Owned by Pugs

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sit Luna, Sit

I wish I had a camera trained on the Benjamin, Henry & Luna at all times, because they do a lot of things that crack me up that I would love to have a video of so I could share with everyone.

The other day, I was sitting on the floor with the pugs with a bag of kibble doing some treat training. The pugs are old hats at this and know that I follow the same pattern. The order the pugs sit down determines where they are in the treat line. I go left to right and on this day, Benny was on the left, Luna was in the middle and Henry was on the right.

I'd give Benny a command and he would do it and get a treat. Then it would be Luna's turn. Once she did what I asked she would get a treat and I would move on to Henry.

The boys have to work for their treats a lot more than Luna. I rotate through sit, down, give me 5 and leave it with them. Luna's command is the same every time. Sit. If I'm feeling patient we will work on down, but "sit" is really the only thing that Luna knows. Knowing that she only has to do one thing to earn a treat, you would think that Luna would just sit the entire time and collect her treats. However, she is a excited wiggly mess during treat training. I tell her to "sit", she eventually gets around to sitting and as soon as the kibble touches her tongue her butt has bounced up off the floor.

After a few rounds of treat training, Henry was growing impatient being after Luna. I told Luna to sit and she was wiggling around. I told her to sit again and she was still wiggling around. Finally, Henry had enough and took his paw and smacked her straight in the face. It was his give me 5 paw, but it was like he was telling Luna, snap out of it girl and sit so I can get my turn!

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That put a smile on my face this morning!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



I wish we had cameras in our fingertips; Hank sometimes sis needs a little help to focus.



Hysterical!!!! Is that excited wiggly behavior during treat time a “female"pug thing???
Meiling can’t sit still when she see’s me open the treat bag!!!!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


This made me laugh, especially the part about Henry.  What a video that would make. 

I sometimes wish I had cameras installed around and could push a button to record the current hilarious moment.



That tops them all.  “You go Henry”  A perpetual camera is a definite must.  I wondered how you got three trained at once…or is it two and ‘maybe Luna?’.

sue states


That would make a great video. Solsie can barely sit still, eyes watching, tail wagging. Depending on the treat, that is, recently she now likes her treats then decides if she is interested-never seen a pug refuse a treat! We finally got internet back after 5 days-4 of them with rain. Never seen anything like this in Colorado guess the drought is over. Pug hugs to all from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

sue wooding


I had a good laugh over Henry smack’n his sister did she sit after that?

sue wooding


Jade just wanted to check on you to see how you are doing thinking of you



This is so funny, and I’d love to see that video, too!

Bennie is like Luna and is very wiggily, too.  There is one thing he doesn’t like to do, and that’s shake.  In fact he tries to give me his ‘elbow’ instead of his paw.  And as soon as we touch, he jumps to his feet as if he’s thinking “Whew!  Glad that’s over.”



OMG… a video would be too cute.  This story made me laugh out loud… how cute! happy Monday everyone!

Hellen Norton


Great Picture of the gang!!

I am wheelchair bound and wear a bag a round my neck with phone, AND Camera!

Get a lot of great pictures of Dakota, Gwen AND when he visits, Mercy!



What a great visual. I can just picture Luna so happy and wagging her tail that she can’t sit down. I can also picture Henry growing impatient very quickly.



haha,my wiggly girl,Pippa,just smacks me(and never sits
down,no way)Older brother Ollie just sighs next to her.
And now my bunnies bite me in my feet,they all eat the same treats: carrot,banana,cucumber,apple and tomato.

pug mama


Oh my gosh, tooooooooo funny!!!!!!  Hank, didn’t you know that it’s not nice to hit girls?  LOL!!!

sue states, I was wondering how you came out, with all the flooding in Colorado.  Glad to hear from u, and that you are back online.  Hope things aren’t too bad where you live. 

Jade, still thinking of you.  Hang in there <3

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