Owned by Pugs

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pumpkin Bread Season

Benjamin and Henry

Even though the FL weather doesn't reflect it, pumpkin bread season is upon us. And the pugs have had their fair share of pumpkin bread.

When we give the pugs pumpkin bread, I usually take a small piece and break it up into bites and give the pugs a little piece here and there as I eat a slice myself. Benny has started a new thing this year. Drooling. Yep, drooling. None of the pugs are droolers, but in between bites, Benny just sits and drools. By the time we are finished eating he even has a wet spot on the floor!

The boy sure does love his pumpkin bread!

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Mom, mom, mom… PULLLLLEASE open the pugkin bread!



Oh my gosh that is adorable! He is a true pugkin bread fan.

Heading to another pumpkin patch today for a field trip with my first grader. Fun times!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella, Susie Dog & me.



Too funny! My Webster is a drooler, too! He gets so excited over food - even if he doesn’t know what we are eating!



Sleighbelle has been known to drool a time or two or twenty!

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Hahaha! The picture looks like they’re having a “Mexican Stand-off!” Who’s gonna make the first move??? I have a drooler too. I give them their pills before breakfast in peanut butter. I have to give Pen his first because if I do Lucy first I end up having to clean up a puddles under Pen! Thank goodness he only does it for peanut butter!

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Standoff at the OK Corral was the first thing I thought of but I don’t think the wet spot was from drooling then.  Good luck, you two, and where is Miss Looney hiding?

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


i see a “why is mom being so mean putting this wrapped pugkin bread on the floor?” asks benny as henry looks at mom in concurrence.



Benny and Henry are being so good waiting for there pugkin bread



Benny and Henry are being the perfect gentlemen waiting for Luna to arrive. “When Sis gets here we can open the pumpkin bread”.

Hellen Norton


Oh My….MOM dont be crule to a pug that drolls…..BUT where is Luna? She is so small she deserves hers first!!!!



Poor Baby Benny.  First he has to wait a whole year for pumpkin-bread-time to come around again.  Then he has to wait for the bread to be opened!



oh my the wait"lol it’s so cute i’ve been making pugkin bread and muffins to.

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