Owned by Pugs

Friday, July 7, 2006

Playing at the beach

Playing at the beach

There is just something about the sand that gets everyone fired up and ready to run.  Every time we go to the beach, the pugs run in and out of the water and all around the beach.  They run hard and they play hard.  In the picture above, Luna is in the process of pouncing on Benny and shortly after she lands, Henry is going to pommel both of them.

Before we adopted Luna they told us that she was just a little girl.  I wasn’t concerned at first because I thought it would be cool to have a little one running around and I really didn’t think she would be much smaller than Baby Benny.  However, when I met her, all that kept running through my head was this girl is tiny.  Both of the boys tower over her!  Soaking wet Luna only weighs about 12lbs and Henry has at least 10lbs on her.

After meeting Luna and seeing how tiny she is and knowing how rough the boys play I became very concerned and I was just sure that the boys were going to hurt Luna while everyone was playing.  My worries were all put to rest the first moment the three of them started playing.  Luna is a spitfire!  She is quick, agile, extremely flexible and possibly plays the roughest of the three.

The beach is a great place for her to let loose and burn off some of her energy.  The boys just love to have her chase them and I am glad that she doesn’t make it easy on them.  She really keeps the boys on their toes.

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Our little Miko is 12 lbs too - and sometimes I feel like she is so fragile - but they play and roughhouse so much I really don’t need to worry about her too much. She can hold her own.



Yeah, even if a pug is little, they can hold their own! When Lucy was a baby, she and her brothers, sisters, half-brothers and half-sisters (there were two litters with the same dad), she could even tackle the big black pugs that weighed 2 pounds more than her, she was still leader of the “Pug Pack”. GO PETITE PUGS!!!

Jackson Dunes


My “Pug” loves the beach, too! For me, though, it’s less about the breed than about the lifestyle. But anytime you can put the words Pug and Beach together only good things can happen!

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