Owned by Pugs

Monday, June 11, 2012

Old Times

Luna and Benjamin

I got to work from home one day last week and it was just like old times here in the OBP household. It took the pugs a little while to figure out that I wasn't leaving for the day, but once I settled down in my office, they soon joined me. All and all, it was a very productive day for me. I forgot how much the sounds of pugs snoring keeps me focused and on task wink

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Minnie and Mack


We’re sure those were pug sounds of happiness, because mama got to work from home and be near!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario



aww just look at these sweet precious faces.Just having pugs in our lives keeps me very focused lol.Love you guys very much.

pug mama


It sure does work both ways.  I am sure everybody was more at ease, being in each other’s company.  Pug snores put me to sleep though, so I am not sure how that would have worked with being productive…...

Miss Lily is 6 months old now, she got spayed the end of May, and did pretty good once we got her pain under control.  She continues to be a little delite, and quite the funny girl.  Still hates the clicky thing, but we’re working on it, mostly just get blurry pictures though cuz she is Speedy Gonzalez!!!!



Since I retired, my pugs don’t think I should leave ever!! I tell them I’m going to buy food/cookies for the pugs, but they aren’t buying that line.



Is Benny wondering why Henry isn’t on his pillow and in the picture?  What a luxury to be working from home.  The pugs, and you, must have been so happy.

First acupuncture for Georgie is over and I am much encouraged for him.  Had a bit of an issue with traffic as road work was being done, but this is Ohio and nothing new. Not a problem with Michigan as nothing is ever done to the roads. The problem was the car and it not staying cool enough to keep Georgie comfortable so for the ride home, the vet gave me some ice packs.

No problem with getting the needles into him other than a slight wince on the one on his left paw.  The vet seemed more concerned about his breathing and placed a needle in a point where that would be helped.  There weren’t many needles although one was gold (I don’t quite understand the significance of that yet) but Georgie himself was ‘good as gold’.  For now Georgie is not to go up stairs (even doggy stairs), so I’m lugging him up from the outside, up from the floor to bed, or chair, etc.  He seems to think it’s funny.  Finally I borrowed a pet ramp from a friend for the patio door.  The others go up and down it quite fine, but not Georgie.  He sits and waits for me to physically walk him up and down it.  Maybe it’s payback for the needles.

My husband commented last night that Georgie seemed quite a bit better, and I think so also and not just wishful thinking.  He did trip once yesterday because he got down the doggy stairs from my chair before I could stop him.  Other than that, he’s been great. 

We go again next Friday and I really like this vet - kind of a James Harriott person.  He’s in his 60s and has been a vet for 40+ years so this isn’t a passing fancy or new-age type thing with him and it helped cement my husband’s acceptance of the whole thing.  The vet asked all sorts of questions, so much so that I forgot some of the things I wanted to ask.  I’m taking notes for next time.

Gracie is very upset with the attention Georgie is getting and has threatened to eat herself into oblivion (she’s already well on her way).  Abby doesn’t care.  She’s too busy making Taco Breath’s life miserable, she’s so bossy and grumbly, that she’s not paying attention to anything else and Cooper’s…well…Cooper.

Sorry to be so long.  It seems I always am even when I swear not to be.  At least this is the report so far and I think Georgie is so much better already that I’ll jump for joy for him (now THAT would be a sight no one would want to see).

Thank you all for your interest in Georgie.



It must have been a delight for the pugs to have mommy home for the day just like old times when I am sitting at my computer I have all six of them curled up in there doggie beds snoring away then you have to add the two boxers snoring and a little 11 pound peke
Huuckle glad to hear Georgie is doing better

Hellen Norton


Know this gang was really happy! Where was Luna? Under your feet I bet.



Oh, I forgot to mention that Georgie is to be fed 1/2 of the 1/3 of a can he gets!  Doesn’t seem that that would be enough food, but weight is the issue.  I’m now doing the same for all three pugs.

Also he said to try Rescue Remedy for his breathing issues.  I gave him some (that was a fight) and then he went to sleep.

Thought that information might be good for OBPers to know just in case.



With you working from home, to the pugs it must have been “business as they prefer”!  Any chance you can continue to work from home?

Huckle, I hope Georgie does really, really well.
♥♥ to Georgie

Sue VDB and Annie


I’m sure that was pure bliss all the way around, and sure you would like that scenario again all the time.

Huckle, I was so impressed what acupuncture did for my Romeo, that when Minnie showed up with back problems and her right hind leg moving in front of the left leg, I took her in for acupuncture.  She had her first treatment last Friday, and another one today along with laser, and goes back Friday for acupuncture.  Just like Romeo, these treatments will be spread out further.  Her exam today showed an improvement after her first tretment Friday.  I am a believer.



So am I, Sue VDB.  My husband thinks this is akin to service by a witch doctor but he’s slowly seeing the good in it.  Had to buy Rescue Remedy yesterday (I have four bottles around here and can’t find them), and he thought that was over the top.  Oh well!  But he would do anything for Georgie so he’s going along.

Freddy Smith


Nicely done! You mate really a professional blogger and I got this mentioned here is being so brilliant post. It was not only focused just inspiration but also pure productive day. Thanks! smile

Albert Eric


Wow!!! What a nice dog it is! It’s so pretty. Really I like it smile

Filip Earl


Nice! What a nice dog it is! Really is is fantastic. I have a dog. I love it very much

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