Owned by Pugs

Monday, January 10, 2011



On Thursday night, we were watching TV and Luna was on my lap. I was petting her when I noticed a bump on her ear. I moved her fur and found a bump that looked eerily similar to the bump that Benjamin had on his chest a while back. Knowing that Benjamin's bump was bad news, I call the vet first thing Friday morning and made an appointment for Friday afternoon.

The vet was optimistic at first because the lump seemed very superficial, but he still did an aspiration and took a look at the fluid he extracted under the microscope. After he took a look at the cells, he confirmed our suspicions that the bump was a mast cell tumor.

So, Luna goes in for surgery on Tuesday to have the lump removed. After the tumor is removed it will be sent to be biopsied and we will get the grade of the tumor. If we are really lucky it will come back a grade 1. But grade 2 would be OK too, as long as there are clean margins.

The only good thing about this situation is that we have a pretty good understanding of the process having been through the same thing with Benjamin.

Luna has a few other bumps on her that we don't think are trouble, but we are going to have the vet take a look at all of them since she is going to be under. With her skin issues, Luna does tend to get a lot of little bumps that come and go. Our vet's advice was to mark her up with lipstick so that he could find them all easily. They will do their own search as well, but that way he will be able to easily spot all the bumps that we know about. So, we will be taking Luna the leopard in for her surgery on Tuesday. Luna is taking it all in stride, but I just can't wait until we have her back home on Tuesday night.

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I’ll be waiting on tenter hooks until we know the results from Tuesday.  I’ll only feel okay when little Luna is all clear.

She, and everyone else at the OBP’s homestead, are in my thoughts and prayers.

Mary Ellen


I have 4 pugs and 2 of them have had mast cell tumors.  One of them has been operated three years in a row, her mast cell tumors have been located in different areas of her body.  They seem to appear overnight and grow very quickly in a matter of days.  In fact today she is going to the vet to have a suspicious bump checked.  Both of them are doing ok so far, and have needed no follow up treatment.  I sure wish Luna to be well soon!!



Poor Luna…she and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.  Will anxiously await GOOD news.



This is NOT supposed to be how 2011 starts here in OBP!!!  I am so grateful Luna has you to keep a close eye on her and get these things sorted out ASAP!  Speaking of eyes, I must say your peepers look marvelously juicy Miss Luna!!  Now as for this pesky mast cell, I am confident they will get it all and you will be back to 100% in no time.  I will be praying and thinking of you and can’t wait until tomorrow is over and you are back home!  Please give her a good luck kiss from me Corrine!



Miss Luna, and your OBP family will definately be in my thoughts and prayers til you are home tomorrow night, and we will be waiting for the doctors report.
I agree with Heather, this is not how 2011 is suppose to start off. Fingers will be crossed, and we will all be aniously waiting to hear from your Mom that things are well.!
Best wishes Miss Luna… pug hugs, kisses, and prayers



My thoughts and prayers are with you all as i will be awaiting the news sending positive thoughts her way as she s just so precious we love her dearly here a big warm hug being sent to our miss luna.



we’ll be waiting and hoping for good news Luna!  Good luck!

Jennifer Davis


Oh Luna! This is no way to start 2011!  Good thing mommy keeps up with your bumps and divets!  My thoughts will be with all of you tomorrow morning!  Maybe all the kids will get pugkin bread as a treat if Luna is “good”!



I’m so sorry!  Luna will be in my prayers and thoughts.  And so will her family.



God Bless Luna! Prayers coming your way sweet Looney! And yours too Corrine. smile  Will be impatiently waiting for the results. Hugs and kisses to Luna!

Pug Hugs to all! Gina & Pip



You will all be in my thoughts and prayers, especially little Luna!  Will be waiting for a great report.  Lots of hugs for you all.

Patty B.


Hoping for only good news about Luna.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you here in So. Cal. Be strong and brave, little girl.



No, no, no.  St. Francis, I have had you on overtime already, but please come through again and help our sweet Luna. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire OBP family.



