Owned by Pugs

Friday, July 21, 2006

Standing Guard

Benjamin waiting for his turkey to be cooked

Each week when I cook the turkey for the gang’s food, Benjamin parks himself on the mat by the stove.  He stays there the entire time I am cooking and while he relaxes a bit he is always alert and ready to pounce on any morsel I may drop.

While I love Benjamin and enjoy doing things with him, I wish he didn’t try to help as I cooked turkey.  Cooking about 11 packages a ground turkey is a tedious process and I could sure use the extra foot room while I am working.  But that is where the little man likes to lay, so I just work around him.

Luna and Henry aren’t as interested in the cooking process.  They prefer to lounge in the living room while I cook.

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Nice kitchen girlfriend! 

Very clean.  Do you clean up for the photo’s?  I always do, silly huh?

When I had the dogs, all of them, all 3, parked themselves in the kitchen.  My kitchen then was small, smaller than yours I think, and I was always stepping on someone.  They apparently felt a little discomfort was worth it.

Corrine - OBP


We are sorta neat freaks here so we try to keep everything picked up nice.  If anything the kitchen is a mess when we cook turkey.  We’re weird!

But yeah, sometimes I do move some things around before I take a pic.



Benjamin, dude you’re a smart pug.  That is where I be laying too.  Just try not to get stomped!



I do love your kitchen.  Our like to stay in the kitchen when I cook.  I put little bathmat in there by the door and they lay on that while I cook.  I call Chichi my little chef because she is always on alert while I’m cooking.



I Love It, Every Sunday I Cook Wonton’s Food For The Week (Turkey,Chicken,Sausage,Etc)My Friends Make Fun Of Me. Good To Hear Other People Love Puggies As Much As I Do….

Corrine - OBP


It is always nice to meet another person that cooks for their dogs.  Everyone always thinks I am nuts too.



Yeah, You are Kinda Nuts, cleanin’ up for pics, cookin’ dog food! Benjamin, you’re a good watchdog!

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