Owned by Pugs

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Problem Sleepers

Henry and Luna

The pugs are allowed to sleep with us at night, which is generally fine, but two of the pugs are serious bed hogs. We try to encourage the pugs to sleep in the same direction that we do (parallel to us), but Henry & Luna prefer to sleep perpendicular to us.

When we go to bed, things start out OK, but as the night goes on Henry & Luna switch into perpendicular sleeping mode and the next thing you know we are hanging off the side of the bed and the pugs have all sorts of open space in the middle of the bed.

You can switch the pugs back into parallel mode, but after a few hours they are right back into perpendicular sleeping mode and we are clinging to the bed again.

How a little pug can push you out of the bed is beyond me but they manage to do it every night.

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Coco is a perfect bed companion!!! I start out on my right side and she is curled in my upper body area…..if i turn over to my left side she gets up and comes over to curl in my upper body area….just like a teddy bear shes right there for me to hug!!! But if i leave the bed…she gets up and snuggles into my 2 pillows. I love sleeping with her…..but the hubby cannot stand the snoring!!!....HE SHOULD HEAR HIMSELF!!!!!



Sleighbelle is the same way!  She is the queen of bed pug hogs…I find myself with a sliver of bed while she has the rest.  But if I’m honest with myself, I wouldn’t have it any other way!



We love having Bennie sleep with us, but he causes all kinds of disruptions!  Most especially, he will walk over us, LEAP over us, plop down hard, only to get up and do it all over again in a few minutes.

But when he’s good—he’s oh so good!  He cuddles close and stays put for a long time.

But his worst position is with his butt up by our faces….



My favorite place to be is in bed with the boys…I would never have them sleep anywhere else.  Yes, there are times I’m sleeping on the edge about to topple as they are sprawled across the entirety of a queen bed, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I have a funny related anecdote, but am slammed at work…will have to come back later to story tell.  Sweet dreams for all the puggers and their people!!!

sue s


Daisey, the Boston sleeps real good with us. Beauty is too, once she gets settled which can take awhile. She has to ‘circle’ before making a landing! Have not had the 2 little ones Solsie & Proto in with us and might try it and see if they will stay asleep longer than 4 am! Pug Hugs to all-The Colorado 5



Oh, how I can relate, although it isn’t a bed, it’s a recliner where I sleep.  Romeo starts out by my side, moves on top of me, and before I know it he is in between my legs, and one leg is hanging off the edge. While this is taking place Missy moves on top of me and Frankie horns his way on as well.  Sometimes it gets to be too much and I have to move them.  Like the others, I wouldn’t have it any other way.



my five puggys think the queen size bed is there big doggie bed I sleep in the middle and Emma sleeps in my arms she has done this since she was 8 weeks old Abby has to sleep against my back Toby sleeps curled up in my legs and Zeke and Ollie well they are all over the place I always get a very small area but like all of you I wouldn’t have it any other way thank goodness the two boxers don’t sleep on the bed



Love it!!  cute picture.
My guy won’t sleep upstairs in the queen size bed…he is not a sound sleeper, therefore hears every little sound and he is constantly awake, and woofs at everything! (Keeping me awake too) But if I fall asleep on the couch in the basement tv room… he cuddles and snores to his hearts content. (I think it must be more sound proof)  So, he mainly sleeps down there and gets a good nights rest!
It is true.. they want all the room!!



Corrine - if you’re small enough, you might try sleeping horizontally so that when you get pushed to the edge, you at least have something stopping you.

That picture makes me want to take a nap!  So cute.

Martha - Bennie sounds like a card. I can laugh because I don’t have to “enjoy” that behavior every night.  Abby sleeps against my back and she has to back in until she touches me and I couldn’t sleep if I don’t feel her rump against me.

Roberta - Coco sounds awfully funny.  Make a tape with your husband snoring and then make one for Coco and play them for your husband and have him guess who’s who.  No one admits to snoring and get upset if someone says they do and I wonder why people get embarrassed over it?

Heather, I’m with you and don’t forget to tell us your anecdote!  The ears are listening.

pug mama


Sounds like it’s time for a king size bed, Corrine!!!



So cute and funny.  My puggsie loves will only snuggle with me and it has to be on my pillow with me.  But when he sleeps at night, he will only sleep on this pillow and his blanket at the bottom of the bed.



Bugsy likes to sleep up against my legs. He will start out under the covers. When I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, he gets right where I was (the warm spot) and I have to wrestle with him to get back in the bed.



Clover has her very own pillow and her very own blanket at the end of the bed.  Usually at some point during the night she walks up to the middle of the bed but close to me and plops down and snuggles in.  Then I spend the rest of the night hoping I don’t fall off and fighting for covers as Clover & my husband get a good nighs sleep.  If I try to move her, she curls back up before I can get back down into a comfortable position.  It’s so cute though so I just work with the room and covers I’ve got.



After reading all the comments today…i have decided there are
” NO PROBLEM SLEEPING PUGS”.....It’s all of us that have the problems…...And like them or not (the problems)...they (the pugs) are sleeping just fine and we are adjusting to them. Sounds kinda typical!!! lol
PS…and truth be told…if i want to sleep with Coco i have to sneak her upstairs so that Beau and Lu dont go crazy!!!! Because they usually all sleep together in their beds in the laundry room, which is gated from the rest of the house.



Not to change the subject of today Corrine…..But i looked thru some past posts and cant seem to find anything on noses….I have a feeling we talked about noses before but i’m not sure…..Coco has this hard dry thing on her nose and its not like a pimple its more like long as the length of her nose and crusty…..i picked at it a little and she didnt like it very much…..It’s just real dry and crusty and black like her nose. I looked up some stuff on the internet and they mentioned alot about moistening it with neosporin….but with that loooooong tongue of hers it wont stay very long….anyone else have hard crusty nose problems with their pugs?? Thanks for any info you can give…..Roberta

pug mama


Abby has gotten this bad now too.  What do you use Corrine to smooth it down????  Her dishes are cleaned daily, they are ceramic, is that it?



Oh i know about this subject all to well as my four just sprawl it out they leave mom with a little piece of the bed and blankets lol.

Corrine - OBP


Henry has the same problem with his nose.  Our vet gave us KeraSolv gel and told us to apply it as needed.  It does work, but as soon as we get his nose in tip top shape and stop applying the gel the dry stuff comes right back.  Here is a link to the original post with more information.

There were lots of ideas in the comments for alternate treatments.

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