Owned by Pugs

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pug Camouflage

Can you spot Luna?


Her scars actually help her blend in pretty well.


The boys don’t blend in quite as well as the little girl.  But Luna isn’t surprised.  Just another thing that she is the best at! grin

Benjamin, Luna & Henry

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That comforter was made for the Miss!!  She looks very elegant…when you can find her in those stripes!  grin



They look so comfy it makes me sleepy. Do you have any idea what caused Luna’s scars?



If Luna ever has to hide from a predator (or you holding the nail clippers) that would be a great place to go!



Luna:  Thought I was well hidden, but first Mom with the clicky thing and now the boys…can’t a girl get any privacy?



Soooooooo adorable!!!



Made just for Luna, uh, the boys want to share the comfort.  As a fairly new subscribed to OBP, what has caused Luna’s scars?



She is so cute!  She probably needs a leopard print bed like my gang has!  LOL



When she wants to have a quiet moment, all she has to do is curl up on that comforter!!
It may be a while before the boys find her lol



Luna: Darn it! How did they know I was here? I’m a chameleon pug for goodness sake! humpf!

Corrine - OBP


We aren’t entirely sure how Luna got her scars.  It was first thought that she had a very severe case of mange that went untreated and that caused her to lose her fur.  However, when we took her to a dermatologist, they said that might be the reason for the fur loss on her chest, but it was definitely not the cause of the scars on her back.  You can definitely tell those are scars (the skin is firmer, etc).  The dermatologist speculates that she was attacked by something and her wounds were never treated and suspects that a few of the marks might be burn marks.  Many of the scars on her back are now covered by fur since her coat has improved.  Just the large ones are now visible.

It is almost worse not knowing how she got the scars because it lets my imagination run wild.  I try not to think about it much because it makes me very angry that someone would treat this precious little girl so horribly.  I can’t make up for the past, but the important thing is that she is not in any pain and has been given a clean bill of health from the dermatologist.

Karen B


Luna rocks!  She has overcome so much and it just goes to show what a fighter she is!  She’s a tough little cookie and even with her scars and eye problems, she is a beautiful little girl!!  And God love you folks for taking her in and loving her so much and so well!



Luna’s story from her past is certainly a sad one.  Although you don’t know the details, the results tell plenty.  When you wrote your “Things I learned from pug - Luna edition” post, I saved it into my favorites.  She’s a strong, wonderful, loving little girl, and through you she’s able to pass it on to us.

When Luna arrived at her forever home with you, she hit the jackpot and got all the love and happiness she deserves!!!  Plus two great big brothers!

Karen B


And oh, yeah!  The comforter was definitely made for her!!  She looks adorable on it!



Luna, Benny and Henry are SO adorable.

I love the way Luna looks. She always has a cute face on. It’s funny how she blends into the comforter so well.



Hearing of what could have caused her scars made me physically ill…People like that should be tortured and shot…quite literally. 

I am soooooooo grateful Miss Luna found her forever home with you and the boys…She is truly blessed…as are you with her.  Thank God she got a second chance at a beautiful life!



Oh.. my mind wanders too I don’t even want to think about where those scars came from! Lets just say the groomer cut too close one time and it never grew back (like eyebrows!)
The past is the past and she has certainly landed in the best forever home one could even imagine! Love heals all wounds and she hit the jackpot with OBP and the puglets!
BTW - You adopting any humans? I’m available! LOL!



They are so cute!! I am getting a new pug on Friday - never had one and so much to learn and love. Any tips on how to - would be great.  They are so cute.



Congratulations, Karene!  Your life is just beginning lol.  Not knowing where you live, I can’t say for sure, but if you can’t find a local Pug meetup group in your area, or even if you can, feel free to join our NYC Pug Meetup group.  We all share our experiences, good and bad and there’s lot’s of info already online at the group discussion board.  Go to meetup.com and search for pug with your zip code to see where a local group might be near you.  You can also check myspace, although I had tried there earlier and didn’t find anything, but hey, who knows. lol

Karen B


Karene, you will love having a pug!  The only drawback to pugs is the shedding.  Other than that, the love comes naturally and like having kids, you learn as you go.  Lots of good info out there in Webland!

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