Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Benjamin & Henry

This is a shot of the boys after their bath a few weeks ago, but lately Benjamin & Henry have been romping around the house more and more. When they were pups it was all play all the time, then Luna came along and they each had someone more interesting to play with. Then they decided that sitting on the couch is more fun than chasing each other.

But, lately, they are back to wrestling around for a bit in the evenings, usually right before we go on our walk. The roughhousing doesn't last nearly as long as it did when they were pups, but it still makes me smile to see them play even a little bit. While they are many years older, their style of play hasn't changed much at all. Benny still likes to nip at Henry's ankles and Henry loves to grab hold of that big ole wrinkle on the side of Benny's face and pull him around the house. Boys!

On a side note, I received an email from Grannygoogs early this morning. Looks like she is back online. I will make sure that she receives today's Daily Pug Picture and hopefully we will see her around soon.

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What a joyful picture of the boys…Henry biting Benny’s wrinkle. Just the picture makes me smile.

Hope to see Grannygoogs…welcome back.



Love this action shot.  Wrestling is a rare commodity around our house too, but it definitely still takes place and makes me smile each and every time.  I love that the boys have each other and their awesome Sis to play with!  Have fun gang and Henry…be gentle with Benny’s delicious wrinkles!



This picture is so nifty and I really feel as if I am right there watching the antics. 

Actually, I was glad to hear about the boys not playing like they used to.  I was concerned with my black ones because when they first got here, they played, they romped with each other, everything was new and to be investigated.  Even Abby showed a lot more life then.  Over the months since then they have become more sedentary and I thought I was doing something wrong.  I guess it’s just a Pug thing.

Grannygoogs new address is okidebby@gmail.com for now but may change.



Huckle, it’s funny you say that b/c I almost asked all of you last week if you ever wondered if your puggers get bored.  This is me totally projecting onto the boys, but sometimes I wonder if they aren’t “engaged” enough with toys, etc. because they (ummmm, we….*duck*) do quite a majorioty of “relaxing”.  My rational mind knows the boys are quite happy and will do what they want when they want to, but every once in a while I have momma guilt that they’re not playing as much.



Benny and Henry look so cute playing my gang all five will be seven this year and they still play with there toys but not very much with each other but sometimes when they are out in the yard they will all start running chasing each other or chase the two boxers around they look so happy



I cant believe I forgot to mention I was glad you heard from grannygoogs and she is back on line I have missed her



One of my very favorite things is to watch two pugs play together!  It’s so entertaining and heartwarming and amusing!  My pug Bennie and my son’s pug Norman used to wrestle and chase each other all the time, and I just loved it!  They’ve both slowed down a bit though.

Maybe Hank and Baby Benny have gotten spring fever.  If that’s the case, I’m going to try to “infect” Bennie and Normie with it, too!

And I’m so glad Grannygoogs is coming back!

Karen B.


C.J. and Toeby do this EVERY time I say “Do you want to go out?” with lots of yipping and yapping and howling going on at the same time!  They fight all the way out the door and while it is entertaining, it also gets OLD after a while and it’s like, pipe down you two! 

Looking forward to hearing from Grannygoogs!



I must really be out of the loop b/c I don’t think I “know” grannygoogs…I’m thinking maybe she just posts on daily photos?  Or maybe I’m just loosing it…In any event, welcome back grannygoogs!



Heather, it must just be the way Pugs are.  I say that because Cooper2 plays a good portion of the time.  He hasn’t met a toy he didn’t like,  They are strewed all over - last night there were 9 of them he’d put in the computer room alone.  The funniest though is watching him race from one fence to another, knee deep in snow and breaking the crust of it by very fast running all the while he carrying a deflated (he did it) volleyball.  Up in the air it goes and he runs to where it will fall.  I think he needs snowshoes!

The other matter is still a problem.




Grannygoogs had been a faithful reader and poster at OBP for a long time, and then she didn’t have access to check on us for awhile.  (I don’t know if it was because she no longer had internet access or a computer.)  But she’s back!

And Grannygoogs lives in South Africa, and often has a “colorful” and fun observation to make on our beloved pugs.  Plus, she taught us the word Gobsmacked!  It can be used as, “That pug puppy is so cute I was gobsmacked!”

I’m glad you’re back, GG!



Love their puggy butts!!

sue s


I love watching the puggers play! proto & Solsie run through the house chasing each other or chasing plastic (Caps removed) bottles-they seem to love these more than regular toys! We do have an issue with Mr.Proto Puggers-he barks starting at 3,4 and sometimes 5 am! Any ideas? Glad to have GrannyGoogs back!!YEAH!! Pug-hugs from Sleepless in Colorado



what a cute photo they are so wonderful love seeing them have fun.



Sue S - do you crate them at night?  If so, I would move the crates in a room far away from your sleeping quarters.

There trying to ignore them if you think there really isn’t a reason for them getting up at night.  They should be old enough by now to last all night.  However, toughing it out for several nights may not be the way to go if you enjoy sleeping.

Another idea - would you think that using potty pads just at night be helpful?  If they sleep in your bed or on the floor nearby, this way they could quietly use them and you sleep.

I have to do that with Gracie.  She doesn’t get me up, she just uses the potty pad for one little poo each night (and that is AFTER she had gone potty just before bed.

I should talk, I still have a Boxer who refuses to be housetrained, so what do I know? smile



This post made me chuckle. Molly and Seamus for the most part don’t run around anymore. They’ve gotten set in their ways and the most they do is the very brief, very occasional wrestling (or as we call it “Puggie UFC”). However, we got a fantastic 3-yo foster pug this week and he has just snapped Seamus out of it. Seamus and he now play chase around the table, wrestle and have all kinds of fun. Reminds me of when I first got Seamus 5 years ago.

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