Owned by Pugs

Friday, June 23, 2006

Not Guilty

Not Guilty

Not Guilty.  That was the plea that Benjamin entered the other morning when he was accused of stealing Cheerios out of my cereal bowl.  The only problem the pug faced was that there were witnesses that saw the little pug hop up on the kitchen chair and proceed to fill his chubby little cheeks with as many Cheerios as possible before someone realized what he was up to.

Sorry, Baby Benny, you were totally busted!  If your lucky and your play your cards right maybe we can work out some kind of plea bargain.

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My Pug, Emma, never even bothers to look remorseful after she steals my food.  Instead, she prances around as if she is proud of herself.

Nicole Davis


That’s what my pug does. Lucy will get food, and if you try to take it away from her, she hides it in her cheeks! She’s sooo funny!!!!!! =) =) =)

Nicole Davis


Pugs are so funny! Poor Baby Benny!!

Pyrite's peep


Benny you are a smart little puggy. If you end up going to trial we will rally round and get you the best defense team a pug could ever want! Would be neat to see you hopping up on the chair- I haven’t figured that one out yet, I only go up when I have a lap to land on:)

Hope you get some more cheerios this week!


Ivy M. Andrews


Poor Benny. My only little theif is Bugsy. He takes anything he can get his teeth around. He also gives me that “look”. Gotta love ‘em

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