Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Post Beach

Benjamin and Luna

This was the scene on the way home from the beach. Quite different than the chaos on the way to the beach.

Sand, sun, people and pups tire the pugs out every time.

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aw how precious this is hugs to them all.

Minnie and Mack


Hey, this tires out the humans, too!  Sweet picture.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack

Sue VDB and Annie


No doubt they had a good time.  Did they snore all the way home?

Romeo did not snort or snore very much, but Annie does.



Contented pugs.. very sweet!
Sue VDB.. congrats with Annie!!  I had to go back several days to find out about her.  Your story was very heart warming (and tear provoking..I’m just sappy that way!  lol) I cannot wait to see some pictures of her   xoxo

Sue VDB and Annie


Thank you Pat.  She is quite the character.  When I return home from an errand she meets me at the door screaming her little head of with pure enjoyment of my return.

mary castagnoli


Nothin’ better than nappin’ in the backseat!  A good day for the pugsters.

I guess I missed SUE VDB’s news of her “new arrival, Annie” - will try to catch up.  In the meantime, sounds like you have a wonderful character on your hands (screaming her little head off when you come in the door).  Congrats and Best Wishes, SUE.



There will be no stopping on the way home at the Drive-thru for them!
The trip to the beach tired them out.



Sue VDB:  Congratulations to you and Annie. How sweet she is.
I missed your posted story about Annie last Monday and just found it and cried when I read it. How wonderful! If I lived closer I would organize a Pug-shower for you!



Benny and Luna look all tuckered out

Sue VDB I am so happy for you and Annie I got filled up reading about her I am sure Romeo is looking down smiling I cant wait to see pictures of her I think DFW pug rescue is great I donate to them

mary castagnoli


Kathleen/Sue VDB:  I second that emotion!  Annie is a darling - and looks like a little Annie (but no “orphan” is SHE!!)  So glad you have a new buddy to make your heart smile and what a wonderful and timely letter from the acupuncture vet.  Romeo is definitely watching over you and yipping his approval!



Sweet tired babies. Great picture!

Hooray for Annie and Sue VDB!!!

Pug Hugs to all from Bell & me (and Susie Dog the doxie)



All the beach pictures have been great!  I always feel so contented when I am with dogs who are tuckered out from fun we’ve had together!

And oh Sue!  Again I say, I’m sooooo happy for you!

Sue + Annie = True ♥

Amy *Mushu's mom*


Sue VDB she is just adorable!!
Outside pugs!! Everyone should know pugs (all dogs as far as I’m concerned) belong on couches.  smile



Sue VDB had trouble posting for several days but now her “announcement” has gone through on Monday’s blog in case anyone missed it.

Sue, those pictures of Annie are above being adorable.  I liked the one of her screaming at mommy and the one of Ben holding her especially.  When you said she was only 12 pounds, I hadn’t a clue how small that really was.  That photo really shows it.  I think she’s even smaller than Luna.

Martha, you have a big heart and are much to be commended for finding Annie and getting her to Sue.  That’s “pug love” if I ever saw it.  What a blessing you have given Sue.



Opps.  Forgot to comment on today’s picture.  Luna is such a sweetie to let Benny lay his head on her.  What is it with pugs and needing to have chin rests.  Where’s Henry?  Don’t tell me he’s driving!

mary castagnoli


HUCKLE:  My theory is (chin rests):  It keeps their short little noses elevated, making for easier breathing.  snort, sniff, snort.

sue states


I’ll bet they have sweet puggie dreams dancing in their heads. SUE VDB-SO happy to hear about Annie-bet she will provide some fun stories for you to tell us. Pug hugs from the Colorado 4

Hellen Norton


What sweet worn out babies these guys are! Please give them an extra hug from me!

pug mama


CONGRATULATIONS SUE VDB AND ANNIE!!!!!!! FOREVER FRIENDS, I am glad you two found each other.  She looks like an absolute dear <3 I found the pictures and video, very worth the trouble to look her up cuz she is such a cutie patootie!!!  I am so happy for you wheeeeeeeeee!!!!  Lily says Hi smile

Sue VDB and Annie


Thank you everyone for your lovely comments about Annie.  She makes me laugh, especially when I come home after being gone.  I have never had a dog scream at me with delight at seeing me come through the door. I’m enjoying every minute of it.

Lilo N me (Aka Gwen)


A scream of delight? Wow. Maybe what I have been taking as a tongue lashing for leaving Lilo home is more a welcome home.

Sue VDB and Annie


Gwen, if Lilo is very excited while screaming, that is a sound of pure enthusiasm.  I better not be in a hurry when I get home, because I have to either sit down by the door or carefully move to the sofa, where the screaming subsides but she is all over me with kisses…and I mean all over.  It is at least 5 minutes before I can do anything else.

Lilo N me (Aka Gwen)


Wow. Thanx for the enlightenment Sue!  She only started doing this when I was off this summer with my back. At least I think that’s when I noticed it. I will have to see if I have a video of it still so I can upload it. I also have to sit down on the inside steps and let her settle down. The sad part is she gets Tux going too and he goes in the ex-pen when we are gone as he won’t leave her alone. He’s a puppy and she will only tolerate him biting at her for so long as she is the ripe old age of 4. (she’s already getting some white under her chin since he came). Unfortunately she’s not much of a kisser except for my brother. But Tux makes up for it with all his lovin.

Lilo n me n Tux

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