Owned by Pugs

Monday, January 16, 2012



If you look very closely at Luna's ear in the picture you can see the piercing that is left from her double mast cell removal a year ago. She had one mast cell on the inner part of her ear and one on the outer part of her ear.

The hole is generally not noticeable, but from time to time it catches your eye. The important part is Luna is no worse for the wear. And the few people that have noticed it have suggested that we just get Luna a gauge. wink

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Minnie and Mack


If Luna decides to get a gauge, then she’d be one hip puggie!

Glad to hear they got it all and has recovered fully.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



Corrine, like you said “no worse for the wear”.  That is just a reminder of a very happy result.

Luna, this is such a sweet picture of you.  Wish I could just reach through the screen and smother you with smooches.



  You are such a beautiful little girl. Hugs and snorts…



Luna you are one very special puggie



Def…....and make it a pink one!!!!! lol LOVE IT!!!!!

Mary M.


What a sweet picture of La Luna!  I just love those close-up shots that show her beautiful eyelashes.



In addition to it being pink, maybe it could also have a bit of bling.  Luna is my role model in that she takes what life throws at her in stride.

And now I’ve learned that those thingys are called gauges.  I feel so hip now!



Martha, I had to google “what is a gauge?”, as I had no clue what a gauge is. Don’t know how hip I am now, but at least I won’t look like a deer in headlights should I hear that again.



Beautiful picture sweet Luna. I was pretty sure I knew what a gauge was but I had to google it too! smile  Pretty pretty girl!

If you have extra, I could use some prayers for my Dad and sis. They had to have their almost 9 year old yorkie to sleep today. He had a huge tumor in his abdomen and he was showing signs of being very uncomfortable. I went with him and my Dad held him. It was so sad but such a gift we can give them. This was their only dog and I don’t know if they will get another. They haven’t been without a dog since 1982! No joke. Anyway, thank you.

Pug hugs to all from Bella & me.

mary castagnoli


La Luna is such a natural beauty - she needs no other adornment.

GINA:  Special prayers and thought of comfort to your dad and sister. It’s good to know we take care of our fur-babies so they don’t live in pain - but so very hard to say goodbye.  So sorry.



Gina so sorry to hear about your Dads and sisters dog sending prayers it is so hard to lose one of our precious fur babies



Gina, so sorry to hear about your dad and sister having to put down their little yorkie, and bless you for being there for them.  They are in my prayers.

Friday, my friend Faye called me just devasted.  I told you two weeks ago she had to have her little Muffin put to sleep.  Friday she took her Gigi to the vet because she had such a bad cough.  She received an injection and while the vet was getting meds ready to go home with her, Gigi suddently went limp.  The vet was immediately back in the room, listened to her heart and said he was putting her in an oxygen tent, but before that happened she was gone.



Thank you ladies! Sue VDB, I am so sorry about your friend Faye. Please let her know I am praying for her. What a terrible loss for her. God Bless her.



Miss Luna, you are Divine!  Hard to believe it was one year ago.  You are a trooper.  We all have little scars, some more visable than others xo

Gina & Sue VDB.. sorry to hear the sad news for yoru families.  Sending prayers your way, please know your are all in my thoughts xo



Oh, I just like stories about Luna.  Talk about a sweetheart.  Wow, a year already.

Minnie and Mack, loved your videos.  In fact, I wish there were more.

Gina and Sue VDB, life just sucks sometimes.  I think it is especially hard when it’s a furbaby.  We love them like family so the grief is awful.  Prayers to your families.

Gina, you are such a good sister and daughter.  I can only imagine how horrendous this was especially that it was so soon after Pip.  I’m not so sure I could do it and I admire your stamina and love.



Minnie and Mack, just read all the comments.  These are great.  You two are adorale and Daisy is precious.



How sweet you are Luna! I think a diamond is in order!

pug mama (aka Jen)


I agree, Luna, you are due a diamond for that ear! 

Prayers for your dad, Gina.  And you too!



I spoke with Faye this afternoon, and told her my good friends at OBP were praying for her.  I could hear her tear up and express her gratitude.  She wanted me to be sure to thank you and say you are so sweet to do that for someone you don’t know.  I told her OBP people are a fantastic bunch.  Faye now lives about 3 hours away, and I miss her, and it hurts I can’t hug her right now.

pug mama (aka Jen)


Oh Sue, virtual hugs and real prayers for your friend Faye as well as you.  I know all too well about the grief of losing our precious babies.  Miss Abby has been gone 3 weeks now, and it seems like yesterday.  I miss her more everyday.  I think my heart will never heal.



Jen, (pug mama), thank you so much.  In your grief you still think of others.  We all know what you are going through.  You are right…your heart will never completely heal from this loss, but the pain will eventually lessen.  When you are ready, another baby will be waiting for you, and Abby will help you find that baby.  God bless you.



Prayers for Gina’s dad and sister and Sue VBD’s friend Faye.  And for everyone else, too, who can also use some prayers.



you are just precious miss luna.



Pug Mama ~ I’m so sorry. I know it still hurts but Sue VDB is right, time lessen the pain. I know it doesn’t seem like it but it’s true. Also, like Sue VDB said, when you are ready, a new baby will be waiting for you. They truly 100% help. They really do. God Bless you Jen!

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