PROMISE!!! Glad to hear Abbey is on the mend! YEAH!!! Wish you could all be here in the Colorado mountains where we now live-warm days, cool nights! Hope you all get to cool-off real soon! Pug-hugs to all, the Colorado 5

Karen B


pug mama-FABULOUS!  So glad to hear your baby is on the mend!  Prayers work and there are miracles out there to be had, for sure!

My sunglasses will fog if I put them on top of my head…Then I have to clean them off so I can see!

C.J. has crystals in his bladder and urine.  They’ve put him on the Science Diet C/D and so far no weight gain!  Will watch closely though, thanks for the tip!

POOR TOEBY!!!!  Fell in the pool yesterday, don’t know how!  Hubby had let them out to potty and maybe he chased a bird?  Anyway, hubby came back to let them back in and saw Toeby in a panic, clawing at the side of the pool and went out and grabbed him.  I don’t know how long he was in the pool, definitely swallowed water, now seems to be catching a cold!  Eyes extra goopy, breathing funny through his nose, kinda whistles…Anyway, tragedy averted, thank God!



Karen, sorry to hear about Toeby.  What does your vet say?

Karen B


Sue VDB, I haven’t taken him in.  I’m going to try to avoid it if possible.  He had a good nite breathing wise and I have malacetic wipes to use on his wrinkles so they don’t get yucky.  I will continue to watch him and if there is even a chance he’s ill, I’ll get him in to see the Dr.



Karen B. sorry to hear about Toby falling in the pool hope he is ok please let us know how he is doing poor baby give him a hug for me

Karen B


Thanks, sue!  I felt terrible when I heard about it!  I wasn’t home when it happened and my husband didn’t tell me about it til much later!  I wasn’t there to comfort him, so I feel bad.  He seems to be doing fine.  No wonder he didn’t want to swim with me last nite!;-)

Darci and Abbey the Pug


Mary C. - I’d love to hear an update on how Bella progresses.  Since Abbey is so tiny and crazy at home, she is kenneled during the day while we’re at work, so I have put a bottle of water on her kennel.  This food is supposed to make the dog more thirsty so they go potty more, so it cleans out their system.  Funny how Bella’s issues seem to be in the summer.  Abbey is outside all summer long (I have to force her to come in to cool off!). Abbey’s problems are usually in the winter because she doesn’t like going outside in the cold.  I was really shocked, after how cold and snowy this past winter was, that Abbey didn’t have any issues.  Good luck and keep me posted!
Side note: I know you posted you live in Iowa, but have you thought about coming to Pug-O-Ween in Omaha?  It’s put on by the Omaha Pug Club.  Google us for info if you’d like to go.  I volunteered last year and Abbey and I had a blast!  You can just come hang out and see all the crazy pugs and owners!  Just a thought!



Darci-do you go to many of the Omaha pug group events? I know you said you volunteered at pug-o-ween last year~we were there with Pip! So much fun! I was just wondering b/c wouldn’t that be funny if we have both gone and maybe even visited with each other and not even have known that we both love OBP!!!!

Mary C.-If you are close to Omaha and haven’t checked out the pug group or pug-o-ween you should. It’s great fun! Lots of nice people and great pugs too! smile

Pug Hugs to everyone from Gina & Pip!

Darci and Abbey the Pug


Gina - Yup, we go to lots of the meetups.  Mostly just to the ones at Dogtopia, though.  The dog park ones are so far from where we live and unless it’s cool out, it doesn’t make sense to drive that far and not stay very long.  Depending on the time you showed up at Pug-o-ween, we were greeters and Abbey was dressed as a pumpkin (and she probably barked at you! smile ).  Like I said before, it really is a small world!!  Here’s the website for the meetups.  You need to register/create an account to view the calendar of meetups, if you haven’t already.  It’d be great to see you there!

Mary C. -  One last comment and then I’ll let it rest.  The vet also told us Abbey should be drinking purfied water.  I freaked because I thought that meant buying bottled water.  I don’t even drink bottled water because of the impact on the enviroment.  But the vet said water out of a britta pitcher/filter was fine, too.  That was easy enough because we already had one of those.  So, maybe no more tap water either.  Just another option.  Keep us posted!

mary castagnoli


DARCI:  I don’t have a Britta - but will check into it.  Thanks, again, for your interest and good information.  I’m beginning to think that raising a pug is more involved than raising my son.  At least there’s no college tuition or wedding expenses - although Bella would make a lovely bride!



Darcy~ What a small world! Holy cow! We go to the Dogtopia meet ups too! The dog park is actually very close to our house so we’ve gone there a couple times but Pip usually starts panting immediately, wanders for a minute and then sits at my feet. Then when I don’t head for the gate, he does. It’s sad. smile

Dogtopia is very far from our house but I really like going. (I’ve actually only gone twice.) The last time I went, I brought my husband and my two little girls. They played on the slide thing for most of it (and probably annoyed people. hee hee) 

I don’t remember a pumpkin barking at us at pug o ween but thats ok. smile Pip is a black pug and he was the only black ‘karate pug’ there. So much fun! smile

I see the next events are the adoption events on the 15th and 29th. We can’t make the 15th but maybe the 29th.

Again, what a small world. smile



One more day Corrine.

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