Owned by Pugs

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Not to be Outdone


If Henry's super power is using his height to peer on table tops, Benny's is his ability to tame any pillow pile and arrange the pillows for maximum comfort.

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aahhh Benny “Pillow Whisperer”



Kiss on those delicious wrinkles, Ben…I love your power and tend to think of myself as quite the pillow wrangler as well…Would love to nap with you handsome!

Sue, how is Miss Abby doing?  Any news from the vet?



My precious little black pug, Luke passed away on July 18, of this year. It has been 2 very long months trying to get used to being without him. We still have our fawn Genevieve and our big dog, Mollie. But there has been a hole in our hearts without Luke. After much
prayer and thought, we decided to apply for a rescue pug. We have been approved !!!! We will get another 9 yr old black pug named Sir Luke. It has been a roller coaster of emotion but it is time to fill that empty space. We are so EXCITED !!!! I am a faithful reader everyday but don’t comment very often. Just wanted to let you all know that another pug from the wonderful DFW pug rescue will have a forever home. Thanks



Brenda - Sorry to hear of Luke’s passing… yes it leaves a huge hole.  Wonderful news for your family and Sir Luke, I wish you all much love and happiness.

The other night on TV (flicking thru channels) I came across a celebrity who had to make the decision to put down her beloved, but ill, pet.  The dog was a pug, and you could see he was sickly.  Brought tears to my eyes, and then seeing her make the decision to let him go, the water works started. Those funny little puggers sure know how to tug on the heart strings.



The perfect description of comfort is Benny and his pillows.  After all, he is the expert.

Brenda, I am so sorry over the loss of your Luke.  Yes, they do leave holes in our hearts.  But isn’t Sir Luke the lucky little pug…after all your prayers and thinking, this baby has found a very loving forever home.  Thank you for rescuing, and please update us on your Sir Luke when he arrives, and give him a big hug from OBPland…I’m sure everyone will agree.



Oh Benny~ I bet you are the perfect napping partner. Smooches to you!

Brenda~so sorry for your loss. They are like our children. Such a difficult thing to go through. Congrats on Sir Luke though! Let us know how it goes!

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip



Brenda, I’m sorry, too, about your wonderful Luke.  Congratulations on your upcoming “gotcha” of Sir Luke!!

And as to Benny!  You are definately the Master of Comfort!  It’s not easy. And it takes skill and diligence, but you always get it right, don’t you sweet-puggie?

Karen B.


They are both SUPER good at what they do, no argument there!



Benny you look so comfy and cute snoozing away guess you showed Henry you won’t be second and what about Miss Luna we havent seen pictures of her lately we need a Luna fix

Brenda I am so sorry of your loss of Luke my heart goes out to you and I want to thank you for deciding to rescue Sir Luke there are so many puggies looking for there forever homes

Abby update I took her to the vets this mourning for her bandage change he said everything looked good we are still waiting for the results I tried to get himto tell me what he thought and he said we just have to wait she does seem to be a little better each day she is still limping from her back problem but she is much perkier she does get a little uncomtable from her incision think I spelt that wrong but she does do the happy dance thats a good thing

Karen B.


sue, the happy dance is a wonderful sign…Still praying for positive outcome!



Sue, more good news on Abby. Still praying the rest of the news is good.  Sounds like little Abby is a fighter and a very happy pugger.

Wendy in TLH


Every time I think the pics can’t get any cuter, you come up with more! I love the last two postings. Can’t wait to see Luna top them. Haha. They are all three just the cutest! smile

Happy almost Friday to all!



Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement on adopting Sir Luke. It is amazing how we all feel about each other’s pugs.
Just like they were our own. I think about all the babies that I read about on OBP and I know pug lovers have to be some of the best people on earth. Life is too short not to have a pug to love.



Brenda, I am sorry about your Luke.  You have done a wonderful thing, though, in adopting.  My little Birdy was from DFW Pug Rescue and I was the blessed one!  She was an angel and I know it has been said before, but rescues KNOW what a gift they have been given and they are the best pets in the world.  It’s like they want to spend the rest of their live saying “thank you for making me part of the family.”



Brenda, I looked up your Sir Luke on DFW Pug Rescue.  He is a doll and sounds delightful.  Enjoy your new baby with many more years.  Hugs from Sue VDB and Romeo. (((((Sir Luke)))))



Brenda, I am so sad to hear of your Luke’s passing…It is like losing a piece of our soul, that I know.  Congrats on the adoption of Sir Luke…I’m going to have to snag a peek later tonight like Sue VDB did, but he’s a pugger…I know he’s fabulous!  My thoughts are with you as you heal from Luke’s loss and travel down the path with Sir Luke’s “gotcha day”!

Sleighbelle, you have me in tears about the words you wrote about our rescues…You are so right. 

Awww, I gotta get out of here and go give my boys a hug!  *sniff sniff*



Brenda, I just went to DFW pug rescue and looked at Sir Luke, too.  He’s one very handsome puggie!  I’m curious about his name.  Did they let you name him already, or did he already have that awesome name?  He’s a wonderful boy, and a lucky one to be getting ready to go to his forever home with you!

Ans speaking of DFW pug rescue, they’re having Pugoween on Oct. 17 at the Grapevine convention center.  I’m planning to be there with Bennie.  Are any of you other North Texans planning to go by any chance?



How come Benny has more “winkles” than the pillow?  He’s just got to have another “smoooooch”.

Brenda - What a wonderful thing you are doing getting a ‘recycled’ Pug.  I think you will be very content with your choice to do so.  It’s kind of like ‘who rescued who?’  Your loss of Luke is devestating.  Hang in there.  Cherish your memories and tell new Sir Luke all about him.

Wonderful sentiment, Sleighbelle.

Pug hugs &
Huckle chuckles

We are all quite a family, aren’t we?

Hellen Norton


Benny wish I could hug that precious face!!! Pug naps are a real must!!! Just ask my GiGi an older girl adopted from Pug Hearts of Houston almost two years ago. She is a clown, a pest and a lover all at the same time.

Brenda while your loss of Luke is very sad the gift of love to Sir Luke will help you. I still cry when I think of my puggies that have gone ahead but the joy GiGi brings is a big help.

Corrine - OBP


Hi Brenda,

I am very sorry to hear about Luke.  I know just how hard it can be.

I went to DFW and had a peek at Sir Luke.  He sure is a cutie!  I think it is fantastic that you are giving him a forever home.  All the best!



Brenda~ I’m a copy cat and went and peeked at Sir Luke too! Holy Crow he is a cutie! Love his little face! I’m so excited for you! My pug is black too so I have a special place in my heart for other black pugs.

What a treat! Let us know when you get him!

Pug Hugs ~ Gina and Pip!



Brenda I also went and had a peek at Sir Luke he is precious



Brenda… he is soooo cute!! What a precious boy!
heehee I too took a peek at DFW!  I wanted to take them all!!

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