Owned by Pugs

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Our Little Trooper

I am happy to report that Sol is doing so much better this morning. When we picked her up last night she was completely zoned out. She had no reaction to seeing us, on the ride home she did not move an inch and when you looked into her sweet little eyes she just looked blank. When we got home, we set her up in her favorite puff ball bed and she got some must needed rest.

I would have been happy to let her stay in that bed all night, but I had no idea when the last time she went potty was. So, we let her snooze until about 8pm and at that time we thought we better take her out to try and go potty.

I scooped her up and we took her out front. I walked over to to the edge of the driveway and tried to stand her up in the grass, but she refused to stand up. She would not straighten her back legs, so when I tried to stand her up she would sit and then within 5 seconds she would just fall over. So, I picked her back up and put her in the puff ball bed and she snoozed a bit more.

Around 9pm, I was thinking that she must really need to go potty now, so we went back outside. Same result as when I took her out at 8pm. While she was laying there, we offered her a tiny bit of baby food. The vet said to offer her a tiny bit of food in the evening and see what she does. Plus, we had to give her two pills and hiding them in her food would get that task done quickly.

She was laying there with the food bowl at her feet, looking interested in yummy baby food, but also looking like eating is so much work - "I will need to move my head about 3 inches to get to the bowl." So I grabbed a spoon and that did the trick. So there we were laying in the middle of the driveway and I am feeding her baby food off of a spoon and Benjamin, Henry & Luna are standing at the door feeling ever so neglected because I never spoon feed them in the driveway.

After she ate, she resumed sleeping in the puff ball bed. At 11pm, all the pugs went out for their final potty of the night and once again, Sol would not stand up. So we were headed off to bed and Sol had not gone potty all night. I was a little worried about that and wondered what she was going to do in the middle of the night when she realized she had to go.

We put the puff ball bed in her normal sleeping spot on the bed thinking that if she did have a potty accident that the dog bed would be the only bed affected. Plus, she was very content sleeping in the puffy bed, so we didn't want to change things up.

She fell back asleep fast and about 2:30am I wake up to her panting. When I sit up to get a look at her she squirms to sit up too. At this point, I am thinking she surely has to go potty. So I scoop her up and take her outside and wouldn't you know she can walk! She stumbles around in the grass and finally goes potty. I bring her back in, put her in her bed and pet her a little bit and I can tell by looking at her eyes that she is feeling a ton better. Not a 100%, but much, much, much better. She has that Solsey look in her eyes again.

We all fall back asleep and around 3:30am she is panting again and looking a little restless. I pet her a bit, but she is not settling back down. I offer her some water, but she is not interested. I'm pretty sure at this point she is hungry. So off we go to the kitchen and I sit her down on the rug so I can get everyone's food ready and she comes running over to me doing her feed me now bark. I was so happy to hear that bark. She was tickled pink to be eating and this time no spoon was required.

After she ate, I took her out to try and go potty once again. I took her out front thinking she would go potty at the edge of the driveway and I would be able to see what she was doing better. I didn't put her on a leash because it was 3:30 in the morning and I kind just expected her to sit down or stand at the door to go back in.

Out we go and there goes Sol trotting down the driveway with me right next to her. I am pretty sure I know where she is going, a little spot at the end of the driveway, but she passes right by it and is on her way across the street like she does when she goes on a walk. Here it is at 3:30 in the morning and Sol is feeling like she wants to go on a walk. As tired as I was, I was so very happy because in the few hours since we had gone to bed, Sol was feeling and looking so much better!

Once we all settled in bed again, everyone slept soundly until it was time to get up for work today. Right now, Sol is sleeping in her normal spot in my office and while she is sore & tired, she is doing much better than she was last night. It is amazing what a few hours of sleep can do!

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This is a wonderful way to start the day!  I’m sorry we don’t have any pictures of you on the driveway, spoon feeding Sol!  The things we do for our babies!  Praise God that she is recovering so well.



In our house we call the dogs “the puppets”. 2 pugs, 1 french bulldog, and 1 maltese. I’m so glad to hear your little “puppet” is doing better today. I love all your puppets but sol really really gets to me. I could hardly wait to hear about her today…Get well soon sol…love, from your Maryland puppets!!!(annapolis)



Wonderful news!  I’m glad she is doing so much better smile  She is a little trooper for sure.  Sweet, sweet, little girl.  Hugs and kisses from everybody here.

sue s


Thanks Corrine for keeping us posted! So glad sweet SOl is moving along in recovery-She will probably be ‘leading the pack’ by the week-end! I think Benny, Henry & Luna were just making sure sister SOl was eating-after all—its a sure way to know a pug is feeling better! Peace & prayers from the Colorado 3-Beauty, Daisey & Me



Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!  I am so happy Granny Grunt’s is ready for walks at 3:30 am:)  Give her a great big hug and kiss from me, Hooie and Tina!



