Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Purple Leopard


Update 6:30PM:

Luna is home and all things considered is doing very well. She has about 6 stitches in her ear and a few more on her elbow. So far, the elbow incision seems to be giving her the most trouble. She was very happy to get some dinner a few minutes ago. She is still a bit drowsy. We are going to curl up on the sofa and just relax. More updates coming tomorrow. Thanks for all the good wishes. Luna is back home and on the road to recovery.

Update 1:30PM:

Luna is out of surgery and doing well. In total, they removed 3 mast cell tumors. Two on her ear, one on the inside, one on the outside and one tumor from her shoulder. All 3 have been sent out for testing and hopefully we will have the results soon. The good news for today is that Luna is waking up and will be ready to go home this evening.

We dropped a purple spotted Luna off at the vet this morning for her tumor removal and a dental cleaning. We marked all the little bumps that we could find last night and I am hoping that none of those come back as mast cell tumors.

Unfortunately, the only thing we can really do now is wait. I should hopefully hear something by 1PM (Eastern Time). As soon as I know something, I will give you an update.

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I will be thinking of little Luna all day!!! and waiting to hear an update from you!!! She looks cute as a purple leopard!!!

crazy pug lady


Well, purple is the color of royalty.  Here’s to Luna, her royal highness!  May all be well with you today and always.  Love you girl!

Debbie S.


My prayers are with Little Luna today and her family.  God Bless you!



Awwww, spotted Looney…I am thinking of you precious girl…I will be waiting anxiously to know that you are out of surgery.  Lots of love to you…Hang in there Corrine, waiting is the worst, I know!



good luck Luna.  Puggie and I are sending you good pug vibes.

Denise Ridener


Good luck little Luna, we are all thinking of you. XOXO Hang in there, waiting is the hardest thing,we know.



Good Luck Miss Luna.  And you look FAB as a purple leopard!  I pray the vet is guided by God and takes the best possible care of our precious Luna.



Good Luck Luna!  Hope all goes well today for you and your recovery time is swift!  We’ll be waiting to hear good news.



Prayers for Luna (and her family!).
God’s blessings,
judi & the boyz



Corrine, you are the greatet…thinking of us when your little Luna is coming out of surgery. 

We all want to hear great news, and hope you get it.



Corrine, you must be on pins and needles waiting for the results.  You have many people praying for you and Little Luna.



God Bless Luna and Corrine as they wait for news. I will be thinking of all of you.




I will be keeping my fingers crossed for the pretty girl today:(



God bless our sweet little purple leopard Luna.  I’ll be waiting anxiously for the news.

My prayers and thoughts are with you Corrine, too.



purple is Lunas color I am sending good thoughts and a prayer for Luna and you Corrine hoping everything turns out well I know you must be on pins and needles waiting to hear and please let us know how she does

Karen B.


Purple is my favorite color and Luna looks as adorable as ever!  Okay, fingers are crossed and prayers are up for “our” little girl!  Was wondering how many purple spots we needed to worry about??  I see four I think…



How anxious we are to hear, and no one more than you Corrine.  The waiting for results is going to be excruciating, but hang in there.  We’ll get those nasty little tumors graded and she will pass with flying colors.  So many thoughts are with her, and you, today.  Bless that little girl.  She is so important to a huge fan club.

Pug love and hugs
Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs



Warm, loving hugs to Luna. We are trusting that everything will be just fine. We’re here with you Corrine.



Yes, it is going to be a very long day, while we all wait!!
Thinking of you Corinne & family. 
Miss Luna, you are lovely in purple.  I never heard of using lipstick to mark out the area.  Clever, very clever of whoever thought of this.
Pug hugs and prayers sent your way…



Miss Luna, I am thinking of you baby and hoping you are almost done with this ordeal!  I have to be away from my computer for the next hour or so and I am hoping for a happy update when I return…

Until then, more prayers and good thoughts heading your way little love!!!

Corrine - OBP


Good news, Luna is out of surgery and doing well. In total, they removed 3 mast cell tumors. Two on her ear, one on the inside, one on the outside and one tumor from her shoulder. All 3 have been sent out for testing and hopefully we will have the results soon. The good news for today is that Luna is waking up and will be ready to go home this evening.

Thank you everyone for all the good wishes.  It means a lot to us and little Looney.  I’ll post another update late this evening after we have her home and settled.  Thanks again.



Thank goodness that part is over.  More prayers that these 3 mast cell tumors have been totally removed and no further treatment is necessary.

I know you will be on pins and needles until Luna is in your arms again.

crazy pug lady


I will spread the word at work so maybe you can get a surge of calendar sales to help foot the purple bill.  wink

Karen B.


Thanks for the update Corrine!



Thank you Corrine for the up date.  Glad to hear Miss Luna is doing well.  Brightens my day, as I’m sure yours also.
I probably won’t see the later post until tomorrow morning.
Have a good evening, I’m sure Miss Luna will want to cuddle.



