Owned by Pugs

Monday, December 7, 2009

Out and About

Benjamin & Henry

The pugs on the way to the dog park.


Benjamin on the way home from the dog park. Look at that dirty face! You can tell he had a good time.

I must say I really like having a dog park so close to the house again. It sure is a lot easier to make a quick trip to the dog park, rather than having to drive about 30 minutes to get there. We get to squeeze in a lot more visits this way. Yesterday, after we got home from some holiday shopping, we loaded up the pugs real quick and headed to the park before it got dark. They had a great time and Solsey was in the mix of everything. She absolutely loves the dog park. I think she has the most fun out of all the pugs.

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Oh,boy car ride,mine have all that excitement in their eyes as they love going out to play especially at my friends house.



Benjamin you do a heart good…So handsome!  Sol, sounds like you’ve become quite the social butterfly!  I’m so happy you like the dog park!



Now that is one happy Pug!  This made me lol with joy.  Nothing beats a happy Pug face!

sue s


Benny looks like he had the most fun this outing-even with a dirty face you are still full of puggie cuteness!! We have had snow here in Colorado-and Beauty has been chasing the snow flakes! When it’s been above 20 degrees! Have a great Monday!  Pug-hugs from the Colorado 3



Benny’s face reflects pure joy.  So happy they get to enjoy the dog park frequently, and Solsey gets to do so much sniffing about.



Glad they have such a nice park to have fun in!  Sue’s right, Benny’s face is pure joy!



The weather looks so great there. We are getting snow today and Brandy refuses to go out,  and I dont blame her.  Wish I were in Florida :-(

Karen B


Yay!  Cer ride!  Dog park!  What more could you ask for?  Maybe a snack when ya get home?

Karen B


Sorry, CAR ride!  Oops!  Fat-fingered again!  Just got nails put on for the holidays and I can’t do a thing with them!



What fun!  Benny does look like he had a fun day!  Great for Precious Sol for having a wonderful time too smile



They are soo cute!! and Benny is pure joy.  What a happy boy!  henry seems so much more reservd!  They are like Felizx & Oscar, the odd couple!

Patty V


I love Benny’s smiling face!



What a wonderful smile to warm up my Monday!

Karen B


Heather, when is the Neuro visit?  Will keep all our fingers, toes, paws and dewclaws crossed that something will be found that is treatable for little Riley!  Prayers going up and coming your way!  Take care and please keep us informed.  I know there are lots of others out there that want to hear from you soon!

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