Wahoo Solsey!!  glad to heard she is up and about.  Corrine, You will definately be napping at your desk later this afternoon!



Oh my, Sweet Sol…What an evening you (and mom!) had!!!  The part about her not being able to stand and falling over made my stomach hurt…brought back memories of my Baxter doing the same…BUT the best news of all is that she seems to be fairing so incredibly well so soon after her surgery!!!  Sol, you are one of the strongest puggies I know and I love you!!!!  Have a restful day today.  Maybe mom will punch out early and go curl up with you for a puggie nap!



what great news we are all happy here the pugs and i send hugz and kisses to our sweet sol what a great day.I go through that if one of my pugs is not feeling well i sleep curled up next to them.



I’m sooooo glad she’s turned the corner from her after-surgery funk!  Hope her day goes well, and I “prescribe” naps all around for today.

Why do I always cry when I read about Sol? Pictures please!!! And please hug her for me!!!



Hi sweet Sol!
My name’s Pearl. I’m not sure if I have ever visited your blog before, but I heard you were having suregery and wanted to come over and check on you. I have loved reading about you and your puggie siblings!
I hope today is a good day for you. Keep taking your pain pills and get lots of rest, sweet girl!! You are so brave and strong!



I am so happy to hear sol is doing better I thought about her a lot yesterday and couldnt wait to get to my computer this mourning to see how she was doing but first things first feed my babies all eight of them you are a very good mommy give sol a hug for me

Patty B.


One day at a time.  Sol must be very sore and it’s perfectly normal not to want to move, eat, pee, or poop after surgery. I know that’s just how I felt after my surgery! But little Sol never ceases to amaze us.  She is the true Energizer Bunny.  She takes a licking and keeps on ticking!  We’re so proud of you, Sol, and just keep on feeling better each and every hour, each and every day.  We love you.  Keep on ticking baby!...Patty, Rocky, Adie and Gully



Sol is an amazing dog. I’m so happy Sol’s surgery went well and she’s feeling better.  I hope the tests all come out ok. You deserve pug parents of the year!



Thanks for the good news about our baby Sol. Toby and I have been praying for her. She probably didn’t have much fluid yesterday so didn’t have to go potty. What we do for our furry babies. You will all need puggy naps today.
I get tears in my eyes every time I see a picture of Sol. We are right here in Winter Haven and I am sending hugs and kisses air mail to Sol.



Glad to hear she’s up and around again.  Like you said, Corrine, amazing what a few hours sleep can do.  I hope you get to prove that statement on yourself SOON!

Karen B


Awesome news that Sol is up and about!  C.J., Toeby and I are all pulling for her!  Sounds like an exhausting night…Hopefully, you can get some rest now that she’s doing better.  Take care all!



I am so glad she is doing alright! Loved the fact she wanted to go on a walk. smile



I’m sorry you didn’t get much sleep, but I’m thrilled by the optimistic report.  Sol on a leashless walk at 3:30am, after surgery!  Funny!  It reminds me of my labrador Oliver years ago—he was 14, and had trouble walking.  But one day he just decided he needed a walk right NOW, and he “took off” down the sidewalk at his tottering pace, looking back to check our reaction at his uncharacteristic “bad” behavior.  Good spirit, Sol!  Keep it up!



What a wonderful post. I’m so happy. Huzzah!!! MUCH love to Sol! Now we just have the agonizing 7-10 day wait for the test results…



Great news! I was so worried when there was no post this morning til i checked the updates, whew!  Much love and tons of puggy kisses from the boys, we’re so happy and relieved you’re on the road to recovery, sweet little Sol!



Our little Petunia (10ys) had the smae reaction after going under for her teeth cleaning. I guess those senior pugs it takes longer to recover. We are happy to hear Sol is going good!

Patty V


I couldn’t wait to get online this morning to find out how Sol is doing today, and am so happy that she is recovering so well. She is one tough little doggy! I hope you both sleep well tonight smile



So glad to hear that Sol is recovering nicely and that her spirit came back at 3:30 AM!  Keep it up Sol.  Macy is rooting for you.



Our sweet Solsey is a fighter from the word go.  Sorry Corrine for your lack of sleep but I can imagine at 3:30 this morning you were floating on cloud 9.  Keep up the fantastic efforts sweetheart…we are all pulling for you.



What happy news!  What we do for our puggies!  Get better quick Sol - glad you are up and moving around!  Pug hugs and kisses, Magee & Dexter!



I am so happy Sol is doing better. Thank you for keeping us posted. Lots of love to you and all the babies!



I am sooooooo happy to hear that Sol is doing so well.  She really is a little trooper.  It’s awesome that she actually felt like going for a walk in the middle of the night…..you go girlfriend!

Every day will get a little easier for her.  Give her a soft little hug from me and Molly!  Love you Sol!



So glad to hear Sol is feeling better. And I know the relief Mommy felt also knowing she felt like eating & going to potty.

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