Good luck, baby Luna! Lots of pug kisses from Roxy and Rosie! Also, I know I said it before, but please let me know anyone ever has any questions re: paladia (the newer drug specifically for mast cell tumors in dogs.) Rosie just had a complete CBC after nearly a year on the meds. The vet couldn’t be happier, absolutely no side affects and no tumors! Rosie had two surgeries to remove single tumors and one month after the second surgery we found multiple new tumors. All were completely gone after six weeks on the drug. We continue the drug as a preventative measure against new tumors. There are a LOT of options out there and every puggy will have their own best course of action. I am more than happy to share our experiences with Rosie’s treatments. taxmster@bellsouth.net

sue s


Prayers coming your way in abundance sweet girl! Have to tell you-Luna the leopard did give me a chuckle. Waiting on pins & needles for good news. Pug-hugs and prayers from the Colorado 5

Karen B.


Dang!  I was sooooo hoping that 2011 would be a good year for our pugs…Luna, you are a fighter so keep on scrappin’ and kick this thing’s butt!

Karen B.


BTW, that’s a really cute picture of our princess, Luna!



I will be saying a prayer for Luna hoping it is a low grade and clean margins Corrine I won’t say don’t worry cause you are going to do it anyways they are your babies I know when Abby had two removed in october it was very hard and the wait for the results are even harder we are here for you please give Luna a special hug from me

Pug mama how is your Abby doing?

Denise Ridener


We are so sorry to hear about Luna, we praying it is a low grade and clean margins.  Good luck Luna baby, hugs and kisses from Joey, Roxie and Napoleon. May the rest of 2011 be good!



Oh sweet baby Luna.  We’ll be thinking of you



Praying for Luna to have a successful surgery and get GOOD NEWS! I know the boys will be anxiously awaiting her return tomorrow.



Oh no, this can’t be happening.  With all the prayers and positives going her way, it has to be a good outcome. we can’t accept anything other than that.  I’ll tell you, though, this makes me so angry.  We are so helpless when these things happen.  I just don’t know what to say. I will tell my tribe about Luna during our quiet time tonight, and we will sent positives and prayers for you and Luna.

Pug love from
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs.



Prayers went up for you Sweet Luna…I am thinking of you non-stop and can’t wait to hear that you are out of surgery resting comfortably.  Lots of love to you…Keep us posted Corrine.  Thinking of you!



Let’s see if I can infuse a bit of levity as we wait for word on Luna.  It won’t take away our fear, of course, but diffuse it for right now.

Georgie’s penchant for getting lost always has me checking to see if he’s on the same side of the door as I am..  Checking became necessary one day after I’d lost him for three times. 

Most of the time his incarceration came about after I turned out the lights and left the bathroom.  Eventually I’d wonder where Georgie was because I hadn’t seen him for awhile and search the rooms looking for him.  I’d open the bathroom door and there in the dark was patient little Georgie just waiting for me to come open the door.  He didn’t seem to realize he could scratch the door and gain freedom.  He just waited.

The other night, just before bed, Georgie came up missing.  We have 1800 sq. feet of house.  You would think there wasn’t enough space to do much of a bang-up job of getting lost.

I finished up the bedtime routine which included giving each of them a chicken jerky, the black Pugs in their crates and Abby’s on top of the bed (seniority to the senior), and messed around a bit while everyone finished their treat.  Before I turned out the lights, I called Georgie and Gracie to come join us in bed as I do every night.  Gracie popped up on the bed right away and I waited and waited.  No Georgie.  I called and called him. Miffed, I got out of bed and checked the cages.  No Georgie.  By then I was having the feelings of concern after checking all over the bedroom and not hearing or seeing him.

Perhaps he hadn’t come into the bedroom after all.  So, I checked his pillowed spot in the living room and, of course, the bathroom.  No Georgie.  It was time to call in reinforcements and I told my husband that Georgie seemed to be missing.  He had stayed up to see t.v. And had been in the hospital the day before for some cryotheraphy.  The hospital had sent him home with a drainage bag which gave him some mobility even if he had to walk around holding onto the bag.  He hadn’t seen him, he said.  Had I let him back in after his potty break?  At that point I couldn’t say for sure so I grabbed a flashlight and checked all around the back yard fence for holes but there was neither a hole or Georgie out there.  I went out the front door and saw my husband walking down the sidewalk holding his drainage bag in the air as he called him.  Looking back on it, it’s a funny picture.  However neither of us was amused at that point.  Since Georgie was so lost and no trace of him, I could only be thankful that he was wearing his ID tags.

