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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Ringing In the New Year


Welcome to 2016! Henry met a new friend on a recent walk. This guy is about his same speed (that would be a speed of zero). But Henry was happy to ring in the new year with ol' Kermit here! LOL. There wasn't any champagne or fireworks, just a nice mosey and few hugs.

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sue wooding


I like Henrys new friend



Henry draws everyone to him and makes friends wherever he goes!

Ringing in the New Year with hugs and a mosey sounds perfect to me!




Do what makes you happy!! Even if it means keeping it on the downlow!!! 
Wishing you an awesome 2016!!!  Make new friends Henry!!

Brenda Cooper


My hubby and I have frog houses in our backyard during the summer. We both like frogs but we love pugs and Henry is very much loved.

Gerry, Denise and Pugs 2


Henry you handsome boy! Your new friend is great and perfecter hugs, he can’t run away! LOL

Christie Sachde


We were low key for New Year’s as well…nothing wrong with that! He looks like a nice guy…just don’t go kissing any frogs Henry!



Henry, you automatically draw new friends where ever you go.  If I encountered you on a walk I would not want to stop hugging you, and you would be more admired than any real celebrity.

Susan States


Henry is such a wonderful good will ambassador-being friendly to all. Low key New Year here-Solsie,Daisey & I fell asleep long before 12:00. Oh well, there;s always next year. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 3

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