Owned by Pugs

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Somewhere Fun Walk

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

A walk at the City Center falls under the "Somewhere Fun Walk" category in our data tracking experiment. I love going to the City Center and the pugs really enjoy it as well. There is a nice path that meanders around a lake that is a half mile long. When we go, we usually try to get a mile in with the pugs, which would be just two simple laps around the lake, but Henry refuses to walk around the lake twice. He will actually sit down and refuse to take another step. Not because he is too tired and can't walk, but because he has a rule that he will not walk at the same place twice on one walk. Been there smelled that, is his motto. So to extend the walk we have take a couple side routes. And Henry loves the side routes, because there is nothing he loves more than getting off the beaten path and exploring.

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Henry, you are your own pug aren’t you?  Well, when there are other adventures waiting, why repeat a path already taken?  Go Henry, go.



That is just toooooooo funny!!! Love it!



Henry, I like your style; why waste time on what you already saw when there are other adventures awaiting in new areas!  I just adore the different idiosyncracies of all the babies.  It looks like a wonderful spot to take a stroll with the gang.  I’m sooooooo ready for winter to be over!



Corrine - your missive today was so funny and you certainly capture the individual personalities of your group.  This is what keeps everybody coming back for more.  You’ve got quite a talent!

Also, I’ve got the picture of Georgie taken.  I just have to figure out how to get it from camera to computer. It’s not very good, and doesn’t show his bow tie like I was hoping, but I said I would send it, so I will.  I put the black tie on Cooper and he looks quite gentlemanly.  Georgie just looks ready to bolt.



how lovely you look great pic guys and the scenery is nice.



Grass!! What is that??  It has been so long since I have seen it!!  lol It is buried under mountains of white stuff!!  Seems like it will be awhile before I see it again lol
Henry is too funny… will only walk around the area once! Always looking for a new adventure I would say!!
Be safe everyone   pug hugs to all!



I love “been there, smelled that” as a pug motto!  Ellie and I are currently marching around several times a day in an oval of dead grass that I shovelled.  She is definitely in the “been there, smelled that” mood.



What a beautiful area to walk the pugs I am with Henry why walk the same path when theres new places to sniff
my first pug I had which was 20 years ago was the same way I didn’t have a yard so had to walk her and she would get tired of the same places so had to always find new places for her walks she would sit down and refuse to walk thanks for the sweet reminder of my precious Gwen Corrine



This sweet posting made me remember that my german shepard, Blue, had the exact same rule : )
As for Bennie, if I’m willing to keep walking, Bennie will go wherever I pick!

pug mama


Henry, that is too funny!!!!!  Made me smile for sure =)

Karen B.


Henry knows what he wants!  This was a great post and what a beautiful spot to have to go for a walk!  “Been there, smelled that” = Hilarious Henry!

Hellen Norton


I am with Henry….I like to visit new places when I can.  The girls run out the front door, to a big yard filled with grass….  When it is icy pads in the house work great!!!

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