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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sleeping In


I'm not sure who enjoys sleeping in on Saturday mornings more, me or Luna. On second thought, I don't think there is anyone that enjoys sleeping in more than me.

Unfortunately, though, there was no time for catching extra shut eye this weekend. We were busy, busy, busy the entire weekend

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aw sweet luna i’d curl up with you and snuggle.Hugs and kisses to you.



“What do you mean, “It’s time to get up”?  Just five more minutes mom, Please!!
Aaww Luna, sweetie, your weekend plans did not include getting up early on saturday and being busy, busy, busy. But I bet you had a awesome day, once you got going!!



Snug is the Pug, Luna. She is just as content as can be.



You do what you have to do Mom, I’m sleeping in.  See ya when you make the bed, then you can wheel me around.



sweet sweet Luna I don’t blame you for wanting to sleep in only wish my gang would mine think I should be up between 5 and 6 every mourning and I work second shift and don’t go to bed till 3 or so

sue states


Such a sweet sleepy face-just want to smooch it. Pug hugs from the Colorado 4

Lilo n Me


Move on over Looney, you got room for a couple more?

We are big sleepers in over here.  One would be hard pressed to figure out who prefers sleeping in more, myself or Lilo.  Nothing she loves more than a good snuggle and snooze.  Just a little bit more reprieve from the wild and crazy Tux.  I believe he has lost all his little baby teethers as “the bite” is back on.  I refilled the water bottle last night.  He’s actually pretty good dodging the spray.  I wish i had a video camera.  I use it to get him to stop any unacceptable behaviour.  Well last night he was ducking and then peeking out around things.  My brother and I were cracking up at him.  He is totally a PUG, if ever I saw one. That’s right, Petite Urban Guerilla!

Love from Lilo n Me n Tux

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