Owned by Pugs

Monday, March 9, 2009

Resting Up

Resting up

The theme for this weekend was rest.  After we got Sol home and got her settled and I fixed dinner, I was out.  I don’t even think it was 8:00 PM yet.  I was just simply exhausted.

Sol has been resting, but I am pleasantly surprised by how well she is doing.  It doesn’t appear that it is taking her much time to get used to her “new mouth”.  She shows no hesitation when eating or drinking and her appetite is as healthy as usual.  She still follows us from room to room and is always present whenever there is action in the kitchen.  We had burgers on the grill on Saturday and she nearly went out of her mind.  You would have never known that just two days earlier she had had part of her jaw removed.

Seeing how well she is doing just days after the surgery really helps me know that we made the right decision.  I was very worried about her quality of life and that she may never adjust to having part of her jaw removed.  However, she is doing remarkably well.  It is like she doesn’t even notice.

Thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes through all of this.  It really meant a lot to us. And I can’t even put into words how grateful I am to those who made contributions towards Sol surgery.  Your generosity is simply amazing!

Check out the fantastic card that Penny from South Africa made for Sol.  How awesome is that?  Thanks Penny!

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Jennifer M. Davis


Phew!  I’m so releived to hear that everything went well and her appetite is back!  What a good little puggy!  She reminds me of my own Jade, so I have a LOT of empathy for her and of course you!!!  Thanks for posting hte pictures.  Maybe we can ge ta before and after picture of her profile!  And the gal who made the card should produce a whole line of those cute little pugs on the front of it!!!!



Amazaging Sol!  But then, didn’t we all know she was going to come through this with flying colors?

Penny, your card is so awesome.  Very cool.



Look at all those cozy cuddlies!!  So happy to hear the recovery is still going so smoothly!!!  Sol, you are Super Woman!!!

(Corrine, my contribution is still forthcoming…just have to wait till payday of this week…Can’t wait to help, if only a little…)



How amazing.  So glad Sol is doing well, and you got a chance to get some much needed rest…  although we all lost an hour with the time change saturday night.
Penny’s card is awesome!



Oh yay! IT sounds like she is getting back to normal.. what a CUTE picture..! EVen the Cat is in there with everyone!

What a comfortable looking household!

Glad to her Sol is doing so well!!

sue s


The pugs look so relaxed knowing that their new sister,Sol, is back with the group and doing well. It’s amazing how they know things about each other. Wish I was snuggling there with them!



Penny, I meant to say too…AWESOME get well card for Sol!!!!!



I knew there had to be readers from outside the US and Canada, but I’ve never seen any that referred to where they were.  Now I see we have a “sister” in South Africa.  A truly global community.  Penny, the card is great.

I’m so glad to hear that Sol is still doing well.  As for being exhausted, it’s nice to know you really are human, Corrine. You seem to always get so much done, I was beginning to wonder. wink

Have a great week everybody and enjoy your extra daylight.



Love the group picture…everyone zonked out!  I was like that yesterday myself.  I am so excited about Sol’s awesome recovery.  When does she go back for a checkup?
Penny, your card is adorable…what a thoughtful thing to do.  I am loving the curly tail on that pug pic!



Really makes my day to hear how well Sol’s doing!  I love the picture of the nappers.  They must have been worn out from smelling those burgers grilling!

And Penny’s card is great!!



So great to hear the good news! I absolutely love this picture. Everyone together, even Cupid! Looks like Luna is still queen though. smile A restful week to all!

Andrea G.


Great picture of everybody relaxing and the card is awesome!  Glad little Miss Sol is recovering so well…great news!



Look at those cuties….ALL soaking up the sun!  Adorable.  Glad you all could get some well needed rest and that Sol is doing so awesome!

Sharon and Penny


So pleased to hear Sol is doing well. I’m sure she must feel the love of her global family! Love the picture, seems everyone needed to recover from a rather traumatic few days! Keep on improving, Sol!

Penny is very touched that her card was featured and received so many wonderful comments.  It was made and sent with lots of love, and licks!!



This is the best picture ever! That sunshine looks so good..it’s snowing (again) today in Seattle.
Yay for you Sol! Hope every day just keeps on getting better.

Karen B


So happy to see all five of the pugs (Yes, Cupid counts too!) all crashed out together…They are obviously a close-knit and supportive little community of their own!

Sooo happy all is going well!

Penny, love the card!  I wish I had talent!  :-(

Patty B.


It warms my heart to see the entire 4-legged family together again (as it should be).  I do believe that Benny, Henry, Luna, and even Cupid knew that something wasn’t quite right in the family and I bet they each did a whole lot of worrying about Sol.  Now that she’s back in the bosom of her precious family, everyone has breathed a huge sigh of relief and keeled over to take a long, well-deserved nap together.  Good going Corrine, ya done good!



I can’t tell you just how happy we are that Sol is recovering so well!
We’ll keep our fingers (and paws) crossed and hope that this is the end of it!

Best wishes to Sol for a speedy recovery, and great big hugs of support to you!!



I am so happy Sol is doing well!! You can see a bit of difference in her profile but it makes her even more adorable!

Love the picture of everyone.

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