Owned by Pugs

Monday, December 14, 2009

Solsey Baby


Sol has recovered wonderfully from her two cancer surgeries, but the one thing that has plagued her since day one is her cough. It seems we go through a lot of ups and downs where her cough isn't really that bad, to times when it is extremely chronic. Lately, has been an extremely chronic time.

We have been to see the vet a few times trying to do our best to manage what is going on. The verdict is that Sol has a partially collapsed trachea. There is nothing we can really do to fix it at this point either. She could have surgery, but the surgery has plenty of possible complications and at her age she is not an ideal candidate.

So we have been doing our best to manage it using a broncho-dialator. We started her out on an extremley low dose and had only mild success. So we increased her dose and have seen some improvements. The one side effect of the broncho-dialator is that is can cause "jitterness". In Sol's case, when using the new dose, it caused her to stare into space. A lot of times, she is panting while she is day dreaming. Frequently, she is laying on her half of my pillow panting in my hear and staring at the back of my head for hours on end during the night. Which, needless to say, does not make for a very restful night sleep for either one of us.

We gave the new meds a fair chance to see how well they would work before we determined that their effect on Sol's cough did not outweigh the staring side effects. We headed back to the vet to figure out what do do next and decided that we would spread her medicine out during the day. Instead of giving her the medicine two times a day, we changed it to four and cut the dose in half. At the end of the day, she still got the same amount of medicine, but it was just spread out during the day. It is times like these that I am really glad that I work from home so that I can be here to giver Sol her meds during all hours of the day.

Spreading the meds out over the course of the day helped with the staring problem and had about the same effect on Sol's cough as before. However, Sol was still coughing an awful lot so we returned to the vet. This time, we tried a mild steroid to see if this had any effect. Well, we got all the side effects of the steroid without any improvement in Sol's cough. Sol became one insatiable little puggy and would wake up at all hours of the night and whine for food. As soon as we could, we weened her off the steroid. Again, we found ourselves back to square one and back at the vet's office.

Last Friday, we had another chest x-ray done just to make sure Sol's airways looked OK. The vet noticed a tiny bit of congestion, so we will be trying out a diuretic for the next week. That will be fun because it will make Sol have to go potty frequently. Again, another instance where working from home is priceless.

In addition to the the diuretic, Sol is back on a cough suppressant. The cough suppressant worked very well for her back in September when her surgery needed to be cancelled due to her cough. I am hoping it works as well this time around too.

All in all, Sol seems to be taking it very well. She went to the dog park again this weekend and had a great time. It is very odd, but she doesn't cough at the dog park. No one can really explain why because she normally coughs more when she is excited.

Hopefully, the diuretic will clear up the congestion and we can get to a point where her cough isn't too bad again.

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I hope the new meds and the new way of treatment will help her poor babe as we love sol so much here she is so precious and i enjoy starting my day with her.Get well sweet sol as you are in our hearts and thoughts.



God Bless Sol. She is such a sweetie!



Aw sweet Solsey…I’m sorry you’ve been through so much with that pesky cough Love…Hopefully your new med will do the trick!  Always in my thoughts and prayers Sweet Sol.  Love that pic, of course I love all Sol pics!

Riley is in as of 7 AM this morning…will be sitting on pins and needles waiting for “the call”...Thank you for all of the love, support, and prayers!!!



You are truly blessed to work from home. I had to make a heart wrenching decision this morning to go to work this morning when my baby is so sick. No employers seem to sympathetic when animal health issues come up. Her vet appointment is tomorrow but she really should not be left alone. Please send good thoughts Sukey’s and my way…

sue s


Corrine, You are such a great Puggie-Mom-and SOL is so blessed to have found you! And We are blessed to have this great website and hear all the joy and concerns expressed each day. Heather, please let us know how Riley is doing and Corrine we’ll keep Solsey in our prayers so you can get some sleep! Been there,done that-pug-hugs from the Colorado 3



She is such a sweet and fun loving pug.
Best wishes!



Oh, Solsey!  I hope that the medicine helps your cough and that the congestion clears up!!!  I wonder why she doesn’t cough at the dog park?

And Sol’s picture is definately a cute one!!



Solsey baby has been through so much, but in finding her new parents has found the love and care she so deserves.  She is in my prayers.  Corrine, you are truly one fantastic pug parent with all that you do for Solsey, Luna and the two guys. 

Heather prayers are still going up for your baby Riley as well as for you.  We are anxiously awaiting the results with lots of positive thoughts.

I was in pug heaven Saturday.  I voluntered to show pugs for Midwest Pug Rescue.  There was a very petite pug named Gabbey who I fell in love with.  She will be going from Kansas City to Minnesota for her new home.  She was very, very skinny after being found wondering the streets.  She reminded me so much of my petite BoPeep, although Gabbey is a fawn.  I also thought of Luna and imagined her to be that petite.



Prayers to Sukey Amanda…hopefully she just rests while you are at work…hope she improves quickly!



