Owned by Pugs

Thursday, July 3, 2008

No Rush

Getting ready to storm

This was the sight on Tuesday afternoon when I was out trying to get Henry to go potty.  I was getting ready to leave the house for a bit and needed to take the pugs out to do their business before I left.  Luna was up first and went right away.  Henry was next and in true Henry fashion he drug things out for as long as he possibly could.  I don’t know what it is about him, but it takes the boy forever to poop.  He likes to make a whole walk out of it.  And I don’t have unrealistic expectations.  I know he has to poop and he knows he has to poop, he just wants to walk a mile away from home to do it.

As we are standing on the corner and Henry is off in his own little world sniffing every blade of grass, I snapped this picture with my phone of the storm moving in.  To get home, we have to go back down the street, right towards the ominous cloud.  Henry wasn’t concerned.  We started to head back home, even though Henry never did his business, because I knew Benny still had to go out to go potty.  Benny would not be happy if I let Henry stay out until it started to rain and he had to head out for his turn in the rain.  So, I took Henry home and brought out Benny and the fear of getting wet made Benny go potty right away.  I brought Henry back out and he smelled around until it started to pour.  At that point, I was done.  We ran back home and Henry was grinning from ear-to-ear the whole way.

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What a dark and ominous sky!!
Henry is too funny… hope he managed to get “his business” completed!
Happy 4th to all tomorrow!



I have the opposite situation with Bennie.  Apparently he likes to see me carry “the bag” for as long as possible, because he usually goes ASAP.



A boy and his poop—it’s a beautiful thing!  Happy 4th everypug.



Henry is too funny.  What a Pug!



Hahah funny little guys! When we first got Gus, Indy would refuse to pee in the mornings when we went around the block (rain, shine or snow!) So since I was the last one leaving I would be forced to take her out again quickly before I left and she literally skipped along with a big grin because she got to go out again without Gus!! I put a stop to that pretty quickly..



I have just two words:  Wee-Wee Pads!



We think our pug Sequoia has “Pee pee ADD” we call it. She will circle and circle but as soon as any sound (a stick cracking, the wind blowing a leaf) she stops. Then she starts again. This can go on for hours it feels like sometimes. Good luck with Henry, we haven’t had any success with Sequoia yet.



Nothing is more frustrating than their refusal to go when you KNOW they have to go. Mine does that all the time because she just doesn’t want the fun of being outside to end.



I can’t complain about our guys, really.  They don’t seem to have any hidden agendas.  But, the best thing of all is that Biscuit does what we like to call the “box trick”.  It’s like a litterbox, but with newpaper instead of litter. (We tried all kinds of dog friendly litter and they just wanted to eat it.)  We got a poly box that’s used for mixing concrete, it’s about 2 x 3 and Biscuit does everything in there.  Even gets up in the night to go if he needs to.  It really handy when it’s raining.  Even though Biscuit gets a treat EVERY time we are aware the he goes (he comes to tell us if we don’t notice), Rascal just refuses to go in the box.  Stubborn little guys, huh.

Oh, BTW, did anybody else not get their daily email about the postings today?  Mine wasn’t there today, so I just came myself.



oooh - aren’t they funny? My Benee will go in the yard but Frankie - nope - have to have his walk and if I try to make it a short one - he holds out on me! They are so funny! I love their quirky little ways!
oooo again! I miss those ominious east coast skies! I miss the lightening and thunder! scary but such an energy.
Happy 4th to all!

Corrine - OBP


Carla - Nope you weren’t the only one, I forgot to send it out today.  Thanks for reminding me grin  My brain must already be enjoying the weekend!



ROFL.  That’s ok OBP.  At least you were honest.  I’d have believed…“oh, sorry, we must have had a computer glitch…” wink

BTW, I’ve seen that sky so many times before and I always feel like there has to be a tornado just around that corner or dropping down any minute.  It’s especially unsettling when you live in a mobile home. :-(

I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th, and no furbabies get too upset by the fireworks.  Someone near us was practicing when I took Rascal out at 11:00 last night, but he didn’t seem to notice until they set off a “sizzler”.  Then he didn’t bark, just gave a real gutteral soundins growl in that direction.

Happy Birthday USA and God Bless America and all our men and women who defend her.



The poor Pug Puppies must have been scared to death!!!!speaking of witch where are the adorable little things?!?!?

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