Owned by Pugs

Friday, March 3, 2006

One of Benny’s little quirks

Benjamin with his bone

We always joke that Benny is a little, old man that is set in his ways.  He has a certain routine for his day and he likes it that way. He doesn’t like it when his routine is interrupted or altered.

One of the things that he always does when he wants to settle in your lap is he always brings something with him.  It could be his puffy, a plush toy or even a bone.  Once in your lap, he shoves his face in yours and gives you a real close look at whatever he has brought you.  He doesn’t want you to take it from his mouth, he just wants you to get a real close look at it.  After he has showed it to you, he then settles and will hold on to whatever he has brought you for a few minutes until he has fallen asleep and dropped whatever was in his mouth.

This morning I had the pleasure of getting an up-close look at a soggy rawhide bone that he had been chewing earlier.  When he first started doing this as a puppy, it took us awhile to figure out what he wanted us to do as he was shoving all of these random things in our face.  But now we know it is just a Benny thing and it is all part of Benny’s endearing charm.


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LOL! That made me laugh; my guys do the exact opposite. Otis eats random crap off the floor, and hell or highwater, he is NOT going to show you.



My Chelsea used to do the same thing!  It was not, however, a good thing when she happened to get into the dirty clothes hamper and get ahold of a dirty sock.  That’s not something I wanted in my face.

Karen B


Benny, yet another priceless pug-ism!  Love it!



When Ruby to give us something, she tries to put it in our mouth. After all, that is where you carry things, right?

When she wants to show you something she wants to put it in your hand, but you aren’t supposed to take it from her.  Just touch it.

Funny little things.



Our youngest Henry likes to show off whatever he has in his mouth too, but he does it to anyone in the room. He will walk from my lap to Dad’s lap, cross over in front of Wilson, around and around, showing off his stuffie, or rawhide, or whatever he has, until he’s decided that we’re all sufficiently impressed

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