Owned by Pugs

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Short Straw

Henry, Benjamin and Luna

It looks like Henry drew the short straw and got the job of begging for the dinner leftovers. I love how Luna and Benny are in the background saying, "Ask her! Ask her!" Well, at least Benny is, Luna seems a bit disinterested.

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good job and just who could say no those sweet faces luna you have kisses coming your way.

Julie L.


Luna’s only there because the boys said they needed her to make their case.  She’s probably thinking “We’re not gonna get anything.  Or only vegetables.”



Handsome Henry I couldn’t resist that adorable face!!!  Love to all 3!!



“Please sir, may I have some more?” 
Who could resist such cuties?  HeeHee Benny is just waiting for the results!!



When I first opened this page, all I saw was the top of Benny and Luna’s head. When I scrolled down, I was delighted to see Henry’s pug mug so up close and personal. Lookin’ kids! Who could resist those faces?!! Hope they got a few bites.

Sue VDB ~ Do you know how Grannygoogs is doing? I think I remember you mentioning she wasn’t well. Prayers for her.

Hellen~ How is Dakota? Have you stopped hugging and kissing her yet? smile

Pug Mama ~ How is little Lily?

Pug Hugs to you all from Bella & me



I love the close up of Henry I hope they got some left overs

sue states


Henry looks like his eyes are ready to roll out of his head! Hope that look got you plenty of left overs and a healthy dose of lovin comin with pug hugs from the COlorado 4



Somehow I don’t think Henry minded at all getting the short straw.  After all, he is first in line for whatever might come their way. 

Gina, I’ve received a few emails from Grannygoogs, but not of a personal kind.  I know what her diagnosis is, but I don’t feel I am the one to say…that should come from her if she wishes to divuluge it.  The one thing I can say is that the health care system in South Africa stinks.

I’m going on facebook to see if Hellen has posted anything there about Dakota.

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Good one, Julie!



Henry thinks he will melt Mom’s heart if he gets really close to the camera and I bet it worked.

Last evening my Ruby Claire, now 7 months old, mastered the art of climbing onto the back of the sofa for a bird’s eye view of the kitchen, livingroom area and down the hallway. Now the sofa is surrounded front, sides and back by bed pillows just in case she falls off when I’m not looking.
Any ideas as to how I can keep her off?

sue states


Sue VDB Please let GrannyGoogs know prayers are going up for her along with extra pug hugs from the Colorado 4

patty b


It certainly looks like a very tiny Benny is sitting upon a very large Henry head!  The “incredible shrinking pug!”



While Henry seems to be focused on one bite, Luna has spied the whole and is zeroing in.  Benny just sits and wrinkles.

Kathleen, perhaps some well placed soda cans with pennies in them to make a noise when she gets up there?

pug mama


Luna, you do seem put off poor girl.  Tell that Henry to do his work and get you your meat you poor thing!!!  You look famished!!!

Little Lily is a laugh a minute.  Potty training in the winter with snow is not to her liking AT ALL, we’re trying, she has success outside sometimes, but 2 minutes after we’re back inside, she does it on the carpet silly Lily.  But I guess at 9 weeks, having accidents is gonna be part of the process.  She has met lots of my neighbors and everybody adores her.  She is a real snuggle bug and her favorite place to take a nap after tearing around playing is to climb up my front and snuggle in on my shoulder against the back of the sofa.  I call her my shoulder cat!  She has the silliest little bark too, last night my dad stopped over on his way home from work and he had big black shoes on which she was a little scared of, and boy did she bark at them!  Very determined, but she has some growing up to do before she would scare away a burglar smile

Maria Girard


Henry does not look like he is a bit shy.  They are all adorable.

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