Thursday, September 9, 2010
One night last week, I stopped to pickup a carryout order from Bob Evans. As I was waiting, I noticed their pumpkin bread was back for Fall and I got to talking to a manager about the canned pumpkin shortage. The manager explained that they had to switch to a Canadian supplier because of Libby's pumpkin crop failure last year. We talked a bit longer and before I left, I asked her if she could sell me any of her cans of pumpkin. She explained that they were #10 cans, but if that wasn't a problem for me she would be more than happy to sell them to me. The cans were huge, but I could certainly find a way to work around that. So, I left there with 3 huge cans of pumpkin. I was giddy for the rest of the night.
Before I cracked open any of the cans, I of course made the pugs pose with them. Ever since learning how to "give 5", Benjamin thinks that "giving 5" is his ticket to everything he wants in life. You don't even have to ask him. He just sits down and starts giving you his paw.
Henry and Luna seemed to be equally excited about the mystery, oversized can.
Phew, I’ve been worrying about your pumpkin shortage and wondering how I could ship some south! I’m glad you got a good supply in! And that you took pictures with the puggers. They are just so darned cute!