Oh mama’s, I am glad that you are holding steady!  She is such a trooper, and always in my thoughts.

Luv ya Solsey!



Amanda, you and Sukey have been added to my prayer list.  Please let us know how the vet appointment goes.  We care.  Hugs to you and Sukey.



definately no fun when our babies are sick!



sol is so precious love the picture hope her couch gets better amanda I will say a prayer for sukey along with riley I hate when our babies are not feeling well



The first thing that popped into my head when you said that she wasn’t coughing at the dog park was the air. Maybe there is something in the air in your home that is causing the cough? Do you use artificial scents anywhere? Candles, laundry detergents, carpet deodorizers, etc. I could be wrong but it may be worth investigating. I was also thinking maybe it’s the cat fur?

Best of luck to you. Your baby is beautiful and a collapsed trachea isn’t the end of the world. I work with dogs and I know of one, Raven, who has had a collapsed trachea for 3 years now. She pants heavily and drools a bit but other than that, she is fine and happy and doesn’t seem to notice that there is anything wrong. The noise the collapsed trachea makes bothers the humans more than her!

Karen B


Heather, we will be on pins and needles waiting to hear!  Good “vibes”, thoughts and prayers cxoming your way!  Be strong!

Amanda, take care and sometimes we have to make those tough decisions.  Hopefully, Sukey will be better when you get home.  Prayers coming your way also!

OBP, C.J. had an episode when he was young and sucked his “saccules” into his airways and had to have bronchoscopy to remove them.  I know what a chronic cough sounds like, and it’s no fun!  Take care and hopefully the meds will work!



Well, not so good…Riley has total destruction of his right ear canal.  They have taken cultures and are trying to get enough of a sample through the ear canal for a biopsy.  If they can’t get enough that way, it is a “major medical prcedure” to go in from the bottom and take a sample for the biopsy.  It is still unclear whether all of this is from infection or a malignancy.

Please keep praying…

I’m waiting for the next call…



How adorable!!!



Heater, be strong.  You know that prayers keep going up.  We are here for you.  Hugs, Sue VDB



Oh Heather, I am so sorry that the news was not good.  Riley and you will continue to be in our prayers.

And Amanda, we are sending prayers up for you and your little Sukey as well.

sue s


Heather and Amanda-Pugprayers and hugs are going your way from the Colorado 3! Hoping the next news will be good news! It hurts when our precious fur babies are ill-I dread the thought and the day when my sweeties Daisey and Beauty may become ill or have to leave for the rainbow bridge! Tears and prayers from the COlorado 3

Karen B


No, no, no, Heather!  That’s not what we wanted to hear!  My heart is breaking for you!  That does NOT sound good…However, we will keep the prayer chain alive and going up to the Big Man!  I do believe in miracles!

Hopefully, at least, there is a treatment that will help his sufering!  There just has to be!  Love and pug hugs, we are all pulling for you, Riley!!!



Sweet, precious Sol!  Another great picture smile  I hope the new meds and
treatment plan works quickly.

Heather, I hope they can get Riley’s culture without the major medical procedure!  We’re still sending our prayers.

Amanda, we’ve got you in Sukey in our prayers too.  Good luck tomorrow.

It’s so hard when our pug babies aren’t feeling well.



I have to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and concern. I feel that you all had a hand in helping Sukey get better. This morning I got up to get ready for the vet and Sukey leaps out of bed as well! Her tummy is better and she’s walking around on her own! Such an awesome sense of relief… Thank you!!!!!!



Yay Sukey.  What does the vet think is her problem?  Amanda, I know you are feeling a great sense of relief.



Just a general bacterial infection in the digestive tract diagnosis. She got a shot of antibiotics and is also taking them orally. She’s almost 100% now. I wish I wouldn’t get so upset when one of the animals get sick! I worry so… My sister went to the house that day I had to go to work and sat with her until I got home - that really meant a lot to me. smile

Karen B


Sukey, you go girl!  Soooo happy to hear you’re on the mend!!



Amanda, don’t beat yourself up because you were upset over Sukey being ill.  I think all of us in OBPland feel the same way about our own babies.  She had an illness that needed immediate attention, and because you are a concerned pug parent, you made sure she got the treatment she needed.  Hugs to Sukey.  So glad she is feeling better.

Toni Bracken


My JoJo is on diaretics for her hacking couch also, her cough is from nasal drips from her rotten teeth (I rescued her a year ago,and she is too old to be put under plus her lungs are not in good shape)so her teeth are rotten and she takes hydrocodene for pain and cough and we just started the diaretics 3 weeks ago and they seem to be working well.  Down fall - lots of water and lots of peeing.  She has to wear a diaper (always has-incontinence problem)so we go thru the pads left and right.  But as long as she is comfortable without coughing I will go thru the pads.
Hope Sol will do better also.  I just love reading about her.  What a sweetheart



Toni, thank you for rescuing a senior pug with medical needs.  These babies need all the love they can get and it sounds like JoJo is getting just that.

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