By now, I was rechecking everything again.  I checked the cages again and since they both had covers over them to make them more den-like, I got down on my knees to completely see into them.  Yep, there was Georgie sitting in the back of Gracie’s cage (because of his black coloring, he wasn’t visible) not understanding why I hadn’t released him sooner.  It seems the cage door had shut while he was in there and he just waited as patiently as he did whenever he got shut into the bathroom for me to figure it out and come release him.

So now we all got into bed to settle down.  I was reminded, again, of the reason I never let Gracie on the bed if I’m not right there.  She pees and isn’t too concerned that it’s my bad and my side she does it on.  I fail to understand the message she is trying to convey when she does that.  She’ll do it whether or not she goes outside.  She never does it all night long, which she easily could (and thank heavens she doesn’t), only if I’m not in the room.  My guess is that she wanted to steal the limelight from her brother.

Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs



Oh Huckle! That is a story! Holy cow! I’m sure at the time it wasn’t funny but wow…why doesn’t Georgie scratch? That is so funny. There he was watching you and your husband look for him and thinking you both were crazy! And then Gracie pees on the bed. Oh my goodness. What a night for you!!!! Thank you for the laugh!

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip



Oh Huckle, how scary.  I remember when I let the kids out for their last trip for the night.  They didn’t come and they didn’t come.  I got flashlight and saw the far side gate wide open and had a sinking feeling.  I called my son and he went out.  Two came back immediately, but Romeo was nowhere to be found.  Finally a neighbnor at the end of the street wanted to know if I lost a pug.  Romeo had wandered up there and was close to a busy street!.  My son went up there, picked him up and carried him home.  Thank God my son was home or I would have had a devil of a time getting him in the dark.

Glad all turned out well.  Maybe you need to put a bell on Georgie’c collar so when he moves you can hear it.  That is if he doesn’t just sit there very quietly waiting for you to find him.



Huckle thanks for the chuckle I run into the same problem with my gang they have to follow me everywhere and sometimes when I go in the garage to do laundry they follow many of times they don;t all follow me out a few times Bax has been closed up in there or one of the pugs and they won’t bark or scratch just sit there in the dark waiting for me to figure out they are missing but the best one yet with my gang is I let them out in the fenced in back yard and let them all in or so I thought well about a hour latter my door bell rang and it was my next door neighbor and standing beside her was Emma my heart started pounding I opened the door to let he in my neighbor said Emma was out in my front yard and she knew I didn’t let them lose so I raced to the back yard to check both gates and low and behold one was opened a crack now I always check the gates and do a head count

patty v


Saying my prayers for Luna. It’s just not fair that this happens to such a sweet little dog.

Huckle, your story is funny now but I’m sure it was pretty scary at the time! I remember one time Olive snuck into the garage as I shut the door. I looked all over the front and back yards for her and was getting pretty frantic. Finally heard her scratching and whining in the garage…what a relief!



Sue VDB - a bell on his collar sounds workable, that is a good idea.  Of course he’d have to be moving around which he isn’t inclined to do.

Thanks for the comments kids.  It’s soothing to know that this isn’t a solitary thing Georgie does.  You guys are funny.



Toby has a thing about following me into the laundry room which is off of my kitchen.  Sometimes, I don’t know he is there and just close the door and leave him there.  He never makes a sound, just waits for me to come find him.  It must be a pug thing.

Karen B.


Huckle, we ALWAYS count on you for a laugh…That’s why you are “Huckle chuckles”!  You have a reputation to maintain now!

Maybe getting lost in their own home is a pug thing too.  C.J. will be right on my heels and sometimes if he doesn’t move quick enough, he ends up in a closet.  I go frantically looking for him and will find him sitting or standing quietly inside the closet…He won’t bark or whine to let me know where he is, just waits patiently…I guess he knows Mom always comes back!  Toeby on the other hand would probably tear the door down, barking all the way!

Karen B.


Wow, Marcia…we must have posted at the exact same time!  Could the stories be much closer?  I guess it IS a pug thing!  lol

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