Owned by Pugs

Monday, June 7, 2010


Benjamin, Henry and Luna

When we took Benny to the vet for his cough a few weeks ago we talked with our vet about breathing issues in pugs and ways to deal with the hot weather here in FL. Our vet had a few good tips for us. For example, he suggested that we swap our evening walks for early morning walks. Morning walks would be a bit better for the pugs since the pavement would be cooler in the earlier part of the day. Clearly something I should have realized, but I think my disdain for all things morning got in the way.

Another thing he mentioned was keeping the pugs as trim as possible. Keeping them at an ideal weight not only helps them deal with the heat, but also helps with breathing issues that chronically plague pugs.

Our vet also pointed out that Benny was up a pound from his last visit in September 2009. At our recent visit, Benny weighed in at 25.4 pounds.

The truth is that we have become very relaxed with our treats and table scraps rules. When the boys were younger, we were very diligent in making sure the boys stayed fit and trim. Our main motivation was Henry and his hips. When Henry was diagnosed with hip dysplasia, we were told the best thing we could do for him was to keep him at a healthy weight.

So the boys grew up on carrots for treats and very rarely ever got a scrap from the table. But, over the years we gradually started giving them a little bite of dinner or breakfast and then dinner and breakfast. Heck, for about 15 months they got a little bowl of spaghetti each week. (But no one has had any spaghetti since Solsey passed. I just haven't been able to bring myself to make it.)

So, we are making a few lifestyle changes around here. Table scraps are being cut way back and I stocked the fridge with carrots. The difficult thing so far is that Luna does not like carrots. So it is a real pain to give the boys carrots and Luna something else. Especially, when I have not been able to come up with a healthy something else that Luna likes.

Our goal is to have the boys lose 3-4 pounds and Luna to lose around a pound. The weight has slowly crept on the pugs so our approach is to have it slowly creep off. We are in no rush and are not making any drastic changes so hopefully over the next year or so we can get the pugs in a bit better shape. The downside is that the FL heat is in full force now and the pugs usually gain a bit of weight during the summer months because their walks and any other outdoor activity is severely limited if not totally eliminated by the heat.

So, our short term, summer goal is to be more mindful of extra curricular eating and not have the pugs gain any it's too hot to even move weight. And remember, the camera adds 10 pounds grin

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Toby loves carrotts and string bean which are also good for the pugs. I have found the evenings in Florida are still too hot for pug walking and so we get out between 6:15 and 6:30 AM. This morning, when I opened the door, the humidity hit me in the face. It is more comfortable for Toby and he is not panting.
  Toby had another seizure Saturday morning so it looks like the last one was not an “isolated incident” He is going to have a blood panel done today to see what is going on.I imagine he will have to be put on some medication but we do what ever we have to for our puggy babies.



Green beans!!! Try green beans.  Our pugs love them and they are super low calorie.



Oh My!!  Carrots are good for them.  I had to cut Mr. Skittles back last fall after his visit to the vet.
Sadly, my over indulging him with treats, he weighed in at 37 lbs!  I felt sooo bad.  I also was feeding him too much as well.  So instead of a well rounded 1/4 cup in the am & pm, it became a very level 1/4 cup in the am & pm.  He still gets a dentastick in the am, but that is it, and of course carrots.
In 2 months he had lost 5lbs… vet said that was very good, but the next 5 wouldn’t come off that quick.
On Saturday, I dropped in to the Vet’s office just to have him weighed.  He lost another 3lbs!!
He is now 29 lbs.  We are getting there. We started walks in the spring… sometimes in the morning and the evening. Now that the weather is nicer.
Good luck the Luna, Benny, and Henry I know you will see results too!



Well gang, seems like we are all in the same boat…I wish “the camera” was my excuse…and I wish I only had 10 pounds to contend with…Oh I digress…lol.

Time to trim up…get out those Jane Fonda workouts!

You all look fabulous to me!  Lots of love…

Corrine - OBP


Marcia - I am so sorry to hear about Toby.  I hope you are able to quickly find the cause.  Best of luck.  I will be thinking of you and Toby both.

Corrine - OBP


We tried green beans with Luna as well.  The boys love them, but Luna will only eat them if they are mixed in with her food.  If we give them to her as a treat she just spits them out.  *sigh*



in the summer, after our evening walk, i give frozen peas as a treat.  i just pour some in his doggie bowl.  they are healthy, low fat and cool to help cool him down.  plus, they are easier for Levi to eat vs. ice or ice chunks.  he loves them.  he also likes strawberries and cantaloupe. you might see if luna likes the peas.



Have you tried green beans?  Our vet says they are even lower calorie than carrots and our dog loves them.  It might be something Luna likes.



Marcia, I am praying for you and Toby.  I hope that they can control the seizures with meds and that he has no complications.  You will be in my thoughts…please give him a kiss and keep us posted.

A 37 lb. pug, oh my!  Good job getting Mr. Skittles weight down Pat!

What about a little banana for Miss Luna?  Funny how their tastes ebb and flow…As a puppy, Bax loved carrots…now, not a chance in you-know-what he’d eat one.

Kim B.


