Owned by Pugs

Monday, February 13, 2012

Post Walk

Benjamin and Luna

The weather was perfect for pugs on Saturday, so we went for a nice long walk. It was a windy day and Benny was loving it. Windy days are his favorite because all kinds of smells just come to him. He will just sit with his nose up in the air smell, smell, smelling.

We walked for about a mile and when we got home Benjamin and Luna were ready for a nice long nap.

How was your weekend? Any pug fun?

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Minnie and Mack


They look sooo happy and content!  This weekend Minnie and Mack went to a puggle birthday party! What fun.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



They both look wonderful! Love the pug chin and Luna’s eye lashes! Sounds like a fabulous weekend!

Nothing too exciting this weekend. Woke up to a couple inches of snow so I had to ‘sweep’ paths in the backyard for Bella. She decided she didn’t want to go potty so made a break for the porch. Good thing she can’t manage stairs! I had to convince her to go potty and she begrudgingly agreed. Silly pug!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Sue, how is Cuddles?

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me



That is a very content picture of Benny and Looney.

Because of his back, Romeo couldn’t attend the Chrismas Pug Party, but he did make the Sweetheart Pug Party yesterday.  As usual, his attention was focused on the food table and the people.  He really wasn’t that interested in the other pugs.  I have always attributed that to the fact he never learned how to play much.  Now at 13 he really could not care less…especially when there is FOOD involved. He did react when a young male pug/chi mix humped him…not for this boy. 

Knock on wood, I have finally broken his habit of barking for food anywhere from 2 in the morning on.  The last three days he has waited until I get the bowls and put food in them.  YAY Romeo. 

This morning we broke our current winter record of 7/16 of an inch of snow.  We are expecting anywhere from 2-4 inches of snow.  After the last two winters of record breaking snow, this is good.



Those are two pooped pugs!!  It always amazes me when you talk of your mile + walks. My boys would have none of that!!!

Hope everyone is well. I miss being part of the dialogue, but these days I’m only able to hit and run…

Love and snorts to all!!!



Sue VDB ~ So glad Romeo has stopped barking for food! What a relief for you!!! And what a cutie making it to the Valentine’s Day party! I’m sure he had a grand time!!

Heather ~ How is everything going? I hope good!



I don’t recall ever seeing two more pooped pugs.  This is so funny.  Where was Henry in all this?

Sue VDB, how on earth did you do that?  I didn’t think we were in line for snow but if you get it, we probably will too.  Sunny for now and it makes you feel good.  Keep your snow!  At the Sweetheart Pug Party, did Romeo pick up a sweetheart?  It is such a blessing he is feeling good.

This occurred last week but it’s still relevant.  I got some femur bones at the grocery and there were four, just right for all.  However, they didn’t seem interested so I placed each one of the bones on the hearth which is about 10” high.  They stayed there for hours with no one paying attention to them.  Much later, I glanced at the hearth and all the bones but one had disappeared.  Georgie had confiscated them and put them in his dog bed.  NOW Cooper wanted them and Georgie was telling him “NO” in no uncertain terms.  The last bone on the hearth?  Georgie got that one too.  We had an afternoon of Georgie yelling at Cooper who was way across the room from him and doing nothing.  Even later I noticed that Cooper had somehow gotten two of the bones (certainly not when Georgie was near so I don’t know how he did it.  Even much later, all the bones were back in Georgie’s bed.



4 weeks ago, we adopted “Lola”.
She’s a 9-year old pug that was looking for a new home (the 4th already!)
she has to learn a lot, so we are intensively house training!

& on friday, we had a “pugshower” with all of the aunties to officially welcome her!

now i have 2 pugsisters: Louise & Lola



I always feel such a satisfying sense of accomplishment when I’ve tired out a dog : )

Sue VBD, I smiled thinking of Romeo at the Sweetheart Pug Party!  I’m so happy his back has improved enough to get out to fun events.  Evidently, Romeo thinks the food table IS his sweetheart!  He’s a man after Bennie’s heart with that thought!



Louise and Lola, “pugshower”, I like that. It’s a really cute idea.  You must be one of the angels to give Lola her forever home.Some big, wet, sloppy smooches from the Swamp pugs.



Huckle, the spray bottle finally worked.  I had it planted bedside.  When he began barking I squirted one time at his feet.  If he insisted I squirted him one time.  He would go away and sleep for a little.  If he later barked again, same procedure. I kept doing that until it was an acceptable time to eat.  Now that I am bragging, I hope he continues on his current pattern of waiting until I am ready. 

Louise, bless you for giving Lola a forever home.  Poor baby must feel like a bouncy ball, but I am sure she is beginning to feel comfortable.  A pugshower…what a fantastic idea.  Please keep us posted on her and Louise.  We also want pictures.



Well…... i had Clippiddy doo Dog come to the house to give all 4 a much needed bath…..She took the maltese 1st since she needed grooming…...and then Beau was next….he did very well…..Lu the frenchi next…..she did that howling bird noise and the groomer didnt know what to make of that!!!!! I saved Coco for last….I said she’s very unhappy at bath time (which isnt too often) and she may try to give you a nip or two…...well she came back and said coco was the best…...That tired them out for the rest of the day…....and it made me very happy that they were all very nice and clean!!!!!



Benny and Luna must have worn them selfs out on there walk
Sue VDB glad to heat Romeo is letting you sleep longer
Huckle thanks for the chuckle about Georgie and Cooper
Louise thank you for adopting we have over 100 pugs in the rescue I volenteer for



Aw my sweet babies you so tired.Love you!!



Roberta, I’m intrigued - howling bird noise?  What does it sound like?



LOL!!! That is exactly what a french bulldog sounds like…..a bird in a tropical forest!!! Google french bulldog noise and see if you cant find a video…..Its really funny!!!!! let me know if you find it…...if not i’ll look around for one to send you!!!! She’s quite funny and annoying at the same time…...



Huckle…. you will definately hear it on youtube!!!!!



Sorry…..ok go to google and type in french bulldog barking video…..and click on the youtube video called buddys funny barking.  That looks like a puppy and its kinda puppy-ish…...lu has a very 5 year mature wild bird scream!!!!! lol



Roberta, found it!  That little guy is “talking” and oh, the things he is saying!  How funny, now I know.  Thanks.

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