Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, June 5, 2013



Its hard to tell in this picture, but Benjamin has experienced a sweatband fur growth setback. Last week, he went in for a teeth cleaning and they had to re-shave one of his sweatbands.

His teeth cleaning was long overdue. He was originally scheduled for a cleaning in February (during dental month so we could get the discount wink ), but Benny was dealing with his back issues and just went on prednisone so we decided to postpone the cleaning until a later date.

It is funny how different pug mouths can be. It seems that Benny needs to have his teeth cleaned every year. Henry on the other hand, hasn't had his teeth cleaned in years (knock wood) and his pearly whites are doing great. I guess it just really depends on how all those teeth are arranged in those little pug mouths.

Luna has never had great teeth and has had to have many of them pulled over the years. With Luna's past it is hard to get a good idea of exactly where her teeth woes stem from. Benjamin and Henry have been in our care since they were 11 and 12 weeks old and have had a similar diet and chewing habits their whole life. So it is very funny to see how differently their teeth have fared over the years.

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I’m hearing Olivia Newton John’s “let’s get physical” in my head.

Handsome Benny, are you going to pump some iron now that your sweatbands are in full effect?  Smooches cutie!



How can pugs manage to have 42+ teeth in their mouths?  Where do they put them?

This is such a great picture of Benny, sweatbands and all.

Correction—I just realized last night that I had made a tremendous error and I apologize to Gina for it.  When I was telling about Gina’s new blog, I wrote out the title of the first of her blog, not the address of the blog.  She’s been too polite to say anything, but here is the actual blog address.  mommyknewbes(dot)blogspot (dot)com   It promises to be a good one.  Yea Gina!



Baby Benny you are so handsome. It looks like you are posing and showing your sweatbands. So handsome and I love your bed. It looks comfy.

Huckle, you are so funny. it’s actually mommyknewbest not mommyknewbe. Huckle~I am laughing so hard right now.



still handsome as ever Benny I love the sweat bands

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


The title of this blog scared me.  Benjamin, the sweatbands add character to your handsomeness, but you also need to show off those pearly whites.

Hellen Norton


Sweet Ben know it is not fun the crazy things that go on when we get older!

Love you sweet boy.



Gina - good thing I’m not a proof reader since I’m obviously not!  I’ll blame it on some of my keys sticking because of a popsicle (don’t ask)

Steve Lindhurst


Okay, I give up.  What’s a sweatband?

Mary M.


Aww, sweet Benny!!  Take care, baby, sweatbands or not!!



Steve, sweat bands can go around a person’s head or hands to capture sweat while you’re running or exercising.  They’re kind of elastic so they can fit different sized people.  Hope that helps

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