Praying for you and Luna!! Glad to hear she’s awake and ready to come home!



Thank you for keeping everyone updates.  I bet you can’t wait to pick her up and put your arms around her.Give her hugs and kisses from all her friends who will be anxiously awaiting the final path report.



YAY, Wake up Looney so you can get home to your anxiously awaiting mom and bros!  I can’t believe there were 3!  Praying they are low grade and margins are clear!!!  Will be waiting on pins and needles for the results right along with you Corrine…Can’t wait to see the post-op pretty girl.  Lots of love to you all!!!



Oh my goodness. I breathed a sigh of relief when I read that post Corrine. Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know! It is greatly appreciated!

I have a funny story to maybe make people chuckle. It’s along the same lines of not being able to find your pug! Last summer my Dad and husband were doing some work in our backyard so they left the gate open. They were carrying heavy bricks around from the front. Pip is very slow going, plus my girls had popsicles so he was following them around the backyard so we knew he wouldn’t try and escape.

Well my sister and I were keeping an eye on Pip to make sure he didn’t go out the gate. Except when Lucy (my 4 year old) brought us some bubbles to open and evidently it takes two grown women to open it b/c neither of us were watching Pip! When we looked up, we noticed he wasn’t in the backyard. I ran so fast to the front yard calling him and where did I find him? Sitting on the front porch looking in the front door wondering why no one was letting him in! Phew!!!!!! I was so relieved. My goodness. I know the good Lord above guided him right around to the front door. Silly Pip!!!! 

I’m sure I won’t be the only checking this blog ALOT waiting for the results. Thank you again Corrine for including us in your family!

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip

Patty B.


Here’s hoping for the best possible results

Jennifer Davis


Heal fast Luna.  You may be the smallest, but I know you are a fighter!



Gina, that’s a cute story about Pip.  I know that “stomach dropping” feeling of when they’ve scooted out of our sight.  Thank goodness for the smartness of our puggers to go right to where they should be!

Thinking of you Miss Luna and hoping you are home soon!  Will be checking all night on you Princess!



Gina - that comment was hilarious.  A little levity at this time helps break the tension we are feeling.

Corrine - I’m sending a thank your way and also little Looney Lunas way.  Bless you for thinking of us at a time like this.  And bless that little noggin of hers.  Step one is over and step two doesn’t sound as scary when we wait with you.  Sending a virtual hug for the both of you.



Corrine, thank you for our update.  Can’t wait to hear little Looney is home.  I’m praying for a good result from the biopsies.

((((((Luna))))))  that’s me sending a big hug to Luna

pug mama


Lots of hugs to Luna and Corrine from pug mama and Abby-dabby.  So glad the surgery part is over for the little dear, we’ll be praying for your furry household Corrine <3



pug hugs from NC Luna smile

Corrine - OBP


Luna is home and all things considered is doing very well.  She has about 6 stitches in her ear and a few more on her elbow.  So far, the elbow incision seems to be giving her the most trouble.  She was very happy to get some dinner a few minutes ago.  She is still a bit drowsy.  We are going to curl up on the sofa and just relax.  More updates coming tomorrow.  Thanks for all the good wishes.  Luna is back home and on the road to recovery!



SO happy she is home!!  That’s a lot of stitches on our wee one!  Get some rest pretty girl and know you are being loved from near and far…Look forward to hearing how the rest of her night was.  Corrine, thank you so much for keeping us posted in the midst of it all…the last thing you have to do, but it means so much to us, your fan club/virtual extended family.

Kiss to you Looney…pleasant dreams and rest your healing body nicely!



Thank you so much for letting us know that you have Miss Luna home.  I bet the boys were glad to see her.  Hope you are able to get some rest yourself.  Know that you all will remain in our thoughts and prayers.



Again Corrine, thank you for taking the time for updating us.  Glad she is back home in your arms where she will be much more comfortable, and hoping free of pain. 

You did mention stitches on her elbow, but your earlier post stated she had a mast cell removed from her shoulder. Was this tumor close to her elbow?

Corrine - OBP


Sue - Yes, the shoulder one turned out to be on her elbow.  I got confused on the phone update grin



Sweet Looney. So glad you are home and resting. Thank you Corrine for keeping us updated. I like how Heather called Luna a ‘wee one’. She is a wee one. Try to get some rest Luna and you too Corrine.

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip!



We love you, Luna and family!  Have a good evening on the couch.  You are in the best of care.



SO glad to hear she is home!  Praying everything comes back good and she gets lots of snuggles!



Yeah!!!! Luna is “home sweet home” and we can all rest easier tonight. Nothing like snuggling with a pug! Can’t wait to hear tomorrows updates Corrine! Sweet dreams to both of you! Roberta



we’ll be waiting here get rest miss luna we love you baby-girl.

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