Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, October 23, 2013



Benjamin also suffers from trachea issues and has a nice goose honk cough. However, last week, Benny's goose honk cough took a turn for the worse and got very wet sounding. It also became much more chronic. Benny also became very lethargic. With his normal cough, Benny still goes on about his business, coughing all the way. With this new sounding cough, Benny was wiped out!

Knowing this was an upper respiratory issue, we skipped our regular vet and headed straight to the specialist. After waiting for chest x-rays we had our diagnosis - pneumonia.

Benny has been on antibiotics for a few days new and he is getting back to his normal goose honking self. I'm hoping we can totally kick the pneumonia so this condition does not keep recurring.

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Awwww, poor Benny!  Lots of breathing juju coming his way. Get well fast!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



Oh, Benny!  Feel better soon.  Bear hugs!



It’s always the good guys isn’t it…not that the others aren’t the good guys or don’t have problems…so I guess the others are just as important, you just worry about them all.  I go with Minnie, Mack and Mario as far as the juju.  Breathe safe little boy.



Oh Baby Benny. I will send extra prayers up and send good breathing juju too! Hugs and kisses Benny!

sue states


Sorry to hear Baby Benny has pneumonia-it’s hard on humans but with tinier lungs-it must be more so. Sending healing prayers, JUJU and lots of pug hugs for you Benny-get better soon. pastor sue & the Colorado 2

sue wooding


sending prayers up for baby Benny hope he is feeling better real soon



I am soooo sorry to read this about Benny.  Please give Baby B extra pets from all of us. 

And Benjamin will be in my prayers to respond well to his treatment!

Janice, Snuggles, Sassy, and Dixie


Praying for a speedy recovery.



Poor Benny! Hope he will be feeling better real soon. I just love that shot of him resting.



Benny boo Boo… sorry to hear your not feeling well.  Hope the meds will make you better really fast!

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