Owned by Pugs

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Henry and Luna

We recently installed blinds on the front door for a little privacy and to help cut down on the amount of sunlight that pours into the living room in the evenings. We thought reducing the amount of sunlight that enters the house during the summer would help lessen the load on our friend the AC.

But we couldn't just put up blinds on the window because I could just imagine how quickly the pugs would tear them right off the door. So, we got shades that are enclosed in glass and hook right onto the door, which means the pugs can scratch at the door and won't be messing with the blinds.

One major drawback, is that having the shades closed limits the pugs view. Which is perfectly fine with me because a limited view means limited barking, but I'm not so sure how well it is going to go over with the pugs. So far they seem to be fine.


But, since the amount of sunlight pouring into the house is greatly reduced they do have to chase the sun a bit more. Before a huge rectangle of sun poured through the door. Now they just get little patches that jump around depending on the angle of the sun. But, don't worry, little Luna seems to have gotten the hang of things already.


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I’m glad little Luna is still able to find a nice patch of sun to nap in.  Looks like Henry is pretty comfy too smile  Heartwarming pictures!



OOooo…Leopardy Luna…that last pic is divine!!  Cole is a pro at plopping himself in the sun spot…glad Hank and Looney are figuring it out!  The shades look great!



Sleeping pugs in the foyer!!  Your new blinds look awesome, and will keep the hot sun out for sure!
My side light is clear glass, and Mr. Skittles is always barking at the birds or rabbits on our lawn!!
We have been thinking of replacing it.



Your new blinds have turned Luna into a zebra : )

We have one window that does that to Bennie when he’s laying in front of it!



I love the blinds Corrine its a great way to keep out the hot sun and the puggies dont seem to mind on my side light I hung blinds well my gang didnt like that including the boxers so they took care of the problem they chewed the bottom off wasn’t to happy about that as they were custom ordered but guess they let me know I wasn’t going to block there view



The new blinds look great and it doesn’t look like the pugs mind one bit!  Love the way Luna stretches her back leg out next to her!  Looks like Henry prefers the cool tile to the sunny spot…



I’m going to have to look into this blind idea.  Puggsie, the little devil, has cost us tons of money in blind repairs.



Sue, not funny for your pocketbook, but pretty funny that they showed you who is boss and exactly what they will, and will not, stand for!  Blocking their sun, you’ve got nerve!  Hahaha



Never heard of these type of blinds before.  I gather they are special order…but from where?

Pugs are determined and very smart at figuring out solutions.  Looney Tunes does look like a zebra.

Happy snoozing.

Corrine - OBP


Sue VDB - We actually got them at Lowe’s.  They don’t stock the sidelights in the store, but they will order them for you.  Basically, they fit right over your existing glass frame and the blinds sit between your existing door glass and the glass on the backside of the treatment.  Very easy to install as well.



Thanks for the info Corrine.  Sounds easy peasy, and they do look terrific.



*giggle giggle*...LOVE LOVE Benny and his snack…Benjamin, I could eat YOU up like a dorito…



Ahhhhhh Looney - guess no one is going to get past you.  You are Precious, too.  Pug Hug!

Pat - I know what you mean about the sidelights need to go.  Cooper1 would hit those sidelights full force and scaring visitors to death.  Why he never went through the glass I can’t imagine…..and oh, the barking

Pug hugs,
Huckles Chuckles
The Swamp Pugs +1

Hellen Norton


What a smart idea!!! We have up the long kind that hang length wise down. I slide them out of the way when we get sun and GiGi and Gwen love it! They lay on dog rugs and soak it in.

When the sun moves to the front deck the gals love to lay outside. GiGi is very old and enjoys the heat

I found a dog bed in one of the many sale books I receive that is fluffie on one side and plaid on the other. The BEST thing..it has an middle lining that is like foil so their bodie heat will keep them warm.

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