Owned by Pugs

Friday, July 8, 2005

Oh, Henry!

Henry has really been enjoying swimming lately - I would even say that he is enjoying it a bit too much.  He is completely confident in his swimming abilities (over confident in my opinion), so he has moved on to other more difficult water related activities.  His latest is jumping in the pool.  He loves to belly flop into the pool swim to the other end, climb out of the pool and then jump back in.

His other new favorite activity is going underwater!  I have no idea why he likes to do this, but while floating on his raft he will just stick his whole head underwater.  I think it first started because he was trying bite and fetch the logo that is silkscreened onto his raft (you know he has a fascination with fetching everything in the water).  Ever since then, it seems like he enjoys sticking his head under the water.

I don’t really think that him going under the water is that good of an idea.  I fuss at him whenever he does it, but I don’t really think I have gotten my point across to him yet.  And I guess if it scared him or if it hurt, he wouldn’t do it so much! 

Regardless, it is safe to say that Henry is definitely an odd bird!

(Oh, and incase you can’t tell that orange blob in the picture is Henry in his lifevest completely under the water)


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