Owned by Pugs

Monday, October 17, 2011

Road Trip

Henry, Luna and Benjamin

Our vacation started with a 9.5 hour drive from FL to the Smoky Mountains in NC. The boys are road trip pros. They have made the trip from MD to FL several times and have the whole routine down pat. They sleep while we drive, potty when we stop to get gas and are just all around awesome travel companions.

This was our first real road trip with Luna, so we were curious to see how she would do. I figured she would just follow the boys' lead and relax while we were on the road.

But, once again I was wrong. There was something about being in the car with all her things that was a little unsettling to Luna. It took 153 miles for her to settle down. She wasn't crazy out of control or anything, but she certainly wasn't as relaxed as the boys who were sawing logs by that point. She was just very alert, like we were going to be arriving at our final destination at any minute.

Luckily, she eventually settled and realized that this was going to be a long road trip. At that point the car was filled with nothing but the sounds of pugs snoring and 80's tunes.

Henry and Luna

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Hi Everyone,

The CAPTCHAs for commenting are back.  I know they are annoying, but they are necessary for keeping comment spam to a minimum.  Unfortunately, the other method I was using doesn’t seem to be working.  It frequently gives the dreaded API error when trying to comment.  I am looking for a better method, but for now we will have to use the CAPTCHAs.  Thanks for your patience.



Miss Luna, it will be ok!!  Just a long car ride. 
Mr. Skittles, does not snooze..has to see everything!

I am with Henry, you will find me snoozing if the raod trip is long!

Hope everyone had a fun weekend.. Monday already!



Haven’t been able to comment in a few posts, but been here reading, tearing up (Miss you Solsey), and giggling.

Love Mr. Henry taking a snooze…I’m with ya Hank, long rides = snoring!

Glad Miss Looney settled down and Ben was a master traveler as always.  Looking forward to hearing more of the adventures!



Miss Luna has an expresion on her sweet little face that could say “Are we there yet?”



P.S.  How many dog beds in the car??  lol



Glad Miss Luna finally settled down I also have been having problems on posting but still read the blog every day



Everyone looks great. Glad Looney finally calmed down. I’m with everyone else, long car rides equals me snoring!

I don’t mind the captcha’s. Thanks for letting us know Corrine.

It is cold and sprinkling a little here and I am in 7th heaven b/c of it!

Pug Hugs to all from Gina & Pip.



Pat, LOL…dog beds indeed.

It feels as if we are starting on the trip as well.  Can’t wait to read more.

As for the captchas…no problem here…I’d jump through hoops to get the daily OBP fix.

mary castagnoli


For some reason - Today’s issue didn’t get through to my email.  I may re-sign up with my home email to make sure it hasn’t got something to do with our network at work - which I really shouldn’t use in the first place - but just had to have my pug-fix and, for awhile, didn’t have home internet.
Looks like a great road trip.  And with this travel behind her, I’ll bet La Luna will be able to take it more in stride like her brothers.

sue states


Whatever it takes gotta have my obp! Daisy settles and sleeps, Solsie has to yarp first then she can settle, Beauty settles after a brief period of anxiety now the boys Mr.Proto puggers, Bubba Gizmo and Buster Brown become like Olympic gymnast bouncing all over-thankfully it was a very short trip from our daughters old house to her new one!!! The boys are sons of Beauty and live with our daughter-p.s. I didn’t name the boys. Happy Monday & pug hugs from the Colorado 4



What great travelers your boys are!  Your comment that Luna settled down after 153 miles tells me that she and my Bennie are kindred spirits.  He seems to equate being in our car as impending disaster.  Even if he understands that we’re going to the park he still carries on.

I don’t mind the captcha’s in the least : )

Debbie Sheers


Pugs snoring and 80’s tunes?  Sounds like heaven to me!

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