Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

On the Mend


Henry is home and is doing remarkably well. When we picked him up from the vet we certainly did not expect him to have as good of a night as he did. In fact, he almost didn't get to come home with us yesterday.

When we went to pick Henry up, he was quite frantic and pretty worked up. The vet said around 3pm he started to howl and whine in his crate. The howling got so bad that they let him out of his crate (thinking that that would calm him down). Not only did that not calm him down, it almost made things worse. He started pacing around the room. Fresh from surgery, he was getting himself very worked up.

When we got there, our vet expressed his concerns, but could see that our mere presence started to calm him down. So we decided it would be best that he goes home with us. Of course, we had a list of things we needed to monitor and strict advice to take him to the emergency vet if we had the slightest of doubts about how he was doing.

Henry was calmer, but still a tad worked up on the drive home from the vet. But, after about an hour of being home, he was a completely different dog. He was no longer panting, his breathing was no longer labored and he was much more relaxed.

We took turns sitting with him, trying to keep him comfortable, but you could tell that Henry wanted to get back to his normal routine as quickly as possible. When we sat down to scarf down a quick bite to eat, Henry wanted to lay in the spot that he always lays in when we eat dinner. He was ready for things to get back to normal.

He slept well through the night. There were a few times he was awake and sitting up, but his pain seemed to be under control. As I write this now, he is snoring away, getting some much needed rest.

Thank you for the well wishes yesterday! They were much needed and worked!

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Thank you so much for the good news about Henry.Prayers were answered.  Please keep us updatd on how he is doing.

tessa, Wally and Little P


Best, best wishes to Henry.  Get well little pug.



So thankful you are doing well, Henry!  Hugs and kisses!



Come on little man, you can do this!

sue wooding


I am so glad to hear Henry is home with his mommy and daddy we love you Henry



Yahoo!  Way to go Henry!  There really is no place like home.  Here’s to a speedy recovery!



Henry Strong!!!!! So glad to hear Henry is home and doing well!!!

pug mama


Sounds like home is where you need to be, Henry man.  You have two great nurses to tend to your every need, and lest we not forget QP for company.  Hang in there and get well soon, Henry <3

p.s.  Lily and I are going on an unplugged road trip the rest of the week, so we will “see” you all next week!



Thank you for updating us all.  Lots of prayers sent his way yesterday!  So glad Henry is comfortable now.  There’s no place like home.

Sue VDB and Annnie Fannie


I believe through his pain Henry was anxious about not being home, and thought he might never be home again.  After all he never saw Benny and Luna again after being at the vet.  He knew they had been there because he could smell it on you when you returned home. I believe these fur babies are much smarter and wiser than we give them credit for.

Heal well Henry, and live long.  We love you.

Gentle hugs and kisses from Sue VDB and Annie Fannie.



YEEESSS!!! Thank you God and St.Francis! One day at a time Henry…

Beth Lauters


So thankful Henry is doing well. Keep it Henry. You’ve got a hug group of pug lovers interceding for you and yor family.



I was so scared to open OBP this a.m. for fear of what might be waiting for me.  I was so very excited to see the good news.  Continued recovery sweet boy.

Brenda Cooper


I agree with Sue. Henry knew he would feel better away from that place. So glad to hear he had a good night at home. Prayers and love to you all for Henry’s quick recovery.

Janice Webb


Praying for a quick and uneventful recovery.
Janice, Snuggles, Sassy, and Dixie



So glad Henry is home and calm again. Like a few others said, “Theres no place like home.” Still praying Henry. Sending prayers and love! Henry Strong!



I am so glad that he got calmed down at home.  Poor guy had to put up with a really hard day yesterday—of course he wanted to be home!! 

Henry, get rested and be Henry Strong!!!
Bennie and Martha



This is SUCH a good report.  May there be complete recovery.

Sue States


Must say I was holding my breathe, then a sigh of relief hearing Henry is doing well. Prayers answered, and continued prayers for recovery & whatever lies ahead for him. God is good, all the time. Pug hugs & prayers from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



Whew!!! glad to henry is doing well, and so are you guys!  Hang in there Henry, get stronger eeryday! xo

PG and the AZ Pugs


Such a good report. There is nothing liking being home to make one feel better. Here’s to a speedy recovery.



So relieved he is home and now he can relax in a nice comfortable environment with you. Hope his recovery is quick and uneventful. Henry Strong!



speedy recovery!!!!

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