My pugs love zucchini ,yellow squash, and red peppers.



I think we are all in the same boat with our fur babies my toby has hip dysplasia my vet told me it is severe she had never see n it that bad so she did surgery on his left hip when he was a puppy and gave me strict orders not to let him get over weight the right hip we are waiting if he has problems with it we will have to have surgery on his right hip so far toby stays around 19 to 20 pounds and seems fine the one that has me concerned is emma at 24 she has been on a diet for a month now I havent weighed her but she does look like she has lost some weight my vet told me to try carrots but my gang does not like them I am going to try green beans and frozen peas see if that works



Marcia I hope the trip to the vets will give you some answers about Tobys seizures I will be thinking good thought and say a prayer for you and him and please let us know



Maybe try fresh canteloupe? I know it sounds odd, but our first pug used to LOVE it. If I brought one home in the groceries, she’d sniff it out. And heaven help me if I was cutting one open and cutting it up! She’d sit and wait at my feet while I sliced it up. I don’t know if the smell was so pungent or what, but that little girl couldn’t get enough.

And Marcia - all the best thoughts for you with Toby.



Green Beans??  Raw or cooked??
It is hard not to give them treats when those big brown eyes look up at you from the cute wrinkled face   sigh….
So now I give him more hugs!!
Hopefully Miss Luna will find a healthy treat to her liking!!



yes Heather, too much treat love!!
Mr. Skittles is very broad in the chest, and it surprised everyone that he weighed that much.
His breathing is much better, and we can go a bit farther each week when walking.  I see a great improvement, and have to continue for his health, and mine! 
Marcia, we are thinking of you and Toby, pug hugs and prayers xoxo



The heat is in full force in Texas also. Luke and Genevieve and their mom hate the heat !!! I feel so sorry for them. We have also had to quit giving scraps
to them. They were both getting so heavy, I could barely pick them up. Love and prayers to all the pugs
I read about on here. From your freinds in Texas



Whew, I didn’t receive my daily dose of OBP this morning and had to search for it. 

Guess I’m the fortunate one here.  My babies get their twice daily feeding of dog food.  My Missy has epilepsy and is on Phenobrbital twice a day, placed in a pill pocket.  The other kids get a Wellness treat so as not to be left out.  Period. Maybe that makes me a meany, but I don’t have to worry about their weight.  Romeo once weighed in at 26 lbs. and I measured his food more carefully and he is now 24, which is a good weight for him. 

Marcia, I hope you get good results on Toby’s tests.  I am praying that whatever his problem is can be easily controlled.  Please keep us posted.  Hugs and kisses to your baby boy.



Table scraps are a HUGE enemy.  I have been very dilegent about no scraps, but the husband is not!  I have to lecture him every night!  We also had to switch food as the food we were feeding was TOO much for lazy little Pugs!  They all seem to be doing okay and they appear to have lost a little weight.  I need to stop by vets to compare with their scale.  We use green beans instead of carrots.  Carrots do have a lot of sugar still.  They LOVE the green beans.  I hear some people feed their Pugs the beans FROZEN.  Haven’t tried that yet!



Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for Toby. he is seeing his Vet at 2pm this afternoon. When I spoke to him on Saturday, he felt Toby would have to be on Phenobarbitol.  Will let you all know how my furry baby makes out.  Thank you again.



Speaking of pill pockets, treats, and the like…Remember how excited I was that Baxter had taken to the chicken pill pockets for his meds?!  Well, my joy and the ease of pill giving did not last long.  He has now decided that he doesn’t like pill pockets.  $24 of them sitting in my cupboard (I tried both flavors 2nd time around) to attest to his finickiness.  He’s lucky he is so darn cute!!  lol

Pat, just like Mr. Skittles being broad, you should see Cole…this boy is a linebacker.  His chest his broad, but his back is even wider!  The boy could be his own football team, I swear.  Next to him, Baxter seems like a lil’ wee bit of a pug!  Riley was broader/bigger than Bax, but Cole is bigger than Riley…his “heft” still surprises me every day!  *giggle*

Karen B


Marcia, all my best to you and Toby…I know your Dr. will take good care of you both.

C.J. and Toeby would sit at the table and eat dinner with us if we’d let them!  They are little piggies…I have started shortening the regular food supply and toss Cheerios for them at dinner time.  And if we’re having green beans they are in Heaven!



Heather… we must be raising boys for the next All Star Pug Football Team!!  Funny how some of these babies are shaped!!



Yes, Bennie’s in the same situation.  I guess a pound or two every year turns into a lot on a pug.  We’ve also found ourselves feeding table food to Ben. 

And as long as I’m confessing, I’ll tell you that Ben actually has his own place at the table, and sits right beside my husband waiting for his bites.  What can I say….we’re weak.  And he’s so darn cute sitting there!



I think we need OBP football jerseys for “our team”!!!!  *giggle*



Marica - good luck with Toby this afternoon.  I hope you get some answers quickly smile  We’ll be thinking about you all.

