Owned by Pugs

Thursday, September 9, 2010



One night last week, I stopped to pickup a carryout order from Bob Evans. As I was waiting, I noticed their pumpkin bread was back for Fall and I got to talking to a manager about the canned pumpkin shortage. The manager explained that they had to switch to a Canadian supplier because of Libby's pumpkin crop failure last year. We talked a bit longer and before I left, I asked her if she could sell me any of her cans of pumpkin. She explained that they were #10 cans, but if that wasn't a problem for me she would be more than happy to sell them to me. The cans were huge, but I could certainly find a way to work around that. So, I left there with 3 huge cans of pumpkin. I was giddy for the rest of the night.

Before I cracked open any of the cans, I of course made the pugs pose with them. Ever since learning how to "give 5", Benjamin thinks that "giving 5" is his ticket to everything he wants in life. You don't even have to ask him. He just sits down and starts giving you his paw.

Henry and Luna

Henry and Luna seemed to be equally excited about the mystery, oversized can.

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Phew, I’ve been worrying about your pumpkin shortage and wondering how I could ship some south!  I’m glad you got a good supply in!  And that you took pictures with the puggers.  They are just so darned cute!



They are just edible!!  Look at you Benny…so handsome and ready to please…LOVE the mid-high-five action!  Hank has a longing in his eyes…I think he’s on to you that the can’s contents are special…and the Miss, well, what can we say…such a smart little lady…She is clearly ready for a tablespoon, or four, of your purchase!

Just love the can…looks so old-fashioned.

This really brought a big smile today…and I needed it!

BONE appetite gang…looks like there’s no pugkin shortage in your house for a while!



That #10 is almost bigger than Luna! 
Sleighbelle is very good at “giving me the paw” too!  And she also thinks that is the key to all things yummy…and it usually is!

Marlene's Mom


Love the nose guard!



Aww Benny, such an adorable pose, and it shows all your precious wrinkles.

Henry looks as if he’s asking when you are going to open up that can.

Luna seems to know that can is special and is anticipating the pleasure of sampling the product.



Hahahaha, oh Benny, you remind me more and more of a fawn Klaus (my black pug) with each post I read. He does the exact same thing with “giving 5.” Tell him to sit when you’ve got a treat, and his paw is immediately up in the air. Heck, he’ll give you “ten”! Too sweet. So with a ten pound can, how are you going to preserve the pumpkin? I tried to freeze some once, but when I defrosted it, the texture was very weird. Do you have a secret?



thanks again Corrine for my mourning smile love the pictures the can is huge looks like you will be making a lot of pumpkin bread Benny is so cute with his high five and Henry looks like he is saying come on mom make the pumpkin bread Miss Luna is already smacking her lips with the thought of pumpkin bread my Abby does a dance when ever she wants a treat she is so cute and it works every time



Too cute for words!  I love getting your updates every morning, I feel like I know all of your pumpkins personally.  I don’t always have time to comment but I do read them every single day and sometimes more than once or twice a day!



That can IS almost as big as Luna!  I love how she is already licking her lips smile  Henry is like “ok I just have to pose for one second and then we can break into this bad boy!”  And Benny, I think he’s got his paw out saying “hand me the can opener mom, I can open it, I can open it!”.  And of course, the brand is “Mom’s Choice”, how correct!

Great pictures as usual smile



I love that Luna is truly the “Little Lady” with her petiteness and that she has two BIGger brothers to watch out for her…

Just love these pics today…of course every day…today is no exception.

Hellen Norton


WOW MOM….hurry and open these cans!! We will help bake pumpkin bread NOW.



Corrine - what a bunch of nuts (your Pugs, not us).  Since Luna has not seen this size can, how does she know what’s in it - and she most certainly does.  It’s awesome how the Pugs’ personality comes through every picture.  What a fun household you have.

BTW Karen, in rereading some of the prior blogs, I just figured out what you were trying to tell me (before you threw your arms in the air).  Here we go…

Pugs Hug and
Huckle Chuckles



Oh, I’m jealous.  We’re definitely missing our pumpkin here.  It helps with the clogged anal glands and keeps our little one regular.  As soon as the thanksgiving supply is back we are buying everything we can find!



Oh you kids are just toooo cute!  Love Benny’s high 5!

Huckle, no harm done, whatsoever!



Holy Macaroni, Batman! I didn’t know there was a bad pumpkin crop last year! Sheesh, I though my dumb grocery store just moved the canned pumpkin :-( Ok, the hunt is on - gotta find some canned pumpkin before Thanksgiving!!!
I do have one very large and lovely pumpkin in my garden this year, but only the one. We’ll savor the meat in that lil’ darling! It should make at least a few loaves of Pugkin Bread wink

pug mama


How fantastic!!!  Pugkin bread, all around!!!!  (please repost the recipe if it wouldn’t be too much trouble; I had saved it on my harddrive, but unfortunately the 8+ yr old computer took it’s last breathe last week, and I haven’t had it to the shop yet, to see if I can get any files off of it.). 

....hence, my unfortunate absence this last week.  I miss you all terrible, truly hoping I can get some pictures scanned here at my mom’s house, in time to enter the calendar contest. 

Miss Abby is goin in for a check-up on monday morning, also to get a fasting chemistry panel to check on her kidney and liver functions.  Wish us well!  So, for now, my computer time is very sporadic, never realized how much time I used to be on the puter!!!!



Glad to see you back pug mama.  Be sure to keep us posted on Abby girl.

Andi, how is Miss Peanut?



That is one large can of pugkin! for pugkin bread of course!!

Benny could be saying “I work for treats” 
Have a great weekend all OBP’s!

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