Owned by Pugs

Monday, January 3, 2011

Post Holiday Walkies

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

Like many people, including myself, the pugs overindulged this holiday. They had many more treats and bones than they normally would have had in the last two weeks. And as expected they loved it.

But, after a short cold snap, a front of perfect pug weather has moved in to the area. We have been able to get out for lots of walks and have been able to go on extra long walks without the pugs getting too hot.

The weather and walks have been just what the pugs needed to burn off all their holidays snacks. I wish burning off all my holiday snacks was just as easy.

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They are so cute…even from the back!!  I too, Corrine, wish we could bounceback as quickly!!  Time to get some extra walkies in myself!


Sue - loved the story about Baxter and Emma and all the pugggas taking over his new big boy bed…Baxter sounds like a very understanding and accomodating big brother!  lol



I love this type picture of your trio.

It is a sad January 3 in my household.  I had to have Jassy, my 19 year old cat, put to sleep this morning.  She went very quickly and I’m sure Bo Peep greeted her as she passed over the Rainbow Bridge, RIP my sweet baby.

Corrine - OBP


Sue VDB - I am so sorry to hear about Jassy.  I know you gave her a great life and took such good care of her.  I am sure that you have many fond memories that will continue to bring a smile to your face.  Take care.



Oh Sue VDB…my heart hurts for you and Jasper…Take comfort in the splendid long life Jasper had with you and surround yourself with fond memories and your babies to lick away the tears.  You and Jasper are in my thoughts and prayers…I’ll be thinking of you often as you grieve…Hug to you…



Sue VDB, I’m so sorry about Jassy.  You’ll be in my prayers and thoughts.  (((((Sue))))) from Bennie and me.

pug mama


Slow and steady wins the race!! 

Little Looney in the lead, with Baby Benny bringing up the rear!!!



we have had beautiful weather here in Florida great walking weather for the pugs I am with you Corrine I over indulged and need the walks just as much as the gang does
Heather both my boxers Baxter and Jasper are so good with the pugs the pugs might be a lot smaller but they let the boxers know they are the bosses of the house
Sue VDB I am so sorry for your loss of Jassy you and Jassy will be in my prayers she will always be with you in your heart and waiting for you at the rainbow bridge



Sue VDB, I meant Jassy, not Jasper…my apologies for the slip-up…



The thing with pugs and their extra snacks is that they seem to burn off the calories with all the energy they expend in begging for those snacks.  You know, all the twirling, pacing, and trailing after you.  On the other hand, I just have that short walk from the kitchen and back to the sofa with hardly any energy used at all….



Another great picture of Benny, Henry, and Luna…even from behind smile  I’m with everybody else, my walkies are needed for me too!

Sue VDB, I’m so sorry to hear your sad news about Jassy.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers.  It’s so sad when our little furry ones leave us.  Hang on to all those wonderful memories.



Oh Sue VDB, I am so sorry to hear about Jassy.  Nineteen years is a good long life she had, but it’s never enough, is it.  The Swamp Pugs and I will have a moment of silence tonight after their treats.  That is the time they sit and listen to my concerns of OBP friends and their Pugs.  I realize they really are sitting and waiting for a small scoop of ice cream - just a taste - but I do have their attention then.  Sue, I hope you have many, many wonderful memories to help you through this time.

sue - What is it with Pugs and boxers?  Abby rules the roost around here and when Cooper bothers her, she takes off after him.  It is so funny.  Large Boxer, small Pug…and the winner is - Abby having chased him into the kitchen.

Pug hugs,
Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs

pug mama


Sue, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your beloved Jassy, it sounds like she had a wonderful 19 yrs with you.  Bless you, and take good care.



Greetings of the New Year to All!!
Just catching up on the posts…
my sympathies to you Sue VDB and your household, 19 years is so wonderful to have a pet. Prayers and wishes going out to you.
I haven’t made any resolutions (yet), I am however, thankful for family and friends and OBP people!!You help me thru each day, truly a blessing!



I want to thank everyone for their kind comments on the loss of my Jassy.  You guys are simply the greatest.  My pain is here, but more importantly, there is no pain for Jassy.

I sincerely hope this does not occur any more in the year 2011.

Hugs to all of you.  I am blessed to have such great virtual friends.

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