Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Ice Cream

Pumpkin Ice Cream

Last weekend, we had a friend visiting from Maryland.  One night we headed out for ice cream and when I saw they had pumpkin ice cream I knew I had to bring a doggie dish home for the pugs.

Benjamin & Luna eating ice cream

The only thing the pugs like better than when I bring home ice cream is if they get to go with me to get the ice cream.  The ice cream shop is outdoor only and has several serving windows and the building itself has lots of very big windows so you can see what is going on inside.  The windows have low ledges so if the pugs stand on their hind legs they can see inside.  We mostly take the pugs in the summer and in the summer there are always long lines.  It took a while, but the pugs have learned that they need to wait in line and can not simply rush up to the counter.  I make the boys sit and they become intensely focused on the serving window and they anxiously scoot up each time the line moves.  It is really the funniest thing to watch.  When they get to the front of the line, it is paws up and they spend the whole time peering into the window.  Luna passes the time by getting attention from everyone in line.

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Love the story.  The boys are focused on only the ice cream.  Littl Luna is playing it up.  She knows the ice cream is eventually coming, but what fun to be the center of attention on the way. Go Luna.



Those doggie dishes look so yummy, I want to dig in!!  I would give anything to see them in the summer waiting in line for their turn and then watching as their goodies get made behind the window.  Too priceless!!

(Now I am totally craving ice cream…lol)...



Isn’t it PUGKIN Ice Cream? I must be feeding Beauty the wrong stuff-Pugkin Ice Cream please!!And don’t forget the pugkin bread!! She is getting totally potty trained-finally-and has decided that ‘stealing’ things to take outside is a lot of fun! At the end of the day I need to go out and see what treasures she has decided to take that day! Gotta love the pugs!!



How adorable that they obediently stand in line.  lol Of course we shouldn’t expect anything less from 3 pugs that will sit with their nose inches away from the pugkin bread until they get the ok to pounch.

Here, after noticing that I bought a pumpkin muffin and then a loaf of pumkin bread a week later, hubby says, fellas, mama like pumpkin!  So, being the thoughtful hubby he is, he jumped on the chance to please when he saw the Edyes Pumpkin ice cream in the store.  He wanted to surprise me and brought home a “half-gallon”, light version.  Unfortunately, I didn’t really care for it, so the fellas get the whole container to themselves. lol They love it.



I totally love this time of year.  I love all things pumpkin and I love pumpkin ice cream.  Sleighbelle likes ice cream, but it doesn’t like her.  About the time it hits her tummy, it comes right back.  I love the fact that the pugs stand in line like any other customer.  We have an ice cream place like that here too and the lines are always long in the spring and summer.  And, their flavor of the month???? PUMPKIN!!!



As I read about your pugs behavior while waiting in line, “they become intensely focused on the serving window…..” I thought, what a coincidence.  That’s how I wait, too!  hehehe

And I’m with Heather, I’d dearly love to watch them wait in line, inching up!  What sweethearts they are!



Wow! Lucky babies, I want to be a pug in your house.
Guess I’d better run out and get my little ones Pugkin ice cream.

Karen B


C.J. and Toeby would probably ralph it right back up.  They seem to have very sensitive tummies.  We are having a very tough time with ralphing right now and I’m about up to my wits end.  Thinking of changing their food.  Any suggestions out there in pug-lover land?

How funny…my “dither” word is “support89”.  LOL!



Oooh that looks yummy!!
Gus and Indy love ice cream but they discovered mama may share her icecream right off the cone.. but daddy doesn’t!! smile

Gus still tries to take toys outside with him, i’ve let him take his hedgehog on a walk but he won’t go to the bathroom!



*laughing* Martha, you’re awesome. I wish I had the life your pugs have! raspberry You’re such a great pugmommy..!!!



Can’t say I have heard of that flavor ice cream!  But pugkin anything is sure to be a treat to our little pugkins!!
I don’t give Mr. Skittles anything like that, it would probably be hilarious to see him and his antics.
Would also like to see them waiting in line for their treat of ice cream!

