Owned by Pugs

Monday, April 14, 2014

Part 3, The Finale:  How did G’Ma do?

Benjamin and Cupid

So, we think maybe G'Ma thought it was going to be a little easier than she originally envisioned it. It was hard work. Luna was not so cooperative with her breathing inhaler. While it really is a 2 person job, either of the OBP humans can do it alone in a pinch. But with Luna being, um, particular, shall we say, she did not want anything to do with G'Ma and the breathing tube.

The pugs were pretty cooperative overall, though. They ate their meals, did their business in the back yard, took their pills accordingly and settled into a mostly typical routine. Well, that was until bedtime. We had suggested that G'Ma sleep in the master bedroom bed so that the pugs would not be on heightened awareness through the night and they stay as close to routine as possible since they are serious creatures of habit. However, at bed time none of the pugs were having any that. So, poor G'Ma ended up sleeping on the sofa! And Henry slept up there with her and Benny on his bucket bed on the ottoman nearby and even Luna and the cat eventually joined her. So, there was G'Ma sharing the sofa with 2 dogs and a cat. I cannot imagine how horrible of a restless night sleep it was.

We have to confess. We did peak at the "cat cam" which is a remote camera we have in the house which was originally purchased just to monitor Cupid when we took the pugs to Maryland for a few days and left Cupid with Grammy and a neighbor tending to her here and there. We wanted to be sure we saw Cupid from time to time since due to her week of diabetes a while ago we know that she can have a flare up at any point and stress induces that scenario. Not sure if Cupid considers us leaving the house a vacation for her or if it stresses her out. So, we had gotten a kitty cam to watch her. So, we sneaked a peak on the kitty cam and saw G'Ma laid out on the sofa with animals everywhere and looking very uncomfortable.

Everything else seemed to go well. None of the critters were upset with us when we got home so that was nice. The Orioles won both of the games we watched. One against the Boston Red Sox and the other versus the Pittsburgh Pirates. So that was super cool. The weather was nice. We managed to stay almost completely free of anxiety which made the trip even more enjoyable. When we lived in Maryland we occasionally dropped the boys (pre-Luna) with G'Ma for an overnight. But that was 10 years ago. Since then we have not been away for an overnight. There have been times when one of us, of course, have been gone but not until a few weeks ago have we both been gone from the house overnight without them. We have taken them to the mountains, recently to Maryland, to the 1000 Pugs photo shoot in Miami (let's just say we are happy that we took a few of our own photos) and to a pug meet up several years ago. So, they usually go with us. They always get to go. But this time it was a 2 legged animal getaway only. And we all made it through. Thanks to G'Ma for coming down and biting off more than she expected to chew. And thanks to Grammy for being there as a back up during this time if needed. And of course to Grammy every day for the love and work she puts in all time.

We truly could not make it work (we'd be homeless, penniless and likely pugless) if we didn't have the super support we have for our family of fur. Thanks to everyone for their continued support of this wacky OBP family! How would you do caring for this clan? I'd be surprised if your routines were not close to what we do or even crazier! To love a pug is to give everything and get wet sloppy kisses and piddles on the carpet back. grin It's all a day in the life at the home of senior pugs. #seniorsarestillcoolerthanpuppies

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Sue VDB and Annnie Fannie


I bet G-Ma was never happier to see anyone as when you returned home.  You have a very rigorous routine for your pugs which requires much work.  The pugs were evidently not as cooperative as they could be, but then they were testing G-Ma.

This is Annie Fannie’s second Gotcha Day.  I believe she is 3-4 years old, as there is no info on her actual birthday.  We are having a party with a Happy Birthday Pup Pie and fruitable bacon flavored treats.  She also is getting a pink/clear rhinestone necklace and will be celebrating with her sister Missy, and pg friends Zeus and Zippo.  Happy Gotcha Day my sweet, wild Annie.



Wow! Glad everyone survived. Silly pugs…testing G’Ma.  XO



I bet G’Ma didn’t mind one bit.  who can resist a pug? or three?
And happy birthday to Annie Fannie!!



G’Ma is a saint!!! It takes “two” of us just to administer Meiling’s eye drops!!!!! You are a
wonderful OBP family and Grammy and G’Ma are really special too!!!!

Happy Birthday Annie Fanny!!!!

sue wooding


I was thinking the same thing GMa must have been very happy to see you come home it is for love we do all these things for our fur babies I know I have my hands full with a full house of seniors but would not have it any other way
Happy Birthday Annie Fannie



Hooray for Grammy and G-Ma. I’m sure the pugs appreciated all of their hard work! I’m sure also that many of us have laid in an uncomfortable position just so our babies would be comfortable. smile

Happy Gotcha Day Annie Fannie!!!

brenda in texas


Glad y’all were able to get away for a few days. You are very blessed to have G -Ma and Grammy to help out. Happy Gotcha Day Annie



It was a big job, and three cheers for G-Ma!  She did great!  And I smiled hearing about her night on the couch, because essentially, it shows that SHE is now owned by your pugs!  The bed wasn’t working for them, so they convinced her to sleep on the couch instead!  They have her wrapped around their little paws, don’t they!  What a very nice thing G-Ma did, and I know Henry, Benjamin, Luna and Cupid love her and were happy to spend time with her!

Sue, please give Annie Fannie a big hug and kiss from me and Bennie and tell her to have fun at her party!

Sue States


Glad you had a relaxing time away-and G’MA, WAY TO GO! Our fur babies make our life complicated and meaningful-don’t know what I’d do without Daisey & Solsie-between the up-chuck,treats and having to cuddle-life is GOOD. Happy birthday Annie Fannie hope you have a lot of fun. Also, someone I just met with a senior pug told me pugs don’t completely close their eyes when they sleep so they have eye issues and said to get eye drops. Has anyone have their vet mention this? Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



Glad everyone survived. Have to laugh at Luna being a two person pug. My Wheezy can wiggle out of any hold I put on her. She hates having anything done to her.

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