Owned by Pugs

Friday, May 4, 2007

Play With Me!

I wouldn’t say that Luna is a very barky dog.  She rarely barks at people or cars when they pass by the house.  However, she is very assertive and she will bark to tell you that she wants something.


The first time I noticed this was during dinner shortly after we adopted her.  We sat down to eat and all the pugs were at our feet hoping to get some scraps, when out of the blue, Luna just starts barking at us.  Demanding that we give her some.  Benjamin and Henry almost fell over when Luna did this because they know the most effective begging tactic is to put on your cutest face and look like you are starving.  Mommy falls for that every time.  Barking, whining and scratching, however, get you no where.

Luna also frequently barks at the boys when she wants them to play with her in the yard.  She usually barks at Henry and Henry is very good at ignoring her.  Here is a little clip of Benjamin, Henry & Luna playing in the yard the other night and Luna barking her head off because she wants Henry to chase her.  Notice how , in the beginning, Henry is totally tuning her out.

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That is an absolute riot!!  Had me laughing out loud.  Thanks for sharing…your videos (pictures, blogs…hah) of the three of them always brighten my day!



Maya B has the same quacky duck! 

I bought 2 of them when they came out for Easter. She loves to make it quack and then try to kill it.



Ha, I was watching the video and DeMilo didn’t make a peep until he heard HIS ducky in the video.  I should have gotten more than one since he has about destroyed his already.

Cotton B. Gross


Which one of them is snorting in the video? I think pug snorts are adorable. Does one of them snort more than the others?



They’re just like my two! My little girl always gets her way in the end!



Hilarious! It got our guys going; barking and snuffing and snorting and sneezing and running, And the quacking, what a hoot! Little Luna sure has spiced things up at your house.



Is it weird to request 24/7 video of your pugs?  I honestly can’t get enough of this blog.

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