On another note, any help in house training?
Mr. Skittles is not getting the hang of it!!!
Help out there in OBP land!

Karen B


Pat, would love to help in the pee pee area but C.J. seems to be reverting and is starting to lift his leg in the house.  Afraid I’m not much help.



My kids would have to fight momma for that pumpkin ice cream!!...hee hee hee
I love the Milk Bone in the cup with the ice cream! What a wonderfully delicious Puggy Treat!!



Karen:  I know what you mean, that little leg comes up and sometimes right after he has just come in from outside.  Very frustrating.  I wash everything down, then I spray with this solution I got from the health food store and it is suppose to take away traces of their pee, and it works, but he finds a new place to lift his leg on!!
So, good luck to you too with C.J.



Karen B, a change in diet may be the trick.  I feed my furbabies Wellness.  You may want to try the fish and sweet potato formula.  It has no meat by-products, no rendered animal fats, no wheat, no corn, so soy, no dairy or eggs, no white rice, no artificial presevativves, no added sugar or salt, no artifical flabors, colors or dyes.  If Corrine would be willing, she can give you my email address and I would be more than willing to email you more.  It sounds like your babies may have food allergies.

Karen B


Pat, nice to know I’m not alone!!  C.J. is so stubborn and if I scold him, he just cocks his head, like, “Who me??”  Aaaaaaaah!

Sue, thanks, that may be it…Where do you purchase Wellness?



Where do you find wellness?  Sleighbelle does not have any tinkle issues, but this forumla sounds really heathy.  thanks!

Oh, and I’m stopping at Braum’s and getting me some pumpkin ice cream tonight!



Karen B.  My little girl would get an upset stomach from time to time or my guy will get diaherra.  When this happen I will give them Pepto Bismol.  They get about 1 tsp per 10 pounds.  It works great.  Be warned though, pugs don’t like pepto.  I usually have to give them an extra tsp to make sure they get enough and I end up with pink dogs.  It does the trick in the short term, but if its a reoccuring problem maybe you should bring them to the vet or change their food.



Karen B and Sleighbelle:
Go to Wellness.com.  There is a store locator which can tell you if there are any stores in your area.  If not, you may have to order it online.  It is not cheap.  I just purchased a 30# bag for $52; however, it is well worth the cost.  My dogs are totally healthy and my very picky eater who would skip 2-3 meals at a time eats every meal now. I started feeding them Wellness after considerable research and just before the bad dog food recall.  I have never regretted it.  They are worth every penny.

Corrine - OBP


I second Sue’s thoughts on Wellness.  We make Benjamin, Henry & Luna’s food, but for treats we use the Wellness Kibble and during hurricane season we add a little bit to their meals.  If we lost electricity for a few days and the pugs’ food went bad, I wanted to have something to feed them.  We give it to them from time to time so that it wouldn’t be a complete shock to their system if they had to eat that instead of their regular meal.

Karen B


Thanks all for the sound advice.  I’ve always been a bit nervous to give them human meds but I know other folks that do with good results.  I will try to locate the Wellness product in my area.  Sounds like it might be worth a try!  Thanks again all!

And puggyluv:  The picture in my mind of “pink pugs” makes me LOL!!  Thanks for the chuckle!



Thanks for the info on Wellness.  I am going to see if it’s sold in my area too.
I certainly know the hassle of Pepto and pugs!  Birdy would lick it off the spoon like a champ, but Sleighbelle…Oh my, it’s WWF Smackdown!

Karen B


Petco here in my town sells it as well as a couple smaller independent stores here.  So, I’m on my way to the store!  Happy Halloweeeen and weeeekend to aaaallll!



Lola and I like to go to the Baskin Robbins shop during the summer.  Usually she sits in the car and waits for me..I can see her from inside the store.  I get my usual and she gets a kiddie dish of no-fat frozen yogurt. Then we sit outside on the bench and she eats hers in seconds flat, then comes after mine :D People get a kick out of us when they walk by.

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