Ah yes, I have a couple of overweight (“fluffy”) pugs!  We try to be healthy too…well, make that me, my husband is not so careful smile  My guys love apples and carrots.  But Piper tips the scales at 27 lb.  And he, like Heather’s Cole, could be a linebacker too.  He’s just a big-boned pug!  Annabelle, Tessa, and Marley all could stand to loose a pound to two smile

Happens to the best of us, huh?



Well, you always have the pool for some alternative exercise!! smile
Bentley and Sofie became overweight after a year of giving them chewey’s and treats all of the time..
Now their treats are very limited.. and baby carrots are a favorite.. also apple slices. smile THey LOVE them…
They both lost all of their excess weight, and our new vet told me that I had the best looking pugs she had ever seen! YAY!



My dogs favorite is fresh picked green beans, closely followed by frozen green beans.  Good luck!



Thank Goodness that you got some tips from the vet about pugs in Florida. It’s just a cruel state for these fur babies and I didn’t know that evening walks can still harm them. I usually take Baby out for walks in the evenings and wonder if it’s still too early to take him out. Thank you for this post!



There are few things a pug hates to hear more than “no table scraps for you”.  Poor babies, mommy is just doing it for your health.



Greetings from hot & humid SW Florida!
Marcia… prayers for your Toby.
Heather… we use dried apricots (cut in half) for our “pill pockets”.
On the subject of “treats”... our 3 boyz love blueberries, carrots, apricots, cantalope, apples, beans, zucchini, yellow squash… even lettuce! They have all lost weight since we stopped the “cookies” and went to veggies and fruit.
Stay cool…



Marcia, I hope you hear good news on Toby.  We had a chihuahua several years ago that had seizures but we were able to manage them pretty well with phenobarbital. 

*sigh* Add Carley & Charlie to the overweight pug camp.  Charlie weighed in at 29 pounds before his surgery last month but I think he has lost a little bit since then.  He didn’t eat for a few days when his cough was so bad.  Carley, not so much.  That girl is ridiculous!  She was a rescue we got in Kentucky 2 years ago and was just about starved when we brought her home.  My husband said he’d never seen a skinny pug until he met her.  I guess we over-compensated because now she is way beyond “fluffy”.  I’ve tried cutting back on her daily food but she’ll go sit by her bowl and bang it around with her paw if she wants something to eat.  And as somebody else said earlier, I’m a sucker for those big pug eyes.

I love this picture of the gang together.  Luna especially looks cute.

patty v


Olive, too, was put on a diet by her vet last month. she weighed in at 28lb and was having slight breathing problems. we cut out table scraps and added green beans to her meals. she absolutely loves them frozen, but not so much if they’re thawed. she also gets a baby carrot when i make my daughters’ lunches in the morning. i think she’s already lost a little weight, and her breathing issues are pretty much gone. pugs are just too darn cute for their own good…it’s way too hard to resist such a cute little face!



Have you tried a small bite of a Bananna?  My Daisey loved them and when I gave her the Phenobarb I put it inside of the bite of bananna.



Marcia - Here’s hoping for a manageable prognosis for Toby and an easeing of your fears.

Martha - I may go you one better…Abby will only eat her food from a fork!  As nutty as that sounds, I came upon that solution as a foil for Cooper eating her food before she could.  She likes to doddle over eating and Cooper constantly takes the advantage.

Luckily Abby likes green beans which I was using for bulkiness to her regular food.  However, I hadn’t thought of using them as a treat.  Sounds like a workable idea.  She also LOVES oranges (hope they are ok for her) and I can eat an orange without her perched on my lap begging.

This is a little off target but we had a devastating tornado hit about 10 miles from here early Sunday morning.  My husband woke me at 2 a.m. to tell me that a high school had been destroyed so then I got really scared.  We have no basement and the best we could do was to get the dogs collars on them and hope we could hug them tight enough to not be ripped out of our embraces should the same happen here.  Perhaps we could all send some positive thoughts to those who lost their lives and their homes.  It will be a long road back for them.

Heather, Judi - I could be wrong but I thought I had read that dried apricots were a no-no for dogs.  Does anyone know if that’s right?

I love the picture of the gang - it looks like they are plotting something.

Pug Hug,
Abby & Huckle



Thank you all for your thought, prayers and best wishes for Toby.  He had lab work this afternoon, CBC, T3, T4 and Chem profle. Results will be in later this week, and i will let you know the results.

  Again, thank you all.  I appreciate your support. Unless people are owned by a pug, they just can’t realize how much a part of our lives they are.



If I remember correctly, a small amount of dried apricot is ok, it’s the pit that is toxic as it contains cyanide as do most fruit pits.

sue s


Hope Toby’s tests come back with good news! And Huckle-Glad you, pugs and family are safe! Such goings on and hurricane season is just about to start! We had heat arrive and a humidity of 30%-which in COlorado translates to muggy-please DO laugh-I grew up on the east coast so I know what real humidity is! Hope Henry, Benny & Luna reach goal and don’t mind the word DIET too much! Prayers for Toby,Huckle and family and to all who live in tornado/hurricane/oil spill alley! PEce & Blessings-Pastor Sue & the COlorado 2

Corrine - OBP


Huckle - I’m glad to hear you are OK.  That much damage only 10 miles away from home is a little too close for comfort.




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